Sarita's picture



Looking for Mission Theme ideas and evals!

Do you have any feedback to share about the United Church's 2009-2011 Living for the Earth: Choosing Creation over Empire mission theme? What did you think about the concept? The resources that were produced?

How about ideas for 2013-2015, after we've completed the current "Are We Healthy?" theme? We're looking to hear from lots of people and know what you're interested in and passionate about!

Visit for more information and downloadable forms. The deadline for evaluations is the end of June, and for proposals it's October 1.

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somegalfromcan's picture



This is the first time I've ever heard of these themes.

RevJamesMurray's picture



The mission theme of Creation over Empire was a theological exercise. It encouraged us to look at our relationship to the world through the lens of Empire.

From a marketing point of view "are we healthy' sounds like an introspective self evaluation tool. It doesn't sound like a program for people who are confidently living out their faith and sharing in God's mission in the world.


Mendalla's picture



I can't comment on the theme or resources since I wasn't really there, but as someone looking at coming back to the UCCan after a spell away, "Living for the Earth : Choosing Creation over Empire" sounds much more healthy and engaging than "Are We Healthy?" If you have to ask about the state of your health, then the perception tends to be that there's a high percentage chance that the answer is negative.


The former sounds like a "mission theme". The latter sounds like a workshop title.




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