triskele2012's picture



Advocate for grass.

When it comes to the conversation of drugs being bad or good, I'm an advocate for drugs being good.  By no means am I telling anyone to go buy an 8-ball and start snorting, because ususally, class a narcotics ARE generally terrible for your nose.  What I wan't to clear up are all these people's wild misconceptions on weed.  'The devil's grass'.  Hahaha, it's so ridiculous to hear parents freak out about their kids are smoking grass.  For god sakes, the cannibis plant in itself can save the whole world from destruction.  Look at the medical uses, look at the commercial uses.  The only reason we're taught to hate dope is because the medical, pharmeutical, oil and car companies feel threatened by the potential of cannibis sativa or hemp.

If you want me to proceed with the many uses, comment.  But right now, I just need to say that no one is entitled to say that any drug is bad or good if they haven't even tried it.  There's nothing worse than some square saying that marajuana is bad because the school constable said so.  For goddsakes, he probably toked a little while he was growing up.  People need to stop being led, and begin to think for themselves on these issues.  Of course the government is gonna propagate the situation, they don't want you to buy weed, becauase they aren't getting taxed for your purchases!  I hope some stoners come out and agree with me on this one.


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Dogfac3's picture



New too site hallow! I am inclined to agree with your points, being an occasional toker myself. I feel alcohol consumption is responsible for a lot more negative effects than weed, yet it is readily available. If you go to a courtroom and listen to charges read on assault cases or spousal abuse cases there is almost always alcohol related conditions, most impaired driving injury's are related to alcohol abuse as well. The government knows this but doesn't wage wars against booze. Just be responsible and don't inhale, look what it did for Clinton.    

martinhea's picture



I partly agree with your comments regarding the legalization of some substances over others...very hypocritical and typical of the government to pick the most addictive substances to make money off of.  As well, look at the statistics on diseases caused by alcohol and tobacco (Heart disease and Cancer are the #1 among these groups).  However, I know that I'd much rather relate to the world without mind altering substances period.  If there is something in this world that I can enjoy on a "pure" and un-encumbered level then I want in.  But, if the only way I can feel good is to "use" then I haven't really elevated my consciousness at all.  By the way...have you ever tried meditation?  Or going for a nice walk by the river in the fall?  Or fishing on a warm summers day....I'd argue that any of these experiences would rival the spiritual mana achieved through cannabis (and yes I have inhaled!).  God Bless!

Dogfac3's picture



Yes I've tried meditation, and find it quite relaxing, helps one get a good sleep. But I find a nice hit on the bong once and awhile quite relaxing as well. However in moderation; I like to see the world with clear eyes occasinally as well. Please excuse the spelling. I am high as f**k right now! lol

triskele2012's picture



Hahah right on Dogface, I plan to be soon too.  I find it ridiculous that kids are fed propaganda about things like weed, when they can walk home after school and get beaten by their dad because he's drunk.  I mean, where the hell are the "alcohol causes liver failure" sticker on the bottle?  We have to deal with seeing rotted out teeth on ciggy packages, so why not booze? (oh wait, I know why, because the government gets a hefty cheque from liver failure, and the substance that causes it). 

I'll say that nature and love and all that stuff can get you just as high as any drug, but c'mon, being the pessimist that I am, I'm not really expecting love to come my way.  That's why I love my bong.  Hahaha