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Altona United Church

45 3rd Avenue South East, PO Box 698
Postal Code:
R0G 0B3
tel: 204-324-6741 or 204-324-6741

Our church has families ranging from teens to young families to boomers to older folks. We are one of the very few non-Mennonite churches in town, and we are the only church in town that offers free space to local community groups! We live by the gospel of inclusion, welcoming all people who would like to celebrate the good news of God's love in Jesus Christ. Our congregation is profoundly gifted in music, and we have a choir, a worship band, instrumentalists, and soloists. We are currently getting to know one another with a new minister who joined us in July of 2012. The fellowship and rich, deep conversations are a huge gift to all! Stop by if you are in town!

About the Service

Sunday at 11a.m.

TAB study group every Thursday morning at 930am

About the Neighbourhood

Altona is one hour south of Winnipeg. A hub of a progressive prairie community with a mixture of agriculture and manufacturing. A beautiful park and walking trails, a library, hospital, and schooling for all ages greets you.

Quick Facts

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact The church office by phone or email- Rev. Mel is usually there Tuesday thru Thursday from 930-Noon and later. Her home number is listed so feel free to contact her there as well!

What music is played during services?

A real variety. Hymns, songs, choruses, anthems, worship band music.

What's heavenly about your church?

The people and the amount of time we spend eating together!

How do people dress for service?

Casual. The balcony crowd like coffee upstairs.

What happens after the service?

People head quickly home for lunch, some talk in the parking lot or at the back. Coffee, tea, juice, and goodies are served before church every Sunday !

Altona United Church

Church Minister

Rev. Melanie (Mel) Kauppila

Mel, as she likes to be called, comes from a long tradition of storytellers and good cooks. Mel has a passion for all ages and enjoys sharing ideas and view points from the youngest to the oldest. She also thinks she has a good sense of humour- we beileve this to be true as well! Mel is also passionate about justice and ecumenism.


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