
Spirit Jam

This group will be helping co-ordinate a "Spirit Jam" at the More Franchises conference of the United Church in June, 2010. Leave your suggestions here concerning what instrument you play; when a good time(s) to get together during the conference might be; what music we might play;  if you have any music you would like to share with the participants; and any logistical concerns.

Spirit Jam

This group will be helping co-ordinate a "Spirit Jam" at the More Franchises conference of the United Church in June, 2010. Leave your suggestions here concerning what instrument you play; when a good time(s) to get together during the conference might be; what music we might play;  if you have any music you would like to share with the participants; and any logistical concerns.

Title Posted Typesort icon Comments Last comment
Room booked 4 years ago
by spiritbear
Group Post 4 years ago
by spiritbear
Latest update on meeting at More Franchises conference 4 years ago
by spiritbear
Group Post 4 years ago
by spiritbear
Spirit Jam
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spiritbear's picture



New posts welcomed!

Be the first to post your suggestions.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


Hi, Allan!

I am one of the three members of Virgo Music - Brian passed on your info about this group.  Great idea!  We love to jam!

spiritbear's picture



So, what's in the jam?

Now, if we could only figure out what should go into that jam...

Don't think this is carved in stone, but I'm wondering if a good place to start is with music that we might all be familiar with (perhaps some numbers from More Voices?).  I've got a few things to share, and could even bring a netbook computer (with music notation software) and portable printer if we needed to arrange or re-arrange something and then print it and take it home. Also good for making e-copies. I liked the idea last time of giving out memory sticks, but I thought at the time that they could have had lots more electronic resources that people could take home with them.  And that's another thing to think about. What would people like to take home, both in experiences and in hard resources that they can use?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


music selections

As you may know, Virgo Music is all about the electronic copies!  We do our notation on music software (Finale) and market our music through pdf versions that we email to the purchaser.  So, we're on board with creating a menu of electronic resources to provide to participants.  We work on laptops and since Brian lives in Toronto, we would be able to do printing, if necessary.

What music selections did you have in mind?  Did you want to create a suggested play list and circulate it for comments? Do you have original stuff you want to throw into the mix?  We would definitely be willing to toss some of our stuff in. 


Diana C's picture

Diana C



OK, I don't see anything different here from when you made the group private.  I think you see different options because you're the manager?  I'll post this and then go out and see if it is visible to the general public. 


Went out and could still see the post.  Next step check out help menus!


Yah, couldn't find any help menus.  You said the group is now private, which in theory means no one can join or leave.  Let's see if Brian can join.

loisjoy's picture



I'm in

Hi guys - I'm the Music United convenor for Bay of Quinte Conference, living in the Ottawa Valley.  I am Director of Music at my church as well, including choir, organ, piano and keyboard (and a little djembe) and consulting with clergy and other musicians.  I'm interested - defiitely! - in the Spirit Jam idea but sometimes it's hard to haul the keyboard places.  I would like it if there was a space with some kind of keyboard, digital piano or acoustic piano. 


Diana C's picture

Diana C


so when's the jam?

I attended the last More Franchises and I'm wondering how this Spirit Jam fits in with the schedule of workshops and papers.  Is there time and/or space allotted for us to use for this jam?  How do you see it fitting in with the rest of the programs?  I'm presenting a workshop, but it is in the first time slot.  After that I'm free except for the time when I want to attend a workshop and I haven't really decided on those selections yet.  Virgo was also hoping to have a display in the Book Room so that will also impact on free time since one of us will likely have to commit to being with the display.  So, I guess what I'm asking is, what is the vision for this event?

spiritbear's picture




At this point, no specific time has been allotted, i.e it's not like it is a workshop on its own. Workshops tend to be one-time affairs, and I would hope that we might arrange for something to happen not just on one day, but across several days. Perhaps we might meet over the lunch hour, or perhaps after the workshops are done for the day. The reason why lunch time appeals to me is that, depending on the venue, others (non-musicians) might actually get a taste of what we are doing, and might actually twig to the fact that there are a lot more musical possibilities that churches can support that what the are familiar with now.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


music breaks?

