somegirl's picture



Need help finding a church

I'm going to start looking for a more affirming church than the one that I was attending and I've been putting it off because I am a little nervous. 


I attend church with my mother and son and I am not out with either nor do I plan to be so it makes it a little awkward explaining why I want to change churches.  I did tell my mother that I wanted to go to a more affirming church that better reflected my beliefs.  I can see some problems explaining why I want to change (as in what is it to me).


Does anyone know of an affirming church in Dartmouth NS?  If I have to go too far afield it would definately raise a flag in my mother's mind.  The only UCC advertized on a local GBLT website is too far away.  Does anyone have any words of wisdom to get me started.  None of the websites for churches that I have gone to actually come out and say that they are affirming.


Thanks all.

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thebgf's picture



Thank you for your post.  You are very courageous in your endevours.  Perhaps you should look to see if there are any MCC (Metropolitan Community Church) churches in Dartmouth.  MCC is an openly gay church if you will.  Usually they are located inside a United Church.  MCC has a website, so Google them.   Remember, God is God, no matter where you worship!  Also remember that God accepts you for who you are!  Gay, straight, bi or thai!  LOL.  At any rate, I'm sure your family loves you, regardless.  It's only natural to be nervous.

In Pride, thebgf.

CDNRXBY's picture


image  is the website of the MCC in the HRM.  I hope you can find as much peace in the MCC there as I have here.  They are a wonderful and affirming denomination.

somegirl's picture



I've heard of Safe Harbour and I will check them out when my life settles down.  I've decided to put my church hunt on hold for a bit due to my mother's illness.  The people at my old church know her and I think that I may get some comfort and support there and I may be able to drum up some extra support for her.

Chance2's picture




Just a quick note of support. I hope you find a community that is supportive and nurturing. Even if you remain in your current church, you may consider finding other people to share and talk with, if only online. 

And though you probably do not want to go to far from home right now; if yo have a day or weekend, you may want to check out taking in a workshop or conference nearby that may have similarly minded people. I heard that Tatamagouche has some.

And if you cannot find a group or place, you can do what I did for a time, and get together with two (or more) other like-minded people I knew nearby, and gather together to pray, read scripture and share stories and thoughts.

I do wish you luck and blessing



Melchizedek's picture



Church shopping is easier after you sort out which part of your motivation is actually 'belief' .  Beware that you may find an affirming congregation which challenges your theological 'beliefs.'  There are GBLT preachers who would challenge your 'beliefs' just as there are straight preachers who challenge the theological beliefs of their flock. Jesus affirmed the oppressed but he also challenged 'beliefs.' Good luck

anneh's picture



Hi there,

A friend of mine let me now of your inquiry. I am the co-chair of the Affirming Ministry Program at Affirm United and also the chair of the Inclusivity Committee at Bedford United Church just outside Halifax (which may have been the Affirming Ministry you were referring to as being too far away, I'm not sure).


Bedford United and St. John's United Halifax (which is currently holding services at the Maritime Conservatory of Music while they replace their church) are both HRM Affirming Ministries. Tatamagouche Centre is an Affirming Ministry as well but it does not have a congregation because they are a one of four non-profit education, conference, and retreat centres of the United Church of Canada. Incidentally, they will be hosting the 2010 Affirm United Conference, which is wonderful for us Maritimers!


When the time is right for you, feel free to check out the following links: Bedford United Church, St. John's United Church Halifax and Affirm United.  , ,


I live in Halifax and drive to Bedford to go to church, so I think it's worth the drive. We have people who attend our church come from as far away as Cole Harbour and Eastern Passage.


By the way, MCC Safe Harbour worships at Veith House off Barrington St. I know several people who attend there. It's a very small congregation with about 20 people attending church each Sunday (at 11 am I believe).


Melchizedek gave some good advice regarding challenging theology in Affirming Ministries. You can expect to hear more open-minded discussions taking place in them - to start with they are already challenging the long held believe that homosexuality is a sin!


If you wish to talk "off-line" to learn more about Affirming Ministries, please do so by sending an e-mail to the address below. Anything sent to that address comes directly to me so you need not worry about someone else seeing it. 

' );


If for some reason you don't hear back from me at that e-mail address, check the Affirm United web site for another e-mail address there.


I hope your mother recovers soon. Take care,







