Queer Parents

Hello! Just thought I'd make a wee space on the cafe to get a latte and chat with other rainbow parents who are striving to bring up healthy happy kids in a world that may or may not embrace their family.. Come on, pull up a chair...

Queer Parents

Hello! Just thought I'd make a wee space on the cafe to get a latte and chat with other rainbow parents who are striving to bring up healthy happy kids in a world that may or may not embrace their family.. Come on, pull up a chair...

Queer Parents

breaktown's picture



A Day Seeing Greg

Today was my one-year annual PET/CT scan at the Stollery Hospital. Due to the morning rush, i had to leave the house at 7:15 am and my mom drove to a place where the good times never stop.


Chrissy_Girl643's picture



Teen Mom In Need Of Advice

I am 15 years old currently living with my mother. I am 3 1/2 months pregnant, and things have been going okay. I was just wondering if anyone can give me advice. My mom doesn't know and I am afraid to tell her, because of what her reaction might be. My dad knows but he doesn't live near me. I am going to live with him in June. The baby isn't due until around July or August, so I haven't bothered to tell my mom. Why would I? I won't even be here. I am getting upset though that I have not told my mom because she keeps talking about how good I have been, and we are close.