 So, basically we find a spot and jam at any break in the schedule?  Kind of like busking meets guerrilla marketing  - I like it!  As I recall, meals were off-site, so we'd need to catch the attention of folks during breaks and probably post something that shows when and where the next jam will be as well as maybe posting a request board so people can get into more participation rather than just being spectators.   I know pianos are not too portable, but I'm sure we can work with other instruments or none - there is nothing wrong with a cappella singing.  Having said that we do have a keyboard and a selection of other instruments that we can throw into the mix.  

So then, the question is what music do we want to introduce to people?  You mentioned MV - any particular songs you had in mind?  We can contribute original stuff as well that we have used at Faith.  We might want to consider a range of genres as well as being open to the movement of the group.  Sometimes you just have to open your mouth and let the Spirit take over!

spiritbear's picture



Finding a place

I'm sure we can arrange with the MF people for a location with a piano at a minimum. Might be a bit trickier if we want one in a more public location, but it may not be impossible. I will need to inquire about this. I think a more public location is really what is needed to give new music more of the exposure it needs among church people. I hope the musicians participating don't have too many qualms about doing this in public - after all, that's where we do music all the time. As long as this isn't seen as a performance, people will drop by, listen, leave, come back, and maybe even discuss as they wish, sort of like a multimedia poster session, where the multi part is added sound!   I'll definitely be bringing my clarinet along, so we won't need to go totally a capella. (Although I'm usually cast in a role of instrumental "cantor" where I keep the melody line going - I would really like to be able to work in some harmony and extemporaneous stuff).


I'll give some thoughts about what MV stuff might go over well. I only mention this source because by now, most musicians would be aware of it and have a copy. Although it would be really interesting to see what could be done with it - mixing instruments, tempos, rhythms etc.

DC, you say you have some of your own stuff - great!  Would you like to distribute some of it to participants beforehand or wait until the conference?  I have some original stuff too (some of which is still in the development stage - I wonder what we could do with that?).

Diana C's picture

Diana C


building interest

If there is a place with a piano that isn't too hidden away, that would work.  Otherwise, just a place with an outlet so we can plug in the keyboard would give us some support.  Bring your clarinet by all means!  And I think harmony and improv is the way to go!  We are totally not shy about singing in public, and encouraging spectators to join in will downplay any potential for the sessions to turn into performances.  I wonder about the use of paper and am thinking that if we have a spot with power, that a laptop and slides projecting the lyrics would eliminate unnecessary printing.  We could also encourage participants to suggest music they like or would like to learn.  We have three days to work with and it would be cool to get some synergy going.  


We will have a look at MV and at our own stuff and come up with some suggestions and if you and Lois  could do the same, then maybe we could "meet" back here in a couple of days to start to fill out the plan?  As Brian mentioned earlier, we are willing to come down to Kingston for a face-to-face so keep that in the back of your mind as well.





Faerenach's picture



My only concern/question is

My only concern/question is should I bring my cello in, is there any place to store it while I'm at the workshops/enjoying myself?  It's not exactly the most portable instrument!

Diana C's picture

Diana C


instrument storage

You raise a valid point about instrument storage that I had not even considered.  Obviously I won't be carrying the keyboard around either!  We will definitely have to check into that because we want people to bring instruments and jam away - the cello is a beautiful addition to any ensemble and I'm sure there are other folks with instruments we haven't thought of as well.  The other question it raises in my mind is making sure we have music for transposing instruments.  All stuff to think about and get working on!


Faerenach's picture



Glad to help!

Glad to help!

spiritbear's picture



All instruments welcomed

I play a transposing instrument myself (clarinet is in Bb). I've trained myself to transpose automatically from C, but I realize that not everyone can do that!  Given some time, I have transcriptional software that I can use to print out anything we need to transpose. I hope to bring a netbook computer and portable printer along so that if necessary, I can transpose and print on demand.

