Mcmommy's picture



Paying off mortgage

Our church has recently paid off a substantial mortgage and our worship committee is looking for liturgy/ideas for celebrating this milestone during Sunday worship.

Any ideas!  We don't want to actually burn the paper in church and set off alarms or sprinklers so are looking for a more symbolic burning of the mortgage!

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Arminius's picture



Well, just tear it to bits and pieces, and everyone can take home a piece.smiley

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


I hope they will replace paying off the mortgage with another worthwhile goal to support.  Sometimes paying off the mortgage contributes to the decline of a congregation as they choose to just sit back and relax -- relax too long and it is hard to get going again.

seeler's picture



Now that the building is paid for can you turn your celebration into a announcement of some new project - such as using the building through the week for outreach in the community - feed the hungry, welcome the outcast, become a gathering place and community centre.



paradox3's picture



It is also important to think ahead and plan for contingencies with the building. When will you need a new roof, etc? 


I would celebrate your congregation's gifts, programs, etc along with getting rid of the mortgage. Sorry, I don't know any specific liturgy. 

crazyheart's picture



I have a copy of the original Celebrate God's Presence (Tester Evaluation) and there is a large section on  Church Dedication and services of recognition. There should be enough stuff here to write the appropriate liturgy you need I am sure your church has a copy .

martha's picture



Congratulations!  Definitly this is an important milestone to celebrate! 

What a wonderful thing to be able to announce to a congregation :)

I also feel that annoucing a 'new ministry' project, 'building' fund or similar 'new intiative' at the same time is very positive!  Perhaps you could start with a 'greening' plan (keeping the funds building directed, as this is already established) to reduce the carbon footprint of the congregation. Something as basic as a vegitable garden started by the Sunday School, for example.

RitaTG's picture



I have an idea smiley.....

How about dissolving the paper in a water solution and then making new paper out of it.....

Then the Sunday School could take the paper and turn it into a big Thanksgiving poster that people in the congregation could then write little comments on to share in the thanksgiving.....

It would take a little work but would sure make a nice memento that would be worth framing and keeping to remember this milestone smiley



martha's picture



*vegetable (doh!)

RitaTG: Awesome idea!

carolla's picture



Love that idea Rita!!  As usual ... thinking so creatively into the future!!

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