Mendalla's picture



WC2 : Ideas for a "Launch Event"

CH posted this in the Letting Go thread and I didn't think it appropriate to discuss in a thread about "letting go" so here it is.


crazyheart wrote:

I mixed up where this should go but here we go.


Do you remember at one time we talked about how interesting it would be on WC to have ,for example, the moderator, Gretta  Vosper one or all of The Arrogant Worms, etc. to host a thread. Is that still in the works, maybe? They would probably want to get paid. But it would certainly be good marketing.


I think that if we could arrange something like this, maybe a "live chat" with Gretta Vosper or some other "spiritual celebrity", it would make for a great "Launch Event" for Wondercafe2. In the IT biz, a Launch Event is when a company does something splashy to launch a new or updated product like have a famous band perform or just bringing together thousands of supporters as the CEO announces the product.


So, this thread is for ideas for a "Launch Event". I think that we would want to have it after WC closes and WC2 is fully live, so probably in June. Cost could be an issue for some ideas but throw them out anyhow and we'll see what happens.




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Mendalla's picture



Of course, if you have an idea and can help organize/plan it, so much the better cheeky.




Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


It would be challenging to find a guest speaker who a) everyone would want to listen to, and b) would actually agree to speak. Personally, I'm not interested in hearing Ms. Vosper.

kaythecurler's picture



Why not Jae - maybe you could learn something from her.  Alternatively - maybe she could learn something from you.

kaythecurler's picture



"Come Fly With Us" event maybe. 


Everyone who has an attachment to a congregation of any type could gather friends and neighbors (and the local paper's  reporter) and launch a bunch of balloons.  


Arrange for drinks and cookies and lots of cameras showing people of all ages having fun together.  Have handouts available  listing the URL for WC2.


There is a chance for some free promotion via the newspapers and word of mouth.  Could even 'sell' balloons to help with any local costs with any 'profit' going to the Operating Fund.

Mendalla's picture



Dcn. Jae wrote:
It would be challenging to find a guest speaker who a) everyone would want to listen to, and b) would actually agree to speak. Personally, I'm not interested in hearing Ms. Vosper.


It is sometimes best to engage with someone outside our comfort zone. You learn more that way. Why do you think I keep talking to you, ac, SnP, etc.?


I'm not thinking of her as a speaker so much as a guest poster. These "live chats" happen on other sites and even on Twitter. She could provide some reading ahead of time then come on for a prescribed time in a set thread to take questions, ask questions, and generally dialog with us on the topic.




Kimmio's picture



We should see if we can get Shane Koyczan (the Vancouver Olympic opening ceremony poet) to do some slam poetry for us:

See video
crazyheart's picture



Jae, why do you care, you said you were not coming to the new site?

revjohn's picture



Hi All,


Spiritual Celebrity?  I'm not sure that rubs comfortably.


At any rate, here are some suggestions and a brief rationale.


Who:  The Reverend Keith Howard

Why:  Keith was the Executive Director fo the Emerging Spirit Project so in a sense he is's daddy.  Making him Wondercafe2's grand-daddy.  It might be kind of cool to have grampa (meant as a term of respect and not a dig at Keith's age) drop by for a chat and maybe a pat on the back.


Who:  Brian McLaren

Why:  He is awesome.  A great communicator and theologian.


Who:  Dr. Tony Campolo

Why:  He is perhaps slightly more awesome than Brian.  As great a communicator and theologian as Brian and as his public life is winding down a voice that many will not have an opportunity to hear (or, given this particular format a voice many will not have the opportunity to interact with).


Of the three I think Keith would probably be able to resonate with the new site best.


Grace and peace to you.


gecko46's picture



kaythecurler wrote:

"Come Fly With Us" event maybe. 


Everyone who has an attachment to a congregation of any type could gather friends and neighbors (and the local paper's  reporter) and launch a bunch of balloons.  


Arrange for drinks and cookies and lots of cameras showing people of all ages having fun together.  Have handouts available  listing the URL for WC2.


There is a chance for some free promotion via the newspapers and word of mouth.  Could even 'sell' balloons to help with any local costs with any 'profit' going to the Operating Fund.


Don't want to be a killjoy, kaythecurler, but I'm against a ballon launch for environmental reasons.  Balloons can be deadly to seabirds and other sea life and once launched we have no control over how far they drift.  

Maybe creative banners would be an alternative.


Pinga's picture



Keith Howard is who came to mind for me, as well, RevJohn

paradox3's picture



Keith Howard would be great to have here. 

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


I don't know anything about Keith Howard. Can we get Ken Howard instead. He played the White Shadow. That'd be cool.

Kimmio's picture



Shane Claiborne? (he's American) The Three interfaith Amigos? A musician of some sort with a spiritual message? (no takers on the poetry idea :( )

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


kaythecurler wrote:

Why not Jae - maybe you could learn something from her.  Alternatively - maybe she could learn something from you.