I often forget that not all instruments are as portable as the clarinet, so I will check on storage options.

Glad to have a different instrument to add to the mix!  I'm a firm believer that there's lots of musical talent that's available to be put to use during worship, but we just haven't been imaginative enough to incorporate. I'd like to do some exploration in new ways to work with those talents.

spiritbear's picture



Room booked

MF organizers have booked Rm 108 in Emmanuel College for us during lunchtime on each day. It does have a piano. Does anyone know anything about the layout of Emmanuel College that can comment on what this room might be like?  And apparantly, there may be access to a data projector.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


re: room booking

Good to have a home to work from!  Are we able to lock it up when not in use so that we can leave stuff in it?  Having a projector will make sharing music much easier and less paper-wasting so that is a bonus.  When will we know for sure if there is one?  Our church has a portable projector, but it is not the most current model and the resolution isn't great, but it will do in a pinch.  I would just need to know ahead of time and of course, would need to lock it up when not in use!

We are still sorting through music and trying to select what we would like to share.  It sounds like we will basically have three opportunities for sharing (three days at lunch time).  Should we be picking a theme for each session or just go with the flow?  It might be helpful for participants if they have some idea of what to expect as a starting point and then maybe we can branch from there. 

Another thought that comes to mind is, depending on where the room is and how included it is in the normal traffic pattern of the college, we may need to think about how to promote the sessions.

spiritbear's picture



About the room

We should probably pre-select some songs to start with for each day, but establishing a theme might be a bit too restrictive. I like a "go with the Spirit" approach, as long as we have a plan to fall back on if the Spirit gets a bit thin!

I suspect that the room booked for us is only available to us for that time, so I am still following up on having a separate room for locked instrument storage.  As for a projector, there could be a permanently mounted projector in the room, as this is becoming the rule in a lot of universities these days.  I will be taking my son to the ROM on Fri March 26, which is just across the street from Emmanuel, so I might have a chance to actually see the room in question, and if possible, I'll post a picture here. And yes, promoting the sessions will be important! 

Diana C's picture

Diana C


re: about the room

So, were you able to see the room?  What are the facilities like?  Now that Easter is over (a very successful cantata all written and presented, even with a band this year!), we are able to devote more time to this project so let us know what you need us to do!

spiritbear's picture



Room details and future planning

Yes, I was able to look at the room that was assigned for our use. It's basically a classroom on the first floor of Emmanuel (so it's accessible and not hard to find, and at the opposite end of the hall from where registration was taking place the last time).  It has seating for listeners (although standard lecture room seating - movable chairs, but with non-movable writing arms attached).  There is also a projector hard-wired into the ceiling, which usually means it is controlled by a console somewhere in the room.  I didn't see a piano, but maybe the plan was to roll one into the room from elsewhere.

Easter was busy around here too, but the busy-ness isn't over yet. I should let you know that I will be out of the country from April 20-31. 

In the meantime, one discussion I would like to get going is what music we should be looking at. I've suggested that we start with songs from More Voices, but only because most music types would have access to it and can bring it along. What will be especially interesting is what we will be able to do with what may be a quirky combination of instruments (but then, that's the same issue faced by many churches).  Song suggestions anyone?  Let's start a list. I also hope people will bring their own music or music they have been working on (I have a few pieces in development).

Final question - what are people doing for accommodation?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


some song suggestions

You mentioned beginning with More Voices as a starting point for some song selections so here are my favs:  3 - River, 23 - Come, O Holy Spirit, 26 - Your love is amazing, 30 - It's a song of praise to the Maker, 142 - Oh a song must rise, 144 - Like a healing stream, 145 - Draw the circle wide, 150 - Spirit God, be our breath, 154 - Deep in our hearts, 161 - I have called you by your name, 165 - There is a time, and 213 - Take up his song.  I would also suggest some of our own original stuff that you can find on our web site:  Your faith has healed you (, Come to me (, The greatest commandment (, hear us as we call out to you ( and Touch my heart (  There are others that are going up on the site in the next week, but this is a start at least.

