AaronMcGallegos's picture



UnitedFuture Live Forum: Real Estate, Real Decisions

Here is something folks might be interested in:

The United Church of Canada owns a lot of property across Canada. Increasingly, that property is being sold, redeveloped, or repurposed as many communities of faith look at amalgamating, moving to rented space, or closing altogether. Is church property a blessing or a burden? Who should make decisions about church property? How should the proceeds of property sales be used? And what impact does not owning a building have on the life of a community of faith?
On Thursday, May 1 at 12:00-12:45 p.m. (Eastern time) join our panelists Rob Dalgleish and Carla Langhorst of EDGE for a live online forum for a discussion on issues and questions about congregational property decisions in a time of church change.
Topic: Real Estate, Real Decisions
Time: Thursday, May 1 at 12:00-12:45 pm (Eastern time)
Panelists: Rob Dalgleish and Carla Langhorst of EDGE (see their bios here)


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Inukshuk's picture



I see Wondercafe.ca as part of that real estate that the UCCan is letting go of - internet real estate.  It is being redeveloped and repurposed - to wondercafe2.0.

chansen's picture



I see where you're going with the metaphot, but it's really accurate, Inukshuk. The only "real estate" here is the domain name and the post archive. The UCCan is holding on to both. The "congregation" if you will - the members of Wondercafe - are heading out on our own to create Wondercafe2. If it ever was a congregation (and I would say no), it was financially supported by the UCCan itself at a high financial cost, then the UCCan announced it would end the support and the building/website would remain, but the doors locked. We, the congregants/members, are creating a new "building" of our own, more cost-effective and more modern.


chansen's picture



And why is this live forum being promoted here two hours before kickoff? Did I miss an earlier announcement?


Alex's picture



Likely because few people registered

AaronMcGallegos's picture



The registration was fine - about 300 were viewing today. Sorry, I posted it here late. We've been promoting it pretty steady for a week now through our other channels (e-newsletters, Facebook, Twitter).


The next one is on May 15, discussing the "College of Ministers" concept from the Comprehensive Review Task Group's "Fishing on the Other Side" discussion paper. 

chansen's picture



Oh, okay. I don't really follow those other places.


Alex's picture



Three hundred is way down from the first event. (which reached less people than WC did) WHich is the only one I saw. I wonder how the other events did.


Did anyone from WC listen in to this one. Is it worth taking the time and listening to the video of the event

Tabitha's picture



Our congregationis swimming against the tide. We are renting a building that is for sale-and falling apart.

We looked at moving and just renting Sunday worship space-but that didn't seem appropriate to do at the same time our minister went on sabbatical. Big loss of presence in the community.

We looked at other rentals but nothing really fit our budget and location.

We considered reducing expenses ie staffing but the congregation clearly said "NO" to that.  And so we are in the process of buying-or at least attempting to buy- a very suitable building. It's quite a journey. See my other thread about purchasing worship space.

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