breaktown's picture



A Day Seeing Greg

Today was my one-year annual PET/CT scan at the Stollery Hospital. Due to the morning rush, i had to leave the house at 7:15 am and my mom drove to a place where the good times never stop.


I've come to realize over the past year that i hate needles. I don't hate them to the point that I scream and kick and make a fuss for gettng one. I just hate them enough that if it does not work the first time, I will feel so discourged that my vein has failed and silently cry tears of frustration. I laugh at myself to make whosever there more comfortable. And then i will tense up my entire body as the needle gets pulled out, with many apologies from the nurse (although we know that its not her fault) and put back in at another location-- perhaps my left arm this time.  All in all i got stabbed three times today within three minutes. that was fun.


Also, i had to take a pill.. a teeny white one that was supposed to dissolve uner my tongue. It was a sedative. It made me feel like sleeping and i ithnk i was walking like a drunk. It was supposed to last short term but im pretty sure I'm feelin the affects of that. I took it at 8 am..


And then there's Greg. He is the only upside to these hospital scans. Hes a 25-ish year old man in charge of the scanning goin down on floor 2. He has a medical degree in like 18 million different things but he chooses to work in radiology almost 24/7. thats his career.  Not only is he rather good looking, he is sarcasticly funny and ridiculously real, simply because its in his person to be that way. He makes me laugh, even as im drifting in and out of alertness and gettnig stabbed unsuccessfully by that stupid needle. Im just tinhkin that if every person just wanted to make everyone else happy... even the chicks who look like morning blah and are almost unconcious.. then i ithnk a large amount of the world's problems would be diminshed. ah well. just a thought.

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Freundly-Giant's picture



Is that why you weren't at school all day? How'd it go? Are you all good? I saw a thread called cancer's a bitch by musical mckenzie, and while it was loading I was thinking of the possibility of you going to the doctor and comming home and writting it and almost died. So are you all good?

WaterBuoy's picture




You read the surroundings well, if only we as inhumane creatures would take this advice you have noted and use hospitality instead of abstract rivalry as an idealism.

Hope you well and gutte,