I would also suggest that we look at some of the hymns in VU and update them with some rhythm (and blues, if that's appropriate) to give them a newer feel.  We have done that quite successfully with our congregation and it has been well-received.

spiritbear's picture



More about songs

re your comment, Diana,  about updating rhythms - a great idea. I'd love to find out how you handle this and to try it out.


Some additions to the More Voices list:

16 Come and Fill our hearts

57 I'll Praise Eternal God

82 Bathe me in your light

130 Rise Up, Rise up

135 Called by earth and sky

150 Spirit God, be our breath

216 Wherever you may go


So we should definitely bring our MV (and from what you're saying, VU as well).


Also - I notice that the links you gave have only partial scripts. Will you be bringing full versions for us to try? I'll be bringing some of my songs to try too.


Some things worth discussing when we are together - just how far can we go with congregational song? What kind of limitations should we keep in mind? Are there strategies for introducing the unfamiliar?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


congregational singing



I had forgotten that the links on our site only have samples.  Obviously since the songs are for sale, we're only offering bits for free!  I can send you the full copy and we would bring them with us to the session as well.


We have had some success introducing new songs through pre-service singing.  Some of the work is in choosing stuff that isn't too complicated for the average person to sing, in a reasonable key and make sure the choir is comfortable with the song to provide a strong voice from the front.  We do a New Song Sunday once a month for about 10 minutes before worship to introduce new material.   We have hymn books available, but I don't think many people pick them up (they're on a cart by the entrance door, we sit in chairs, no pews or racks to put books).  People follow the vocal and instrumental lead and read the lyrics off the screens. 


From time to time, we also rehearse music during the announcement time at the beginning of the service as well.  Another strategy is to introduce new songs that will be used for several weeks as an introit or closing piece and as the congregation gets comfortable with it, add new features to it over the weeks, e.g. second verse, new/enhanced rhythm, new instruments, etc.  Personally, I think the key is to pick stuff that is singable and people will join in.


You mentioned discussion when we are together.  Are you planning a pre-conference meeting or are you talking about when we're all downtown?

spiritbear's picture



Check out the latest

See the group post listed above for the latest details about Spirit Jam at the More Franchises conference.


Group Wall


spiritbear's picture



New posts welcomed!

Be the first to post your suggestions.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


Hi, Allan!

I am one of the three members of Virgo Music - Brian passed on your info about this group.  Great idea!  We love to jam!

spiritbear's picture



So, what's in the jam?

Now, if we could only figure out what should go into that jam...

Don't think this is carved in stone, but I'm wondering if a good place to start is with music that we might all be familiar with (perhaps some numbers from More Voices?).  I've got a few things to share, and could even bring a netbook computer (with music notation software) and portable printer if we needed to arrange or re-arrange something and then print it and take it home. Also good for making e-copies. I liked the idea last time of giving out memory sticks, but I thought at the time that they could have had lots more electronic resources that people could take home with them.  And that's another thing to think about. What would people like to take home, both in experiences and in hard resources that they can use?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


music selections

As you may know, Virgo Music is all about the electronic copies!  We do our notation on music software (Finale) and market our music through pdf versions that we email to the purchaser.  So, we're on board with creating a menu of electronic resources to provide to participants.  We work on laptops and since Brian lives in Toronto, we would be able to do printing, if necessary.

What music selections did you have in mind?  Did you want to create a suggested play list and circulate it for comments? Do you have original stuff you want to throw into the mix?  We would definitely be willing to toss some of our stuff in. 


Diana C's picture

Diana C



OK, I don't see anything different here from when you made the group private.  I think you see different options because you're the manager?  I'll post this and then go out and see if it is visible to the general public. 


Went out and could still see the post.  Next step check out help menus!


