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Jim Kenney


Job as retold by Ralph Milton

Ralph Milton many years ago retold the story of Job.  I don't remember if he wrote in Readers' Theatre form or if that was my reworking of his story.  Here it is.


Job Retold by Ralph Milton
Narrator. There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job. Job lived a good & upright life.  He feared God& always did what was right. Job had seven sons & three daughters, & thousands of  sheep & camels & hundreds of  oxen & donkeys & many servants.  He was the richest & most powerful man in the region. Job's sons were fine people, & they often held feasts & invited their sisters to join them.Job made extra sacrifices to God in case his sons did something wrong without knowing it. One day, God called a gathering of heavenly beings, among them the Accuser. God asked the Accuser,

God: Did you notice my servant Job? There is no one like him. He lives a clean and blameless life and never does anything evil.

Acc: Really! You've protected Job & favored him. Everything he does turns out well. Take all that wealth--all that richness--from him, & Job will spit in your face.

God challenged: Go ahead, test him. You can take anything away from him, just don't touch Job.  Nar. So the Accuser went off to test Job. One day at dinner a messenger came to Job.

Messenger. We were in the field plowing, when some bad guys came & stole ail the oxen & killed the workers, & I'm the only one who escaped to tell you.

Nar. He hadn't finished when another messenger came & said,

Messenger. Lightning struck all your sheep & the people looking after them, & l'm the only one who escaped to tell you.

Nar. He hadn't finished talking when yet another messenger came and said,

Mess.: Some foreigners came & killed all your camels & the ones looking after them & I'm the only one who escaped to tell you.

Nar. He hadn't finished talking when yet another messenger came and said,

Mess: All your children were having dinner together when a huge wind came & blew down the house & killed all of them, and I'm only escaped to tell you.

Nar: Job was distraught. He grieved deeply, but in the middle of his grief, he worshiped God.

Job: I came out of my mother's womb naked, with nothing. I'll die naked, with nothing. God gives and God takes away. Blessed be the name of God.

Nar. Job never blamed anything on God. Then God called another gathering of heavenly beings.

God: Accuser, did you notice my servant Job? There is no one like him. He lives a clean & blameless life. You provoked him mercilessly, but he didn't turn against me.

Accuser. (Mocking) Everyone has a price. He'll give anything to save his own neck. But get him where it hurts--where he feels the pain tearing his own bones & his own muscles-then Job will spit in your face.

God: Go ahead. I challenge you to put him to the test. You can do anything, just spare his life.

Nar: So the Accuser inflicted ugly sores all over Job's body. Then Job's wife said to him,

Wife: It's all over Job. Don't keep suffering. Curse God & die.

Job, snapping at her. You can't expect to receive all the good things from God and not any of the bad.

Nar: So, in spite of all that the Accuser laid on him, Job didn't sin. He didn't bad-mouth God.  Job had three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar who came to help him. For seven days they sat and said nothing. Then one day, Job cried out,

Job: I wish I had never been born! Why was I given life if I have to endure all this pain?

Nar: Then Eliphaz spoke.

Eliphaz: Job, you've been a real help to many people in pain.  Now it's your turn. Think, Job. Of those people you helped, did any of them suffer for nothing?  Give your heart to God, Job. Admit your sinfulness. Then God will be good to you.

Job: I wish God would kill me & get it over. I can't handle any more pain. All I want is death & peace. What have I done to deserve this?

Narrator. Then Bildad spoke up.

Bildad: How can you keep saying that? You are accusing God of doing wrong. If you'll pray & ask forgiveness, God will give you your health back. God does not reject a blameless person.

Job: Of course, I know that. But  who is blameless before God? I couldn't win a debate with God.  I don't understand God, except I know God destroys good people along with the bad. Alii ask is to be allowed to die.

Nar: Now it was Zophar's turn.

Zophar: Job, you babble nonsense. If you would be quiet for a while & let  God speak, then you'd understand God's many-sided wisdom. Don't make God too small. You don't understand God, so don't put your words in God's mouth. All you have to do is admit that you are guilty, then God can forgive you and you can get on with your life.

Job: Why do you keep tormenting me? Even if it's true that I have done something wrong, it is God who has turned against me. I cry out to God & ask for simple justice & God just breaks me down even further. Nevertheless, I still have faith. I know that my redeemer lives-that God is still mere-and that before I die, I will again see the face of my God.

Zophar:  Listen Job.You are being punished, & it is for a reason.  You are wicked. Accept that.

Job: I've listened, & you make no sense. You & I both know that wicked people do well in life. They live in big houses &eat rich food & God doesn't touch them.

Bi/dad: Job, you are human. You are a maggot, a worm. Who do you think you are that you'd get to argue with almighty God?

Job (Sneer): What wonderful friends you are. Look! You're not going to make a liar out of me. I won't confess sins I haven't committed. I may have lost everything, but I have not lost my integrity. I just want to be faced by my accuser-to know what sins I am being punished for--to know why I am being put through all this misery. All I want to know is why!

Nar: And so the conversation came to an end. Then another person came on the scene, a young man named Elihu.

Elihu: Listen, Job did a good job of justifying himself, but he didn't justify God. And you, his comforters, had nothing to say that was helpful. Job has said he's being punished for nothing. Well, God is greater than any mortal. God is more powerful than you, Job. It just is not possible for God to do something wrong, Job, so, if there is a fault, it must be yours, God is great and mighty, and rules the heavens and the earth.

Nar: At that point, God spoke directly to Job out of a whirlwind.

God: Job, you have a lot of high- sounding words, but you have very little knowledge. Stand up straight & pay attention. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth. Who ordained the morning stars that sang together--all the heavenly beings who shout for joy? You seem to find many faults with me, Job. Would you like to argue about it with me?

Job: No. Oh, no! I have nothing to say to you. Nothing at  all.

God: Will you put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me that you may be justified? Can you create the world in all its terror and beauty as I have created it?

Job (quiver): I know you can do everything. Whatever you decide will happen. I realize I was saying things I didn't understand--things too wonderful  for me--things I knew nothing about. I heard about you, God,
but now I experience you directly. I'm sorry-so terribly sorry for my arrogance.

Nar Then God restored the fortunes of Job. In fact, God gave Job twice as much as he had before, & all his family came back & they sat down & ate
together again. God blessed the last days of Job more than his first days, & gave him thousands of camels & oxen & donkeys.  Job also had seven sons and three daughters, & the daughters were named Jemimah, Keziah,  and Keren-happuch. They were the most beautiful women in the country. Job gave them an inheritance, along with their brothers. Job lived 140 years, long enough to see his children and grandchildren--four generations in fact-then died, old and full of days.

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see "a simple man" by the Cohen brothers & "The Tree of Life"  by Terrence Malick


i'm glad we're like Job and standing up to g_d and making Him accountable for all of the shit he puts people through