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Carman United Church

7258 Vedder Rd.
British Columbia
Postal Code:
V2R 4E4
tel: 604-858-3223
fax: 604-858-0445

Carman United Church is a congregation with a rich hundred year plus history. While planning for the future we respect the past and embrace the change that lead to continued growth and vitality. Recent renovations to the building have made it more user-friendly for those with disabilities. Sound enhancement enables those with hearing difficulties to participate in the service. A built in change table, rocking chair, and small tables at the front of the santuary enable services to be more toddler/infant friendly. Please ask a greeter for more information about services for children. Sunday School runs from September until May (Details are on the Sunday School page of our website). Children join us for the beginning of the worship service and then go to Sunday School (if they wish). The first Sunday of every month is Communion and the children join us for the entire service.

About the Service

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome! Sunday School from Sept-May

Quick Facts

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact Elaine Hodgins in our office or Rev. Diane Astle.

What music is played during services?

A mix of organ and piano and occasionally trumpet or other brass instruments.

How do people dress for service?

We are a business/casual attire church.

What happens after the service?

We meet for coffee/tea/juice and light snacks in the lounge after every service. Please join us, we'd love to get to know you!

Carman United Church

Church Minister

Rev. Dianne Astle

Dianne Astle was ordained by Toronto Conference in 1998 after completing a Masters of Divinity at Emmanuel College. She has worked in paid accountable ministry since 1989, first as a lay minister in rural Alberta and then as a Staff Associate in a large church just outside of Toronto. As part of her training Dianne did an internship in Japan, where she experienced the joy of creating community with people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. She also shoveled pig manure as part of her internship, which was a new and not so joyful experience.

Dianne is married to Doug Astle, who has also served as a United Church minister. Together they are the parents of three grown children and have one grandchild. In her spare time Dianne has written an as yet unpublished novel for middle readers that has dragons and merfolk in it. She likes to downhill ski, golf and fish (particularly off the west coast of Vancouver Island) although competence cannot be claimed in any of these areas. She also likes to knit socks. An interest in geocaching is as yet unexplored.

Dianne is looking forward to serving as one minister among many at Carman United Church. She is looking forward to hearing your stories and telling her own so that the wonderful love of God revealed in Jesus, the Christ, who walks life’s road with us, might be celebrated.


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