Yah, couldn't find any help menus.  You said the group is now private, which in theory means no one can join or leave.  Let's see if Brian can join.

loisjoy's picture



I'm in

Hi guys - I'm the Music United convenor for Bay of Quinte Conference, living in the Ottawa Valley.  I am Director of Music at my church as well, including choir, organ, piano and keyboard (and a little djembe) and consulting with clergy and other musicians.  I'm interested - defiitely! - in the Spirit Jam idea but sometimes it's hard to haul the keyboard places.  I would like it if there was a space with some kind of keyboard, digital piano or acoustic piano. 


Diana C's picture

Diana C


so when's the jam?

I attended the last More Franchises and I'm wondering how this Spirit Jam fits in with the schedule of workshops and papers.  Is there time and/or space allotted for us to use for this jam?  How do you see it fitting in with the rest of the programs?  I'm presenting a workshop, but it is in the first time slot.  After that I'm free except for the time when I want to attend a workshop and I haven't really decided on those selections yet.  Virgo was also hoping to have a display in the Book Room so that will also impact on free time since one of us will likely have to commit to being with the display.  So, I guess what I'm asking is, what is the vision for this event?

spiritbear's picture




At this point, no specific time has been allotted, i.e it's not like it is a workshop on its own. Workshops tend to be one-time affairs, and I would hope that we might arrange for something to happen not just on one day, but across several days. Perhaps we might meet over the lunch hour, or perhaps after the workshops are done for the day. The reason why lunch time appeals to me is that, depending on the venue, others (non-musicians) might actually get a taste of what we are doing, and might actually twig to the fact that there are a lot more musical possibilities that churches can support that what the are familiar with now.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


music breaks?

 So, basically we find a spot and jam at any break in the schedule?  Kind of like busking meets guerrilla marketing  - I like it!  As I recall, meals were off-site, so we'd need to catch the attention of folks during breaks and probably post something that shows when and where the next jam will be as well as maybe posting a request board so people can get into more participation rather than just being spectators.   I know pianos are not too portable, but I'm sure we can work with other instruments or none - there is nothing wrong with a cappella singing.  Having said that we do have a keyboard and a selection of other instruments that we can throw into the mix.  

So then, the question is what music do we want to introduce to people?  You mentioned MV - any particular songs you had in mind?  We can contribute original stuff as well that we have used at Faith.  We might want to consider a range of genres as well as being open to the movement of the group.  Sometimes you just have to open your mouth and let the Spirit take over!

spiritbear's picture



Finding a place

I'm sure we can arrange with the MF people for a location with a piano at a minimum. Might be a bit trickier if we want one in a more public location, but it may not be impossible. I will need to inquire about this. I think a more public location is really what is needed to give new music more of the exposure it needs among church people. I hope the musicians participating don't have too many qualms about doing this in public - after all, that's where we do music all the time. As long as this isn't seen as a performance, people will drop by, listen, leave, come back, and maybe even discuss as they wish, sort of like a multimedia poster session, where the multi part is added sound!   I'll definitely be bringing my clarinet along, so we won't need to go totally a capella. (Although I'm usually cast in a role of instrumental "cantor" where I keep the melody line going - I would really like to be able to work in some harmony and extemporaneous stuff).


I'll give some thoughts about what MV stuff might go over well. I only mention this source because by now, most musicians would be aware of it and have a copy. Although it would be really interesting to see what could be done with it - mixing instruments, tempos, rhythms etc.

DC, you say you have some of your own stuff - great!  Would you like to distribute some of it to participants beforehand or wait until the conference?  I have some original stuff too (some of which is still in the development stage - I wonder what we could do with that?).

