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Crescent United Church

2756-127 St.
British Columbia
Postal Code:
V4A 6L5
tel: 604-535-1166

FAITH IN ACTION! Crescent United Church is a mixed demographic congregation with a solid base of mature members, a style attractive to younger families and individuals, and a vibrant youth and childrens program. Our building rings with activities almost every day, offering outlets for the needs and talents of men and women of all ages in groups of like-minded persons. Our music program has a vitality that sets toes tapping and excites quiet souls. We welcome you to come and see who and what we are. Many have and today are counted as our members and friends. We invite you to see what "Faith In Action" looks like,  it is visible in our church!

About the Service

At 10:00am, with a pre-sing at 9:45am. Upbeat, inclusive, comfortably paced, while never losing sight of the solemnity and importance of the worship service and its traditional elements.

About the Neighbourhood

Crescent United Church is located in a predominantly residential area of South Surrey, a few kilometers above beautiful Crescent Beach, closely surrounded by a mix of light commercial, retail and parks. The nearby beach area offers dining experiences from coffee shops to full service restaurants. Our church houses a long-established commercial child daycare operation.

Quick Facts

Who do I contact with questions?

On Sunday, ushers answer questions. During the week, our church secretary provides info. Theological/faith questions: Rev. Scott Swanson.

What's heavenly about your church?

The persistent feeling that somethings happening here!

How do people dress for service?

Comfortably, gents often wear suit and tie, but casual wear is welcome. God doesn't notice clothes.

What happens after the service?

A din of conversation in the narthex, then many people come downstairs for coffee and more talk. Our Church's elevator serves all three floors.

What do you have for children and pre-teens?

They attend worship until Children's Time, whereupon they go out for programs in our Sunday School.

What do you have for babies?

We have an enclosed room at the back of our sanctuary where parents can be with their infants while being able to see and hear what is happening on the opposite side of the glass.

Can babies attend Sunday School?

Our tiniest ones and their parent(s) are welcome to use the enclosed room. Some parents opt to bring wee ones into the sanctuary and use the room should they become fussy or uncomfortable.

What regular programs do you have during the week?

Healing Touch - Mondays; Intercessory Prayer - Tuesdays; Crescent Walkers - Wednesdays; Senior Choir - Thursdays; Youth Discussion - Sundays. For more youth events, check the "Events Calendar" on our website.

What can I expect at the Sunday Service?

Scott's services are always exciting, challenging and fun. His sermons are thoughtful and typically relevant to current affairs or challenges to the faith community. Expect to sing, accompanied by an up to thirty voice mixed choir with jazz trained pianis

What music is played during services?

Contemporary and traditional hymns from both Voices United and More Voices United, accompanied primarily by piano, all under the direction of acclaimed musician David Proznick. Expect laughter. Expect to be moved.

What do you have for newcomers and how do you help newcomers to make friends?

Our greeters attempt to identify newcomers and immediately direct them to the person staffing our Guest Register table. Newcomers are quickly spotted in the pews and the hands of fellowship are extended.

Crescent United Church

Church Minister

Rev. Scott Swanson


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