redbaron338's picture



For Your Consideration

  • The Bible is not the Word of God. What the Bible is, is a witness to the Word of God. Mistake that and you'll spend your life reading the owner's manual instead of driving the car.<br />
~ Bart Breen

By popular request (of one person, but that's popular enough for me)  a repost from Facebook.  Reactions?  Comments?

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Hilary's picture



Is there a LIKE button?


We sheep hear, but do we all understand what we hear the same way?  If wondercafe is any indication (and it is), the answer is most certainly NO.

musicsooths's picture



This cartoon for me tells me that we sometimes take think the bible is the be all and end all of everything. I believe that the bible has truth and it is also a wonderful history of the hebrews. the most important aspect of the cartoon is the example of Jesus and the love that is expressed in the stories of Jesus.

Mendalla's picture



I read it pretty much the same way as musicsooths - the sheep (Christians, us) are too busy listening to the Bible (that is, too caught up in its words and details) to hear God. It could be broadened to humanity at large. There are certainly folks in other traditions suffering from a similar issue and even in the secular world, there are those who are so busy reading the rules or nitpicking the theories of science that they are missing the bigger picture or the underlying message.




Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Thanks, Red!wink


To me, this cartoon encapsulates a differing of emphasis in the Christian faith. (and is seen reflected in many Religion and Faith forum threads here at Wondercafe).


There are those whose faith is Bible centred. By that I mean the Bible is literally the word of God. Within it's pages God prescribes how to live out one's life. For any issue faced all one has to do is to look to the literal words of the Bible to know what God prescribes.

Thus, when asked for thoughts on any question the reply will be a direct quote from the Bible. (sound familiar?)


There are those that see the Bible as an account - not as the word of God, but rather the words of humans that experienced God in some form (eg. Moses and the burning bush, Paul on the road to Damascus).

Unable to explain the inexplicable they did what humans always do - they tried to put their experience in a narrative form - based on previous myths, stories, legends.

This "group" place their emphasis on Jesus and his message of love God and love neighbour.



The cartoon suggests to me, that by concentrating only on the words of the Bible, Christ's message is not being listened to........


Although they can be at both extremes, thankfully overlapping does occur.


If not for the Bible and the narrative of Jesus there would be no Christianity.........

Biblically driven Christians can believe in social justice..........

Saul_now_Paul's picture



Looks like a couple of "progressive" sheep. Trying to give the impression that they go to great lengths to show that they are plugged in to the word of God. But of course, headphones plugged into a book are nothing more than earmuffs.

redbaron338's picture



For me it's a fitting visual expression of how some are so fixated on the fossilized words of an ancient collation of books and letters that they miss the living Word of a living Christ spkoken in (and to) the events of the world we live in today.  (This was me several years back--  been there, done that, bought the coffee mug and keychain.) 

Witch's picture



Yeah SNP, it's the "progressive" sheep who do that ROFLMAO!!!!

graeme's picture



I love the cartoon, and completely agree with most of the comments on it.

SaulnowPaul has completely missed the point of it. of course. People see and hear only what they want to see and hear.

not4prophet's picture




How many know His gospel of the Kingdom. How many churches have ever bothered to teach it? Christianity is huge, yet how many know the only thing Jesus came to teach?

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


The only thing?

You've got me guessing.......

1. Love God

2. Love neighbour

3.The Kingdom of God.


How can you pick one?


not4prophet's picture



Luke 4: 43  And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

redbaron338's picture



not4prophet wrote:

Luke 4: 43  And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

Yes, and.........?

not4prophet's picture




Nobody listens.

chansen's picture



Consider the possibility that there is little in the bible worth listening to.

not4prophet's picture




I have a brother who ridicules anything he doesn't understand. Doesn't mean he is right though, but just has the right to think in his own way as do those who are not like him. So of course.. your will be done.

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