Diana C's picture

Diana C


building interest

If there is a place with a piano that isn't too hidden away, that would work.  Otherwise, just a place with an outlet so we can plug in the keyboard would give us some support.  Bring your clarinet by all means!  And I think harmony and improv is the way to go!  We are totally not shy about singing in public, and encouraging spectators to join in will downplay any potential for the sessions to turn into performances.  I wonder about the use of paper and am thinking that if we have a spot with power, that a laptop and slides projecting the lyrics would eliminate unnecessary printing.  We could also encourage participants to suggest music they like or would like to learn.  We have three days to work with and it would be cool to get some synergy going.  


We will have a look at MV and at our own stuff and come up with some suggestions and if you and Lois  could do the same, then maybe we could "meet" back here in a couple of days to start to fill out the plan?  As Brian mentioned earlier, we are willing to come down to Kingston for a face-to-face so keep that in the back of your mind as well.





Faerenach's picture



My only concern/question is

My only concern/question is should I bring my cello in, is there any place to store it while I'm at the workshops/enjoying myself?  It's not exactly the most portable instrument!

Diana C's picture

Diana C


instrument storage

You raise a valid point about instrument storage that I had not even considered.  Obviously I won't be carrying the keyboard around either!  We will definitely have to check into that because we want people to bring instruments and jam away - the cello is a beautiful addition to any ensemble and I'm sure there are other folks with instruments we haven't thought of as well.  The other question it raises in my mind is making sure we have music for transposing instruments.  All stuff to think about and get working on!


Faerenach's picture



Glad to help!

Glad to help!

spiritbear's picture



All instruments welcomed

I play a transposing instrument myself (clarinet is in Bb). I've trained myself to transpose automatically from C, but I realize that not everyone can do that!  Given some time, I have transcriptional software that I can use to print out anything we need to transpose. I hope to bring a netbook computer and portable printer along so that if necessary, I can transpose and print on demand.

I often forget that not all instruments are as portable as the clarinet, so I will check on storage options.

Glad to have a different instrument to add to the mix!  I'm a firm believer that there's lots of musical talent that's available to be put to use during worship, but we just haven't been imaginative enough to incorporate. I'd like to do some exploration in new ways to work with those talents.

spiritbear's picture



Room booked

MF organizers have booked Rm 108 in Emmanuel College for us during lunchtime on each day. It does have a piano. Does anyone know anything about the layout of Emmanuel College that can comment on what this room might be like?  And apparantly, there may be access to a data projector.

Diana C's picture

Diana C


re: room booking

Good to have a home to work from!  Are we able to lock it up when not in use so that we can leave stuff in it?  Having a projector will make sharing music much easier and less paper-wasting so that is a bonus.  When will we know for sure if there is one?  Our church has a portable projector, but it is not the most current model and the resolution isn't great, but it will do in a pinch.  I would just need to know ahead of time and of course, would need to lock it up when not in use!

We are still sorting through music and trying to select what we would like to share.  It sounds like we will basically have three opportunities for sharing (three days at lunch time).  Should we be picking a theme for each session or just go with the flow?  It might be helpful for participants if they have some idea of what to expect as a starting point and then maybe we can branch from there. 

Another thought that comes to mind is, depending on where the room is and how included it is in the normal traffic pattern of the college, we may need to think about how to promote the sessions.

spiritbear's picture



About the room

We should probably pre-select some songs to start with for each day, but establishing a theme might be a bit too restrictive. I like a "go with the Spirit" approach, as long as we have a plan to fall back on if the Spirit gets a bit thin!

I suspect that the room booked for us is only available to us for that time, so I am still following up on having a separate room for locked instrument storage.  As for a projector, there could be a permanently mounted projector in the room, as this is becoming the rule in a lot of universities these days.  I will be taking my son to the ROM on Fri March 26, which is just across the street from Emmanuel, so I might have a chance to actually see the room in question, and if possible, I'll post a picture here. And yes, promoting the sessions will be important! 

