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Death is soooo not scary

Well I am just going to say it, Death itself does not scare me. I am not afraid of dying or the death of others. It is sad but always bound to happen. One day we will all die, so why worry so much.

I am not afraid of what will happen to me after death, I live so I will not have regrets, my belief system is strange. There is no hell, there is a God, and probaly a few other gods as well. We all reincarnate, so there's always a second chance, or third or fourth. Not sure if there's a limit?

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Is it right to hit children?

 I want to hear if you think it is right to hit a child. If it is, what justifies it and if you are against it, why????

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Nuns are goth

Ok, since I first saw a nun and a goth,I firmly believed both were the same. Seriously, alot of nuns wear black and so do goths... I don't really see why when you make a fashion choice you have to change your personality to go with your clothes, it's just stupid.

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