crazyheart's picture



God "in a box"

What does God "in a box" conger up for you.? in personal lives, in churches and in society? Is God contained to our perception of what a box is and how would you break down the box? Is everybody's box different? Are some boxes bigger than others? Or should we leave the box alone?'s picture



About spiritual attainment

Talking about spiritual attainment is hard because we lack a proper of definition of the word "spiritual".

Nowadays a lot of practices are put under the umbrella of spirituality ranging from self deprivation to taking drugs.

However in this short post we should hope to clear the word "attainment".'s picture



About faith

As human beings and we are always operating on faith since we never know what the future has in store for us.
When we pressed the elevator button we wait because we have faith it will come. Based on this statement we should make a distinction between three kinds of faith: below reason, within reason and above reason.
The usual connotation of the word refers to the first kind of faith: below reason, meaning that we’ve been told something and we believe it without verifying it. This is the religious approach to faith.

GRR's picture



Essay for Pilgrim's Progress - Changed Perceptions

This is my attempt to respond to Pilgrims' Progress' request for an essay (she's an Aussie teacher, eh?) on how my health issue has altered my "perception on life." (I hope I pass)


This is, of course, a personal reflection. I offer it FWIW.