Diana C's picture

Diana C


re: about the room

So, were you able to see the room?  What are the facilities like?  Now that Easter is over (a very successful cantata all written and presented, even with a band this year!), we are able to devote more time to this project so let us know what you need us to do!

spiritbear's picture



Room details and future planning

Yes, I was able to look at the room that was assigned for our use. It's basically a classroom on the first floor of Emmanuel (so it's accessible and not hard to find, and at the opposite end of the hall from where registration was taking place the last time).  It has seating for listeners (although standard lecture room seating - movable chairs, but with non-movable writing arms attached).  There is also a projector hard-wired into the ceiling, which usually means it is controlled by a console somewhere in the room.  I didn't see a piano, but maybe the plan was to roll one into the room from elsewhere.

Easter was busy around here too, but the busy-ness isn't over yet. I should let you know that I will be out of the country from April 20-31. 

In the meantime, one discussion I would like to get going is what music we should be looking at. I've suggested that we start with songs from More Voices, but only because most music types would have access to it and can bring it along. What will be especially interesting is what we will be able to do with what may be a quirky combination of instruments (but then, that's the same issue faced by many churches).  Song suggestions anyone?  Let's start a list. I also hope people will bring their own music or music they have been working on (I have a few pieces in development).

Final question - what are people doing for accommodation?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


some song suggestions

You mentioned beginning with More Voices as a starting point for some song selections so here are my favs:  3 - River, 23 - Come, O Holy Spirit, 26 - Your love is amazing, 30 - It's a song of praise to the Maker, 142 - Oh a song must rise, 144 - Like a healing stream, 145 - Draw the circle wide, 150 - Spirit God, be our breath, 154 - Deep in our hearts, 161 - I have called you by your name, 165 - There is a time, and 213 - Take up his song.  I would also suggest some of our own original stuff that you can find on our web site:  Your faith has healed you (, Come to me (, The greatest commandment (, hear us as we call out to you ( and Touch my heart (  There are others that are going up on the site in the next week, but this is a start at least.

I would also suggest that we look at some of the hymns in VU and update them with some rhythm (and blues, if that's appropriate) to give them a newer feel.  We have done that quite successfully with our congregation and it has been well-received.

spiritbear's picture



More about songs

re your comment, Diana,  about updating rhythms - a great idea. I'd love to find out how you handle this and to try it out.


Some additions to the More Voices list:

16 Come and Fill our hearts

57 I'll Praise Eternal God

82 Bathe me in your light

130 Rise Up, Rise up

135 Called by earth and sky

150 Spirit God, be our breath

216 Wherever you may go


So we should definitely bring our MV (and from what you're saying, VU as well).


Also - I notice that the links you gave have only partial scripts. Will you be bringing full versions for us to try? I'll be bringing some of my songs to try too.


Some things worth discussing when we are together - just how far can we go with congregational song? What kind of limitations should we keep in mind? Are there strategies for introducing the unfamiliar?

Diana C's picture

Diana C


congregational singing



I had forgotten that the links on our site only have samples.  Obviously since the songs are for sale, we're only offering bits for free!  I can send you the full copy and we would bring them with us to the session as well.


We have had some success introducing new songs through pre-service singing.  Some of the work is in choosing stuff that isn't too complicated for the average person to sing, in a reasonable key and make sure the choir is comfortable with the song to provide a strong voice from the front.  We do a New Song Sunday once a month for about 10 minutes before worship to introduce new material.   We have hymn books available, but I don't think many people pick them up (they're on a cart by the entrance door, we sit in chairs, no pews or racks to put books).  People follow the vocal and instrumental lead and read the lyrics off the screens. 


From time to time, we also rehearse music during the announcement time at the beginning of the service as well.  Another strategy is to introduce new songs that will be used for several weeks as an introit or closing piece and as the congregation gets comfortable with it, add new features to it over the weeks, e.g. second verse, new/enhanced rhythm, new instruments, etc.  Personally, I think the key is to pick stuff that is singable and people will join in.


You mentioned discussion when we are together.  Are you planning a pre-conference meeting or are you talking about when we're all downtown?

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Check out the latest

See the group post listed above for the latest details about Spirit Jam at the More Franchises conference.