As I imagine all of us do who believe in things spiritual, kay, I endeavor to choose my spiritual teachers wisely. Some of you may find wisdom in what Ms. Vosper offers. I personally imagine that I would profit very little, if at all, from her words. If you find you are blessed by her teachings, by all means continue to listen. As for me, no thanks.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Kimmio wrote:
Shane Claiborne? (he's American) The Three interfaith Amigos? A musician of some sort with a spiritual message? (no takers on the poetry idea :( )

I like the poetry idea cousin. I'd also be interested in hearing from a liturgical artist.

paradox3's picture



It would also be wonderful to have the Moderator here. 


Or even one of the former moderators who posted blogs on WC. 

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


paradox3 wrote:

It would also be wonderful to have the Moderator here. 


Or even one of the former moderators who posted blogs on WC. 

Let's ask Mardi.

Mendalla's picture



paradox3 wrote:

It would also be wonderful to have the Moderator here. 


Or even one of the former moderators who posted blogs on WC. 


Here, here.


I like the idea of someone from the UCCan, whether it is the Moderator (not to be confused with "a moderator") or Keith Howard or someone else who will be recognizable.


In another thread it was mentioned that Bruce Sanguin once dropped in on a thread about one of his books. That's another launch "speaker" I could go for. Heard him preach here in London once and he has some great ideas.




paradox3's picture



Dcn. Jae wrote:
Let's ask Mardi.


David Guiliano was more active on WC, I think. It seems to me that he posted more blogs than Mardi and that there was more interaction with him. He shared his journey through cancer and cancer treatment.


He is a truly wonderful writer. I believe he has compliled some of his musings into a book. 

Pinga's picture



I agree paradox3, another wonderful idea

Pinga's picture



I would anticipate a guest in a separately moderated group with expectations of Hospitality as would be set with a guest speaker. If not, I would struggle with inviting someone

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Pinga wrote:
I would anticipate a guest in a separately moderated group with expectations of Hospitality as would be set with a guest speaker. If not, I would struggle with inviting someone


Perhaps if a guest were to post they should be offered the security of more closely-moderated posts. For example, any replies to the guest could be screened by the mods before being allowed to appear on the forum.

Mendalla's picture



Dcn. Jae wrote:

Perhaps if a guest were to post they should be offered the security of more closely-moderated posts. For example, any replies to the guest could be screened by the mods before being allowed to appear on the forum.


Don't if we'd go that far unless they requested it, but it would be a possibility, yes. Also helps keep things flowing better rather than having them bombarded with posts all at one.




gecko46's picture



From a music perspective, Ron Klusmeier may be an option.  Not sure what role he could have though.


Mendalla's picture



The problem with a musical or other artistic guest is the medium. Kind of hard to have singing or a poetry recital on a forum. We would need to have some kind of streaming audio or video for it to be really effective. Otherwise, someone like Ron could work.




Inukshuk's picture



Cool - Rev Keith Howard was my first thought, too.  Followed by Bruce Cockburn.  Maybe the GC of the UCCAN would like to give wondercafe a going away gift - and pick up the bill for a guest speaker to launch wondercafe2

Alex's picture



Pope francis. could It hurt to email him and ask him to spek on interfaith dialogue with atheists and Chrisitians:-)
Would generate a ton of traffic for the site. It may appeal to his need to show Cathoilics that engaging the world is good.

howver i would say Bishop Gene Robinson, the retired openly gay bishop is more attainable and may genrate some free press in Canadian newspapers an

Inukshuk's picture



gecko46 - agree with you about the balloons - helium is in short supply too.

Alex's picture



Bishop Tutu is also doable.

Alex's picture



On the Progressive and or Process side there is Mathew Fox, Hans Kung, and John Cobb

crazyheart's picture



Why would they want to be at WC2 launch?

Alex's picture



If President Obama can do AMA on rediit, I say we could do a AMA for President Carter?. He's on a book tour now promoting a religious book, and the publicity we could generate for it would make it worthwild.

Besides inviting a Baptist would please Jae.

Alex's picture



crazyheart wrote:

Why would they want to be at WC2 launch?

religious leaders usually want to promote something. If Wondercafe2 fits in with what they are promoting and the hope that it would create publicity outside the cafe would draw them.. we can always point to the pubicity that the launch of WC created.

Also because it is an online thing they are not obliged to travel, and we can fit around there schedule. all it takes is someone good at wrting emails.

Mendalla's picture



I think it should be a Canadian, to be honest, as much as I admire some of those named by Alex. In spite of our International presence (e.g. Pilgrim's Progress), I think we are, at heart, a Canadian site. And having someone from the UCCan helps both acknowledge WC's roots in that church and celebrate whatever ongoing presence they have on WC2.


Which brings us back to names like Bruce Sanguin, Mardi Tindal, Gary Paterson, Keith Howard, Gretta Vosper, David Guiliano.




