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Centretown United Church

507 Bank St
Postal Code:
K2P 1Z5
tel: 613-232-9854

Located in Centretown Ottawa, the church is active in outreach to the community as the home of Centre 507 - a safe and supportive environment for members of our community who may be disadvantaged either economically or socially.

In addition the church is the home of the Centretown Emergency Food Centre, an initiative of the Centretown Churches Social Action Committee - an ecumenical group of 24 churches.

"Reaching Out in Centretown"

About the Service

Sundays 10:30 AM - All Welcome
Coffee Hour afterwards

About the Neighbourhood

Located in Centretown Ottawa, 1 block from the YMCA, 1 block from the bus station, and 1 block from the Candian Museum of Nature, the church is in a eclectic neighbourhood. It is in the midst of commercial enterprises on Bank Street and adjacent to a rent-to-income apartment building on the former church parking lot and across the street from an exclusive loft apartment building.

Quick Facts

What music is played during services?

Organ and piano during Sunday service with occassional trumpet, flute, and guitar.

What''s heavenly about your church?

The people.

How do people dress for service?

Mostly casual

What happens after the service?

Coffee, tea and cookies in the basement for those who want to stick around and chat.

Centretown United Church

Church Minister

Rev. David Illman-White, Rev. David Sherwin

David Illman-White is very supportive of the work the congregation is doing on social justice issues. His preaching style is conversational, without notes and done right in front of the congregation.


David Sherwin is our Pastoral Care minister, primarily visiting congregation members and filling in for David Illman-White on occasion.


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Church Wall
