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Allenford United Church

PO Box 134
Postal Code:
N0H 1A0

For over 130 years, Allenford United has been a church home to many in the village and surrounding community. It began as a Methodist church and was part of a circuit including Elsinore, North Derby, County line and Skipness. Since 1925 the congregation has been part of the United Church of Canada. The sanctuary featuring wooden trim, stained glass windows, padded pews and quiet colours provides an inviting space for worship. Visitors tell us they sense warmth and friendliness in our midst.

About the Service

Worship Time 9:45 a.m. We gather to share our experiences of God and through the use of traditional and modern music, prayers, scripture readings and reflections we discern and praise God's presence among us.  Lay leadership is welcome and encouraged !

About the Neighbourhood

Allenford is a welcoming little town. It is a safe community where parents feel comfortable raising their children. Here is an interesting little tid bit. To remember the postal code, just remember there are No Out Houses In Allenford Ontario. (N0H 1A0)

Quick Facts

Do you have any other clubs or organizations?

Allenford United Church currently has a Readers Club and a Women's Group. We also offer Mid Week Play Group on Wednesday mornings, Bible Study, monthly Youth Group Activities and a Bereavement Support Group.

Would our choir welcome more singing voices?


Is there a Sunday School?

Allenford United Church offers a Sunday School program for children during the worship service.

Who do I contact with questions?

Use the contact info above if you have any questions about the Allenford United Church.

What music is played during services?

Fran Gordon is the church organist. Sometimes, when others are willing to share their talents, the church is blessed with hearing other instruments as well.

What''s heavenly about your church?

The people.

How do people dress for service?

People dress the way they feel most comfortable.

What happens after the service?

Following worship, you are invited downstairs for coffee and snacks. There is also the occassional pot luck and Sunday brunches. Fundraisers are also a mix of work, food and fellowship.

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Church Wall