Clairmont United Church

9915 - 100 Ave
Postal Code:
T0H 0W0
tel: 780-567-3406


"We welcome you to our community of caring where we celebrate the Christian story"


Welcome to the Clairmont United Church. Clairmont United Church is located in the Hamlet of Clairmont, Alberta, just a short ten minute drive from the City of Grande Prairie. Clairmont has a population of approximately 2,000 and the City of Grande Prairie has a population of over 50,000. Grande Prairie offers a variety of recreation facilities and many opportunities in arts and culture. It is the economic and cultural centre for the area and is the shopping mecca of the north with the most square feet of retail space and restaurant space per capita in Canada.

Ten minutes north of Clairmont lies the Town of Sexsmith. The main street in Sexsmith has been redesigned in the 1920's and 1930's theme. It is a very active community and an excellent place to raise a family. The County of Grande Prairie is located 460 km northwest of Edmonton and covers 3,438 square miles. The major economic activities in the County are Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Gas, Oil, Manufacturing, Construction and Tourism.

The Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, located in Grande Prairie, is an accredited health care facility that serves as a primary and secondary care facility within the immediate hospital district, as well as a Regional Referral Centre for the Northwest Region of Alberta. Grande Prairie Regional College serves the area well in the field of post secondary education.

About the Service

Our regular Sunday morning worship service is at 10:30 a.m starting with a short sing song. Sunday School and Youth activities are available every Sunday, from September to April Children join us for worship in the sanctuary and then leave to attend individual classes following "A Word for All Ages".

Clairmont United Church

Church Minister

Mary Blackburn

Clairmont United Church is very proud to have Mary Blackburn as our Minister.

Mary is married to Clyde and is the mother of 3 grown sons. Mary has worked as an R.N. and as a Children's care-giver. Mary began her ministry training in 2003 in association with the United Theological School, and has achieved certificates in Leadership Development (Centre for Christian Studies and University of Winnipeg), Pastoral Care Training in a Hospital Setting (Seminary Extension Program), Licensed Worship Leader Certificate Program (St. Stephen's College) and Naramata Centre Healing Pathway Phase 1 and Phase 2. Mary completed her studies for Recognized Designated Lay Minister in May 2007.

Mary is passionate about her faith, her family, justice and people of all ages and has been a wonderful addition to the community of caring at Clairmont United Church.


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Church Wall
