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The United Church Observer: General Council Meets the Press

A great article from The United Church Observer:


General Council Meets the Press

by Brian Platt


This summer is the national meeting of the United Church of Canada, called General Council. It’s held every three years, and for those who were paying attention during the last one, a familiar pattern is being followed:

1.    Some United Church members propose the church take economic action against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories

2.    The National Post goes bananas

This year the Post’s hyperventilation has been kicked off by a report on Israel and Palestine submitted to the United Church in May. The Post ran six articles on this subject, not counting letters from readers or a reply from report author and former United Church moderator David Giuliano.

Here’s one report that’s typical of the coverage. Normally a story that uses one source to draw conclusions about a general reaction would get turfed by an editor, but apparently not when it comes to the Post’s reporting on the United Church.

Shoddy journalism is bad enough on its own, but it’s made worse by the fact that the Post’s obsession with the United Church’s actions toward Israel is based on a false premise.....


[for the full article, see The United Church Observer: http://www.ucobserver.org/platt_blog/2012/06/telling/#idc-container ]

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