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Crossroads United Church

690 Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd
Postal Code:
K7M 1A2
tel: 613-542-9305

Welcome to Crossroads, a new United Church congregation in Kingston, ON, formed by the merger of St. Margaret's and Queen St. United on Jan 1, 2010.   You'll find that we are an welcoming and supportive congregation that gathers together to worship, seeks spiritual growth, and works humbly to advance God's justice in the world.

About the Service

Sunday worship service is at 10:30am. A senior choir, instrumentalists and the incorporation of visual projection technology enhance our worship.  About once a month, our "New Sounds" group of instrumentalists adds a contemporary flavour to our worship.

About the Neighbourhood

Located across from the Kingston Shopping Centre, Crossroads borders on two of Kingston's inner suburbs, Strathcona Park and Calvin Park. There is lots of parking at the rear of the church property.

Quick Facts

What music is played during services?

Something for all ages - a mixture of traditional and modern accompanied by organ or piano, clarinet and percussion. Plus the occasional new hymn from our "composer-in-residence".

What's heavenly about your church?

A congregation that is open to the new yet still appreciates the traditions of faith.

How do people dress for service?

Come as you are - Some dress casually, others are a little dressy, but the choice is up to you - you are accepted either way.

What happens after the service?

Coffee, tea and juice in the narthex for those who want to stick around and chat.

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact Karen in our office or Rev. Bill. Use the contact info above to reach either of them.

Crossroads United Church

Church Minister

Rev. Bill McAuslan


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