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Dunbar Heights United Church

3525 W. 24th Ave.
British Columbia
Postal Code:
V6S 1L5
tel: 604 731 6420

We celebrate 100 years of faithful witness in 2014. DHUC began as a Sunday School for neighbourhood children in 1914 and we continue to value the spiritual lives, the energy and promise of children.

Dunbar Heights was established as a worshipping congregation in 1922 and has served the changing community since.  As a future-thinking congregation intent on maintaining a viable United Church presence on the west side of Vancouver, we are in conversation with other United Church congregations about a future together.

In the meantime, we are a vibrant congregation with worship that is is joyful, inclusive and inspiring. We have a lively new minister, Rev. Richar Bott. Cathy Cryder is Minister to a lively and growing children and family ministry. Linda McLaren serves as Pastoral Care Minister.

We have a strong music ministry under the direction of Dr. Greg Caisley that contributes to and deepens worship as well as invites new, experienced and growing singers. Dr. Elinor Chambers is our gifted organist.

Bible study, opportunities for spiritual growth, outreach activities are important parts of congregational life. This is an active church!

About the Service

10:00-11:15 every Sunday morning; children have a comfortable space to spend time before the All Ages time during the service. There is Nursery care for infants and toddlers and  Godly Play for all children and youth following the All Ages time. Children rejoin the congregation for monthly communion. Baptism is a joyful time shared with all the children.

About the Neighbourhood

Dunbar Heights is an established and stable neighbourhood on the west side of Vancouver. The neighbourhood is changing as families with young children move into the area. Many of these have become DHUC members. There is an elementary school one block from the church and other schools nearby; shops, restaurants and an active community centre are located close by.

Quick Facts

What's heavenly about your church?

The children, the music, prayers of reconciliation, thanks and concern, and the preaching.

What can I expect if I come to your service as a visitor?

You will be greeted at the door; you may bring your coffee and sit wherever you like. You can participate as much or as little as you are comfortable. All parts of the service are on screen and in a print bulletin.

How soon will I be expected to get more involved?

There is no expectation. People get involved in church committees, study groups and events only when they are comfortable to do so and can choose the kinds of activities that suit them.

How do people dress for service?

Comfortably and individually; everything from jeans and runners to suits and ties.

What music is played during services?

Classical, spirituals and sacred music on organ and piano; choir selections may be traditional, spiritual, modern or jazzy. Congregational singing is enthusiastic.

What happens after the service?

You'll be invited to stay for Fair Trade coffee, tea and juice in the gymnasium. After baptisms we have cake, too! All summer there is coffee on the lawn from 9:15 before worship.

Is your building handicapped accessible?

Yes, there is a ramp entrance on 24th Avenue which leads to main floor areas including the sanctuary, gymnasium, meeting rooms and office.

What programs are there for children and youth?

Cathy Cryder, Minister with hChildren, Youth and Families, inspires and leads the program for children, youth and families. Children's theme time and Godly Play are part of Sunday worship.

In what ways do youth participate in worship?

Children share their wonderings during the service; All Ages services are held several times during the year. Children and youth are actively involved in these services.

What programs are there for adult spiritual development?

These groups meet regularly: Healing Touch, Centering Prayer, Pastoral Care Team, Stitch & Chatter, Choir, coffee groups. Innovative Bible study and spiritual exploration are planned seasonally.

Are there mid-week groups for youth?

Not at present

Are there regular Outreach activities?

Concerts and Musical productions open to the community; a Halloween event for the community; congregational picnic and open house events.

Do you have a refugee sponsorship program?

Not at present

Does your church have a regular Outreach projects?

We supply needed clothing for women and children and household goods to Springhouse, a shelter for women and their children. We also support ministry of First United in the Downtown Eastside.

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact Sheila Sanders in our office, Cathy Cryder, Minister with children and families or Rev. Richard Bott. Use the contact info on the website to reach any of them.

Dunbar Heights United Church

Church Minister

Reverend Richard Bott

Rev. Richard began his ministry with Dunbar Heights in October 2013. He serves as Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care.


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DHUC picture gallery 1 year ago
by Webminister
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