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About spiritual attainment

Talking about spiritual attainment is hard because we lack a proper of definition of the word "spiritual".

Nowadays a lot of practices are put under the umbrella of spirituality ranging from self deprivation to taking drugs.

However in this short post we should hope to clear the word "attainment".

Spiritual attainment it's closely related, in everyday wording, to "revelation". However when talking about revelation many people use the past tense, meaning that is something that happened in the past and it’s not happening right now. However the very definition of spirituality requires that it is outside space and time. This is a contradiction.

The difference between revelation and spiritual attainment is that revelation is temporary while attainment is permanent.

Attainment it’s something that you don’t have any doubt upon just like, let’s say, you know you are in love, although it does not pertain to specific reasons.

The very first attainment that a person has is the fact that a person exists. The very phrase "I am" is so basic to our consciousness that many philosophers built entire idealistic systems based on this attainment.

We notice that we speak of this attainment always in the present tense, and even though we go for periods of sleep when we lose this attainment, however, every day that we wake up we retain the exact same attainment, because as with any attainment, it is never lost.

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Graaj's picture



The practices of fasting and the use of psychoactives are not spiritual experiances in and of themselves, but rather possible twists on the road to non-dualistics consciousness.'s picture



It's true, I agree twists on the road are a neccesity. However dualistic consciousness is a prodct of the mind, attainment is a singularity.
