Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Using Church Web Sites

Now that I am a month into my new position, I have had a few days of posting material to our church website, and getting feedback.  Meeting with the two webmasters tomorrow to develop more expertise and get their assistance in expanding the features and information on our website (including links to calendars for this church, for the United Churches in the area, and for faith events and activities in the area -- taking one more step towards greater permeability in the walls around congregations.).


Any suggestions?

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My UU fellowship's site need an overhaul badly and the minister and I (I'm a former webmaster of the church) have been helping the board find someone to do it. One of our pain points right now is that the site is an old-school HTML + scripting job and we don't really have anyone with the expertise to maintain it, let alone redesign it (strictly speaking, I could, but time is a factor for me).


We want to move to a content management system (Wordpress and its ilk) where the professional designer can build the basic structure and design as a template, but then non-designers from the staff or membership can update content by loading it into the template.


So the RE Coordinator could update the RE page, the minister could load his own material, the office manager could update the calendar and newsletter, and so on. Ensures we can keep things up to date without needing to bring the designer on a regular basis just to do the updates.


Still looking at how best to do this. We talked to a designer I know (I work with his wife) who has expertise in building for content management but his rates are a bit steep for us (at least the minister and I think so; the Board hasn't actually commented yet).




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