carolla's picture



Mental Health in Later Life

This week I came across a good educational resource regarding mental health - mainly depression at this point - in older adults.  Good short videos & information provided in easily understandable format.  


On the basis of discussion in other recent threads (Feeding the Elderly), I thought some of you might also find it of use.  Short bits differentiating bereavement & depression; commentary on risks of depression when moving to long term care facilities; presentation of depression in elderly folk; how to address concerns of self-harm & suicide; some interesting links.  All good stuff!

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When I was in hosp. in 2011 for emergency ulcer surgery the nurses kept asking me if I used a puffer, a cane, or a walker at home.  My answer was no, I didn't require any of these devices, and I still don't, hopefully never will.

My surgeon spoke up to them and said I should leave the hospital the same way as I came in meaning .....don't add problems that I didn't have before I came to hospital. I appreciated that. I can understand it must be hard to judge a senior's  emergency patient's condition never having seen them healthy and well before they came into hospital. 

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