crazyheart's picture



High and Low Anglican

Martha mentioned that she went to a High Anglican church. What is this?I wonder if it is like High United Church. tee hee

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crazyheart's picture



Now you are all wondering what a High United is. Its whatever they put in the chalice.

Alex's picture



From my undertsnading Low or High designation referes to the type of service. The are also degrees of HIGH and Low, so some High churches will be more High than other High churches.  


Basically High Anglicans use candles, incense, and bells, and the whorships is very similar to formal Catholic Church services.  Low Anglcians worship much like Protestants.

I believe that High Anglicans (like Catholics) follow Thomas Aquinas, while low ANglicans can be even more Calvinist that RevJOhn.   one can also say that High ANglicans are "Catholic like" and Low Anglicans are "protestants like."  It is my believe that  Anglicans are neither Catholic or Protestants.


In Ottawa and many other places HIgh Anglcians are much more Liberal, and are more likely to support feminism, same sex marriage and in general are more progressive than Low Anglican    I believe that is because many progressive Roman Catholics, make up a large porportion of membership of High ANglcian Churchies. THey want to switch to a church that is similar in style to theirs, but that allows women to be Priests and that supports the inclusion of LGBT people, etc


Tabitha's picture



Alex sums it up well.

High Anglican-smells and bells-incense and chimes

low anglican-more informal-closer to the rest of the Protestants


martha's picture



High Anglican= unless you know, you'd think you were in a Catholic church: mass every Sunday, at every service; candles, sometimes incence (sp?); kneeling, sung services, lots of fancy vestments, often a full get the idea.

low (more casual): have no idea. never been.

ninjafaery's picture



I remember the Anglican congregation that I was part of for several years was split about this issue. There were the "Red Prayer Book" traditionalists and the "Green Book" progressives.


Tabitha's picture



Ok Martha-a challenge for you-attend a "low" Anglican service and report back to us!


I attended St. Mathias for a year when I lived in Vancouver. Low Anglican!

kaythecurler's picture



Yeah Martha - I also challenge you to attend a 'low Anglican' service and tell us about it and how it differs from what you are used to.  Heck - while you are there why not take notes and submit them to The Mystery Worshipper section of the Ship Of Fools - an Anglican Wondercafe (sort of).

martha's picture



Sorry kids: I only attend one church, with my mother because I love her. And I like the Dean (Mary).

Mendalla's picture



See, now there's where I start getting confused with Anglicanism. To me, Dean is an academic position, the head of a faculty or school. I realize that the two are probably related somewhere back in history but my head just finds the idea of a church having a "Dean" a bit ... odd.




gecko46's picture



crazyheart wrote:

Now you are all wondering what a High United is. Its whatever they put in the chalice.


I thought it was becasue the church was on a hill......smiley

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