martha's picture



Important: Please Share ~blackout period for pension/benefit changes

Hey Gang! News is coming in bits'n'pieces about the move to Aon Hewitt as our Pension and Benefits Administrator. We are trying to get the word out EVERY WAY WE CAN:

Aon Hewitt starts processing Benefits for the United Church on July 1, 2011.

Any changes to benefits (change of coverage) or pension (starting a pension in June or July) require All Paperwork to be Submitted to Morneau Sobeco by April 29.

If paperwork is not at the current provider in time, it will be sent to Aon Hewitt for processing after July 1.

So, please contact:

And in June, members and also pastoral charges and ministry units (especially Treasurers)  will recieve a direct mailing about the changes, and new contact information.

Please make any changes and send in paperwork As Soon As Possible, or consider waiting until after July 1.  Aon Hewitt has paper-free processes: just call or go online!



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martha's picture



AND!  sorry to 2-part this...

If you have a Summer Closure (pastoral charges) this transition will affect it:

  • Please call Ministry and Employment: 1-800-268-3781, ext 3161


martha's picture




I really am just hoping any and all persons that are changing pastoral charges or moving to retirement at or around July 1 are aware of the One Time Only issues that surround our move to the new pension and benefits administrator: Aon Hewitt.

Call/email Ministry and Employment: 1-800-268-3781, ext 3161;

martha's picture



~bumping again: it's April! that means All Paperwork needs to be in at the Pension and Benefit Centre in less than 1 Month!~

mwatt's picture



~bump! it's blackout time Right Now!~

martha's picture



So: we're almost at the cut over to the new administrator, and the United Church Benefits Centre will be up and running in just over 3 weeks! 

Information packages are expected to be sent out to members of the pension and benefits plans and treasurers in the week of June 20. Since we realize postal service is not reliable these days, all the information will also be posted on the Church Leadership Network (CLN).

If you are a member of the United Church's pension and benefits plans (or in any leadership role within the church) joining CLN is a great way to keep up to date with things like: vacancy and availability lists, newsletters (Connex, Foresight), congregational finance videos and other information, worship resources, events, ... tonnes of great stuff.

There are over 1700 members already!  Log in and join today:

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