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New Discussion Items on UnitedFuture.ca

Hi, There are several new discussion items on UnitedFuture.ca that I thought you might be interested in. The first four came out of today's live forum, the fifth is a discussion paper from the Comprehensive Review team:

1. How can we let go of some of our rules, committees, and red tape? What is helpful and necessary, and what is an obstruction to vibrant ministry?
View thread: http://www.unitedfuture.ca/red_tape

2. If The United Church of Canada was founded in 2015, what would it look like? What would we take with us and what would we leave behind?
View thread: http://www.unitedfuture.ca/founded_in_2015

3. How can United Future best support and enable conversations about our future?  What discussion forums, threads, surveys, or other tools do you want to see?
View thread: http://www.unitedfuture.ca/what_tools

4. How can we expand our understanding of vitality to include not just growth in Sunday morning attendance, but also small congregations that are taking risks in mission, outreach, and community engagement?
View thread: http://www.unitedfuture.ca/vitality

5.  "Fishing on the Other Side" - The Comprehensive Review Task Group today shared a discussion paper that sets out a vision for The United Church of Canada and preliminary structural concepts that could help the church serve God in new ways. Take a look, and share your thoughts.
Find the discussion paper here: http://www.united-church.ca/communications/news/general/140206




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