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Broadway United Church

1303 Broadmore Ave.
Thunder Bay
Postal Code:
P7E 2Y8
tel: 8075778633
fax: 8075778693

Broadway United Church is located on the south side of Thunder Bay (Westfort). As United Church members we "celebrate God's presence, live with respect in Creation, love and serve others, seek justice and resist evil" (New Creed). Our members say we are caring. We are a small church and congregation, with about 50 worshipers attending each Sunday. Our building is used by the community for adult and children's groups. In addition to faith and fellowship on Sundays, we build community through outreach and special occasions. We are known for our perogies, spaghetti suppers and Christmas Tea.Broadway United Church is located on the south side of Thunder Bay (Westfort). The church collects food for the food bank, pennies for a school milk program and funds for mission and service around the world.

About the Service

Worship service and Sunday School for children are Sundays at 11:15 a.m. A greeter welcomes people and provides a service bulletin to guide you through our traditional service.

About the Neighbourhood

Broadway United and our sister church, Pinegrove United are the smallest of the four United Churches on the south side of the city. Broadway United Church grew out of a need for youth programs for the many new Canadians who moved here in the early 1900s. Today many new families have moved to the area adding to the vibrancy of this city.

Quick Facts

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact the church office at 807-577-8633.

What music is played during services?

We have an organ and piano and a leader in music who makes both speak with soul. The congregation uses United Church music resources.

What's heavenly about your church?

The people, the worship, the music, the caring for each other, (and the perogies!)

How do people dress for service?

Some a little dressy, most casual - as you wish.

What happens before the service?

There is a social time starting around 10:30am. Onethe 1st Sunday there is usually a light breakfast served.

What happens after the service?

We often go to a restaurant for lunch. Everyone welcome.

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