custard's picture



Religion in Life - Scouting/Guiding

Does anyone know of a United Church in the West GTA that offers the Religion in Life Scouting program?


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kaythecurler's picture



Hi custard (are you of the Bird's variety?)


I think individual Guides/Scouts work directly with there religious leader or someone appointed by them.  Maybe you could check the Scouts webpage for badge requirements?

Mendalla's picture



I suspect the local scouts should be able to help find a church. When I was in scouts, we met in and were sponsored by my family church so we just had the minister teach it (there weren't any non-Christians in our group, but today that's a sensitivity that would have to be addressed).




somegalfromcan's picture



Mendalla - if I recall correctly, there were different versions of the badge for different religions.

Mendalla's picture



somegalfromcan wrote:

Mendalla - if I recall correctly, there were different versions of the badge for different religions.


There are/were but you'd have been hard pressed to notice back in my day, esp. being in a troop that was church-sponsored and whose senior leadership included several who were members of that church or had family members who were.




MistsOfSpring's picture


carolla's picture



Years ago our youth minister worked with the Guides & Scouts on this, for any kids from troops in our area.  But she's moved & I haven't heard much about it lately ... so sorry, can't be of help.  Look for a chuch with a good youth programme tho and I bet you will find a willing tutor. 


(As an aside custard - I liked reading the description in your profile of how  you chose your name - I didn't know that about vanilla seeds)

custard's picture



Thank-you all for your posts. Next step will be to talk to our local church to see if we can put the programme on.

Thanks for the comments on my username. Definitely Bird's variety.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


custard wrote:

Does anyone know of a United Church in the West GTA that offers the Religion in Life Scouting program?


Not now. I got my Religion in Life badge at good old Islington United Church (in Etobicoke) many, many moons ago. I don't know if they still offer it -- but it might be worth a look.

paradox3's picture



As I remember, it was pretty much something that a Guide could work on with her church community. It didn't seem to be a "program" as such.

Tabitha's picture



When my kids did it there were 2 parts-One was an understanding of the church-2 sessions led by the minister for several kids

the other part was attendance at Sunday school/church school-I seem to recall attendence has to be 50% or greater for a set time.

Announcement was made at church. badges awarded at Scouts/guides.



Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Tabitha wrote:

When my kids did it there were 2 parts-One was an understanding of the church-2 sessions led by the minister for several kids

the other part was attendance at Sunday school/church school-I seem to recall attendence has to be 50% or greater for a set time.

Announcement was made at church. badges awarded at Scouts/guides.




Yes, that's pretty much how I recall it too. Our church info sessions were held in the KRT room and led by the Rev. Bob Trimble.

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