Kimmio's picture



Lol! I think Alex was joking, weren't you, Alex? I'd go with Pope Francis. You never know... WC2 would get popular in a hurry! And the mods would not be able to keep up with volume (and quite possibly a few flame wars ensuing over the pope's presence). Nah, better not. He's already a very busy man. ;)

crazyheart's picture



I know this is going in a bit of a different direction but......what about David Keating (Golden Rule). or Mad Monk or someone else we know?

Kimmio's picture



William Shatner?

Kimmio's picture



Others out there, might not recognize them though, CH

Alex's picture



Nathan Phelps is also a good possibility. he is also Canadian and is an atheist with a lot to say about relgion. also coming so soon after the death of his father would bring in more people, and it establishes the site (in the public eye) as a place where LGBT are welcome. An AMA With him would be interesting.

Kimmio's picture



Oh! What about Nate Phelps (too controversial)?

Kimmio's picture



Hey we were thinking alike. I didn't see you post, Alex.

Alex's picture



Kimmio wrote:
Lol! I think Alex was joking, weren't you, Alex? I'd go with Pope Francis. You never know... WC2 would get popular in a hurry! And the mods would not be able to keep up with volume (and quite possibly a few flame wars ensuing over the pope's presence). Nah, better not. He's already a very busy man. ;)

I am serious
Howevr you do make a good point about Francis being too big. but still an AMA would be interesting. besides all it takes is a stamp or an email, dear Holy Father we are a bunch of heretics, perverts and atheists who would like to have you over to discuss your faith in a respectville way. give us an hour and we would behappy.

Alex's picture



Duplicate. Hy

Alex's picture



Kimmio wrote:
Oh! What about Nate Phelps (too controversial)?

If the idea is too get noticed by others than there is no such thing as too controversial. Bad taste yes, but not too controversial.

Alex's picture



Mendalla wrote:

I think it should be a Canadian, to be honest, as much as I admire some of those named by Alex. In spite of our International presence (e.g. Pilgrim's Progress), I think we are, at heart, a Canadian site. And having someone from the UCCan helps both acknowledge WC's roots in that church and celebrate whatever ongoing presence they have on WC2.


Which brings us back to names like Bruce Sanguin, Mardi Tindal, Gary Paterson, Keith Howard, Gretta Vosper, David Guiliano.




Do you really think that Canadians only read Canadian Authros. I amsure if someone like Tutu accepted an invite he would speak to the canadian situtation, likewise with others. for example when Cobb spoke in Ottawa he addressedmthelpcal relgious climate. Amd besides canadians can see and talk to other canadians during plenty of occasions. the internet makes it possible to connect with others that are nt going to be in Canada very frequently, but who will have things to say of greatbinterest to Canadians. Meanwhile Canadians like currnet and former moderators are speaking to Canadians all the time. What is Gary Paterson going to say here thatbhe does not on his blog. What is going to draw people, when they can hust go to his blog?

Pinga's picture



I love the ideas and the me cautious, i would want to trial a couple with people who love us and might forgive errors or hiccups before we go with someone who doesn't know us.

Kimmio's picture



Alex wrote:
Kimmio wrote:
Lol! I think Alex was joking, weren't you, Alex? I'd go with Pope Francis. You never know... WC2 would get popular in a hurry! And the mods would not be able to keep up with volume (and quite possibly a few flame wars ensuing over the pope's presence). Nah, better not. He's already a very busy man. ;)

I am serious
Howevr you do make a good point about Francis being too big. but still an AMA would be interesting. besides all it takes is a stamp or an email, dear Holy Father we are a bunch of heretics, perverts and atheists who would like to have you over to discuss your faith in a respectville way. give us an hour and we would behappy.

Lol! Dear Holy Father...hang onto your hat.

gecko46's picture




"Which brings us back to names like Bruce Sanguin, Mardi Tindal, Gary Paterson, Keith Howard, Gretta Vosper, David Guiliano."


I like the idea of approaching some of these well-kmown people.  Their affiliation with the United Church gives the site authenticity and validity, especially for those folks who feel more comfortable keeping a connection to the UCC.  After the launch, however, expect the site will take on a life of its own, just as WC has.


As for publicity, someone may already have suggested this, but facebook and twitter can be used.  If every person on facebook, for example, suggests the new site to people they feel might be interested, that could reach a significant number of people.

And those people could in turn connect with others...and so on.


May be good to have a general welcoming statement or promotion statement that each of us could use as members of facebook.  I'm not on twitter so unfamiliar with how it works.



Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Alex wrote:
Pope francis. could It hurt to email him and ask him to spek on interfaith dialogue with atheists and Chrisitians:-)


As long as we're dreaming, my requests would be either N.T. Wright or Norman Geisler.


Also, how about Steven Jones, President, FEBCC.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Alex wrote:
If President Obama can do AMA on rediit, I say we could do a AMA for President Carter?. He's on a book tour now promoting a religious book, and the publicity we could generate for it would make it worthwild. Besides inviting a Baptist would please Jae.


Thanks for thinking of me Alex, but... hm... I don't know... I think he's a Cooperative Baptist now, having left the Southern Baptists a short time ago. He's not a Fellowship Baptist like I am anyway.

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