ninjasalad's picture



Battle of the booze


Reasons for being sober:

-My son and lover

-My health

-My family and friends

Greetings, my name is Kim Beaulieu and this is my blog about my battles with addiction.

I have been an alcoholic my entire life I believe.

From my first drink I started blacking out, waking up not remembering going to bed at first, then larger gaps started to occur, such as an entire evening. I was 14.

I currently attend meetings to help with my addiction, going between 5 and 6 times a week, meeting new sober people and making friendships. I do find it hard, because most of the people in the meetings are 20 years older then myself. So in a sence, I do feel a little bit alone in the battle.

I call it a battle, because it has been the hardest thing in my life up to now. As it stands, I have lost countless times over this. Defeat for me means walking back into an NSLC and buying more poison, then retreating back into my drinking cave to drink untill I black out.

For me, drinking without blacking out is not saticfing, if I drink all my booze and am still awake, I crave more alcohol.


My plans for this blog is to keep a running diary of my progress, I will keep track of days sober, and my feelings when I start craving, that is if I can get to this page before I pick up a bottle again.


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evensong's picture



Hi, Kim!  I will be thinking of you and try to look at your blog from time to time to see how it's going. I know it is not possible usually to just "talk yourself out" of doing an addictive behaviour--it is something bigger than our own voice speaking that draws us to the harmful activity. I will be standing on the sidelines of the battle cheering for your each and every victory.  Do you mind if I pray for you also?  I am addicted to prayer  :) 

ninjasalad's picture



That would be fine! I am not sure of my objective in writing this, but I think it will help me in a way. If anyone has any comments whatsoever, please share!

evensong's picture



Hey, where are you today, Kim?

I might get back on late tonight--will check to see if you have been here.  HOpe you have been having a good day.

Warm thoughts from the old granny in Saskatchewan  :)

bygraceiam's picture



Hello nijasalad.........God bless you...


My hubby and I are now in our late fifties and we gave up drinking about seven years ago......I know you can also do it...but one thing I found that help was was when I gave my heart to Jesus that I made a special request of Him..and that was for both of us to give up drinking...and He performed this for us ...I dont miss drinking anymore but found I had to start facing the fears I had in my life...when we face up to why we drink in the first is easier to stop...but in AA they will teach you that..if you have problems in your life it helps to start facing way to do that is to give Your burdens to God ...and let Him have them...dont go taking them day at a time...


When you get up in the morning ....ask God to give you strenght and courage to fight with you...just for one day...and take it one day at a time...these are serious boundries that I found help me alot....things dont look so big when you do them one day at a time...and use your sponsor...thats what the person is there for...


If you need to chat or just rant ...wondermail me ..for I do understand how you feel......


I will be praying for you and hope that you will pray to the Lord for all that you need, the strength and endurance to fight by day...



evensong's picture



Okay, Kim, where are you?  I hope you are all right.  I stopped in late last night, but no Kim.  We went to a party at the retirement home where my husband's mother lives.  Santa came to visit!  Several choirs came to sing.  There was a delicious lunch served.


Today we went to church in the -30 weather and there was a good turn out to see the high school kids put on a play and then we had a potluck. Very yummy.  All afternoon we have shivered until we broke down and lit a fire in the dining room.  When it is this cold our furnace cannot keep up.


Our life is quite ordinary.  What are you doing today?

evensong's picture



Hi, Kim.  It's the 15th today and I am dropping in to say hello.  I will keep stopping by.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Hello ninjasalad,

My brother is an alcoholic, but has now been sober for ten years. He says there is only one way - not to drink at all. He drank because he was very shy -and it gave him courage to socialise. The other reason was that it was the only way he knew how to handle stress.

He now just accepts that shyness is a part of his personality and he's learnt to talk to trusted others when he has stress.

Thus, a good place to start is to figure out WHY you drink!

Hope this helps.

evensong's picture



Hi, Kim!  Just stopping by to say hi.  I am thinking of you at this alcohol-laden time of year.  I am praying for you and hope to hear from you soon. 

ninjasalad's picture



Thank you all so much for listening... I did not think anyone would actually start reading this. So again, thank you.


My apologies every one. I have slipped once again. I do not beat myself up when this happens, but I do take it very seriously.


Kim has actually stepped out for a moment, the one writing this is not him, no, this is the bottle. I say this because I feel it is important that I still write, even when I have fallen. I did however abstain from writing for a few days, little bit of guilt and shame to keep me away I guess.

I have also been going through a messy break up with the mother of my handsome son Nolan. I am not sure what to say about all that, but it hurts...

Sorry if I have upset the atmosphere of this piece.


P.S. Don't mind my spelling, I have always been terrible with it.

evensong's picture



Oh, it is good to find another misspeller like me--bad spellers of the world, untie!

I am sorry about the breakup and about your descent to the abyss of the bottle, but so glad you have climbed back out and come to talk with us.

Nolan is a lovely name.  How old is he?

Well, I must keep moving around; it is -27 and none to warm in here...

I will keep checking in Kim.  thanks for coming back.

evensong's picture



hi kim

it is sunday and we are busy entertaining grandkids...they are wonderful kids and we enjoy their visits.

i hope you are warm and full of the happiness of the holidays.


paulette, i have been praying for you and for Nolan also

evensong's picture



tuesday--thinking of you

evensong's picture



Don't give up Kim.  Pick yourself up and go at it again.

feedmysheep's picture




I was just reading your comments on this page and my heart goes out to you at this time.You see, I too struggled with this addiction.I have now been sober for about 6 years now. I have seen my mother go down that road to destruction and I didn't want to go there as well.It is lonely.She passed out and never woke up again..I tried everything but to no avail.Even the Native Culture but that didn't work.I finally tried the Lord.I now have peace and hope,which I know you will find as well.I know what it is to go on those blackouts,and it is pretty scary.I will keep you in my prayers.You need to find a different group of friends if you want to quit drinking.You'll see the difference. Hang in there!  There is hope!!!   
