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The Practice of Spirit-ful Mindfulness

The Madawaska Institute for Culture and Religion
Where Spirit & Life Meet
The Practice of Spirit-ful Mindfulness

May 1 to May 3, 2012
A workshop for anyone who hungers for a simple spiritual practise that offers an oasis in the overwhelming and relentless `busyness’ and noise of daily life, and an antidote to the persistent anxiety of the economic and ecological decline of a post 9/11 world.

Life persistently tests us and calls us to hold our hearts open to each other,
friend and stranger alike. The practice of mindfulness—rooted in Vedic and
Buddhist traditions—has been a way of cultivating a non-reactive presence to
life’s swirling interdependencies. The workshop will engage in a comparative theo-philosophical conversation between the Buddhist and Vedic religious philosophies and Christian theologies of Spirit, historical and contemporary. Participants will learn Christian tradition and practice as parallel to these Asian philosophies. Using Buddhist and Vedic religious philosophies and focusing on a revision of Christian theologies, to free our breath, cultivate a non-reactive presence, and “loose Spirit”..  The aim of this workshop is to encourage nonjudgment, develop practises of Sabbath and hospitality, become more adept at navigating anxiety, fear, pain, and desire and create a faith that helps humans and the world to flourish.
Leadership:  Rev. Dr. Sharon Betcher.   Vancouver School of Theology *Assoc. Professor of Theology.   Books: Spirit and the Politics of Disablement (Fortress, 2007).
Calling the Nations: Biblical Hermeneutics, Colonial & Postcolonial Pre-Occupations
“Grounding the Spirit,” in Eco-Spirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth. Laurel Kearns and Catherine Keller, eds.
Some of her courses: *Religion, Science & Technology *Psychoanalytic Philosophies *Process Theology*Speaking of God in Troubled Times.
 In the Feb 2012 issue of the observer is a write-up on her.
May 1 to May 3 Cost $225.   Deposit $25  We limit the number so it is an intimate event.
More information and to register:    613 432 8853. 
The event is held on the Madawaska River, Burnstown Ont.

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