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Elora United Church

75 Geddes St.
Postal Code:
N0B 1S0
tel: 519-846-0122

You can find us in the heart of Elora. Since ancient times the Grand River (just a couple of blocks away) has nourished life along its banks. That's a bit of a symbol of who we are as a church. Rich streams feed us. Especially, we are always experiencing the flow of Christ's Spirit through our life together. We have a vibrant mix of long-timers and newcomers, particularly young families and recent retirees. All this results in an energetic spirit. We blend the old and new. Our worship is relaxed, creative and inspiring. We take daring risks, are open to tough questions, and eager to follow Jesus in our day-to-day lives. We are a God-focussed, Christ-centred, and Spirit-led group of people, and we'd love to share this with you.

About the Service

Sundays, from 11:00 until about 12:15

About the Neighbourhood

One of our youth leads walking tours that dramatize important (and humorous) events in our town's history. Elora is old! (Maybe venerable is a better word.) Yet all around new homes are springing up and new people moving into town. Elora is new! Just like our church.

Quick Facts

Who Are We?

We are of all ages and walks. Many of us have joined EUC in the past few years and enjoy its openness. We are big enough so you won't stick out and small enough so you'll know you belong.

What's the Music Like in Worship?

We use a blend of traditional hymns and newer praise songs.

What Happens in Our Worship?

Someone (usually Greg) offers reflections on the Bible's meaning for us today. We pray, and experience healing, inspiration, challenge, and the life Jesus gives.

What Do You Have to Wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in. Some dress up. Others come casual. We have a relaxed style. Just no Speedo, please!

What About My Kids?

After starting all together, kids can leave for Children's Worship, a warm environment where they discover their identity in Christ. Some prefer to stay with their parents, and that is ok too

Anything for Youth?

There is a bi-weekly "Soul Shapers" group, where they can talk about themes that are being explored in the main worship time.

Where Do You Sit?

No seats are reserved. You can sit up close, or towards the back. Wherever you feel comfortable.

Should I Bring Money?

We do take a collection during worship, but please feel free to pass the plate by. Sharing your time with us is the gift we are most thankful for.

What Happens Afterwards?

After worship, you are welcome to come downstairs to our Fellowship Hall for some refreshments. It is also a good place to meet new people and find out more about us.

Who Do You Ask if You Have More Questions?

You can talk with one of our greeters, or anyone you saw leading the worship service. You can call Greg at the church office or send an email.

Elora United Church

Church Minister

Rev. Greg Smith-Young

Greg and Barb have 2 young children. Greg enjoys discovering how God's Story weaves into our stories. He loves learning, chatting and coffee shops. He follows football (Go, Irish!) and college and pro basketball (Duke/Raptors). Through the meanderings of life, Greg has discovered again and again the trustworthy goodness of God.


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