tenxreality's picture




 so this has to be quick cause i need to urn but i need to vent so i can enjoy my night.

ok background- a really good friend is coming in from toronto this evening. her and i talked earlier and she let me know that her cousin was picking her up and she was going to spend some time with him, and then we will do lunch tomorrow. 

my other friend, who is also good friends with this person (she is a girl though) phones me today and asks if i want to go to the air port and surprise bird (ill call her that). i said that would be awesome however she is spending the night with him so really we would be driving to the airport to say hi missed you, see you tomorrow. plus, bird and i had talked earlier about seeing each  other for lunch tomorrow and i told godzilla about this. AND i had a bank appointment and i was planning on going to a campfire to see a friend i havnt seen since grad. i made these plans because bird was spending time her fam.

then, this afternoon i get this text from another friends wanting to go to the sheesha bar. i said i coudn't and i thought that she was coming to the fire with us. she said that she jsut figured i would be coming tonite because godzilla texted her and told her bird and her would be there tonite....... wtf?? 

so i dont know whether im being selfish but godzilla does this every time bird comes up- it is like she wants her all to herself. she hasnt even bothered to tell me that they are going to the sheesha bar. i made a point about telling her about lunch tomorrow. 

im not confrontational but damn, if one thing pisses me off, it is when other people do not respect others and when people play head games- i hate head games. i feel calling her and ripping a strip off of her. i fell like being an ass. i feel like trying to hust her. im not talking to her about it till after bird leaves.

the thing is that when bird asks why i am not there godzilla will tell her that i had made other plans tonite- yes i had, on the basis that we weren't doing anything tonite.

i needed to vent and now i need to go. srry about the spelling- hope it is readable.

your truly


ps- these are actual nicknames. i did not assign according to feelings towards either person.

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YouthWorker's picture



Is Godzilla the same female friend you mentioned in a thread a while back about the limo?


If it is, I think you need to distance yourself from this friend, if you can.  I don't know what your situation is -- big city or small town?  Is it easy to distance yourself from her?


I bet Australia can't come soon enough, eh?

tenxreality's picture



 haha your  right about australia for sure! but no this isn't the same person- i don't speak to the other girl. godzilla and i have been friends now for ages, but she does this all the time when ever bird comes to town. 
