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Rev. Ali Smith


We Gather in the Spirit: A Pentecost Communion Liturgy

I offer this to anyone who can use it.  It's the Communion Liturgy we'll be using at Forest Hill United this upcoming Sunday.  (I apologize for the formatting.  It never seems to translate well to the blog.)

We Gather in the Spirit:

A Pentecost Communion Liturgy


The following was prepared by Rev. Ali Smith for Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 2012 at Forest Hill United Church in Fredericton. All words are by Ali Smith, except for the Prayer of Thanksgiving which was written by by John Moses from Gathering L/E/P 2012.


Communion will be served to you at your seat.

Please pass the tray to the person beyond you before taking

the sacrament yourself. He/she will hold the tray for you.

Then he/she will pass the tray on, and repeat the pattern.


Gluten-free bread is also available.

Please indicate if you would like this bread instead.


**Communion Hymn: To the tune of #377 VU Holy Spirit, Hear Us

(Words to verse 1 written by William H. Parker and verses 2 – 4 by Ali Smith)


1 Holy Spirit, hear us, 2 Holy Spirit, shine now

help us while we sing; in this holy place;

breathe into the music blow across our table;

of the praise we bring. fill it with God's grace.


3 Holy Spirit, feed us 4 Holy Spirit, send us

with the bread and wine; back into the street;

may we all be nourished may we be empowered to

in our feasting time. be Christ's hands and feet.


Invitation to the Table:


One: We come to the table --

All: all of us welcome.

One: We invite God to be part of us --

All: all of us breaking bread together.

One: We prepare to remember Jesus --

All: all of us touched by the Spirit of truth.

One: We hope to be empowered by our feast --

all of us with hearts burning inside

like the flame of Pentecost.


Prayer of Thanksgiving:


One: O God of creation,

whose Spirit stilled the waters of chaos,

whose breath filled all creatures with life,

we praise you.


O God of inspiration,

whose Spirit anointed kings and priests,

whose power emboldened the prophets of old,

we praise you.


O God of Jesus Christ,

whose Spirit descended dove-like on the man of Galilee,

whose glory shone in words of wisdom and deeds of love,

we praise you.


O God of Pentecost,

whose Spirit came to the faithful waiting at Jerusalem,

whose gifts empowered the church for service and witness,

we praise you.


Prayers of Concern:


One: We invite the Spirit of God

to blow through our lives and our world,

as we pray about the needs that surround us.


You are invited to respond to each section of the prayer.

When I say, “Your Spirit's touch brings life, O God,”

you'll say, “and we are thankful.”


Your Spirit's touch brings life, O God

All: and we are thankful.


One: We pray for those who have lost faith --

for those who have come ungrounded in their lives,

who see nothing but hopeless around them,

who feel distant from you, O God.


Your Spirit's touch brings life, O God

All: and we are thankful.


One: We pray for those who face challenge--

for those whose health is failing them,

who find money to be an obstacle,

who suffer oppression and injustice.


Your Spirit's touch brings life, O God

All: and we are thankful.


One: We pray for those who live apart from you--

for those who do not show love freely and abundantly,

who act selfishly,

who hurt others by their actions or inaction.


Your Spirit's touch brings life, O God

All: and we are thankful.


One: Spirit of God,

fill this world with your compassion.

Pour your love upon it.

Light it up with your power.

This was Jesus' vision

that he taught us to pray about

and we pray about it now, saying:


The Prayer of Jesus: (All)


Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.


Remembering Jesus at the Table:


One: When Jesus was at table with his friends,

he took bread, blessed and broke it,

and gave it to those who were gathered there.

And they were changed.


Continuing to offer hospitality,

he took a cup of wine and blessed it,

and passed it around the table.

And the holy was revealed.


This same meal is now offered to us.

We gladly accept it, knowing that

in any ordinary moment like this,

God can be revealed to us too.


All is now ready for you.


Distribution of the Elements


“This is my body, broken for you. Take and eat.” Bread is distributed.


“This is my blood, shed for you. Take and drink.” Juice is distributed.


Post-Communion Prayer:


One: Through the great Comforter, Advocate, our faithful Guide,

we have become a part of God's holy love.

And so we pray to the eternal one:


All: God of love,

as you have blessed this meal,

bless now our work and our words,

that we may extend your welcome to the world

in what we do and by who we are.

May the Spirit's power make it so. Amen.





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