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The Illusion of Freedom in Canada

Every Remembrance Day we stand at the cenotaph and honour the men and women who fought and died overseas to keep the people of this nation free. But we are not free, not really. I submit to you now that there are strange and rather dark forces at work in Ottawa. Nevermind 911, Iraq and all of the American subterfuge, we have our own conspiracies right here in Canada.

What happened at the G20 Summit in Toronto is a horrifying look at the future, and the police state that awaits Canadians, and all citizens who don't question their leaders.

Police stomp on protesters at G20 Summit in Toronto to fuel outrage, yet still no inquiry

Now is the time to make the Canadian government into a web2.0 enterprise which rewards citizen participants and yields leaders that really do follow mandates set by their constituencies. The ministers attend Parliament each morning and vote on issues in strict accordance to the electronic data collected the night before. Each citizen is an equally important cog in the wheel of this ‘machine of government’; this is an enterprise resource planning platform for the government of Canada, erp software for a nation. In this ‘Technocracy’ our elected officials are transformed into perfect civil servants – there's no room for intrigue, or backroom deals as these individuals are taken to task every Friday, and can be replaced over the weekend.

Toronto feels different today; there's still a lot of anger and distrust of the police after what happened during the G20 summit.

Why is it so important to have a G20 inquiry? Perhaps it’s because of all of the unanswered questions:

  1. Why did police disperse demonstrators from their designated area at Queen's Park and detain protesters on the Esplanade?
  2. Did police officers remove or cover their name badges or badge numbers?
  3. Why did police use a tactic known as "kettling," in which protesters were corralled into a tight, enclosed space without access to food, water or bathrooms?
  4. What orders were given by police about using tear gas to disperse people outside the prisoner detention centre on Eastern Avenue?
  5. What orders were given by Toronto police in response to the destruction of cruisers and damage of property in the financial district, and along Queen Street and Yonge Street?

And why were those Police cars parked there and left unattended for over an hour before they were set ablaze on television? Police cars set ablaze during G20 in TorontoThere appears to be no accountability by Toronto Police or any branch of the Canadian Government for what happened here. Citizens feel helpless; there's no way to control our police, or our police chief, or any of the elected members of Parliament who choose to ignore their constituencies. And the real shame is that today we can implement a better system. We can build a better government; we have the technology.

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