AaronMcGallegos's picture



GC40 News & Views

This thread will collect the "News & Views" from General Council 40 in one place on WonderCafe. You can also find "News & Views" (and much more) on the General Council 40 site: http://gc40.united-church.ca/en

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AaronMcGallegos's picture



Dancers, Potters Enhance Worship

During opening worship the Moderator used pottery making as an image that speaks to the church. Aboriginal drummers and interpretive dancers took part in the service.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Bartlett, Landell Nominated for Moderator

Ross Bartlett and Maya Landell are two additional candidates for Moderator nominated from the floor of General Council 40.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Moderator Reports to General Council

David Giuliano reflects on his term as Moderator.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Morning Worship Highlights Inclusivity


During worship commissioners were reminded of the inclusive nature of the United Church.


Video: Intercultural Vision

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Video: Books, hats & free shipping!

General Council is not complete without an extensive book display by United Church Resource Distribution (UCRD).

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Video: Baby at Council

Nicholas Wayte at nine weeks is the youngest and possibly the most popular person at the 40th General Council.


So cute!

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Video: The Nominees for Moderator

One of these eight people will be elected as the next Moderator of The United Church of Canada.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Video: Intercultural Vision

Adele Halliday, United Church lead program staff for intercultural ministries, talks about the difference between multicultural, cross-cultural and intercultural experiences.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



If you would like to see the full list of News & Views from GC40, visit the official GC40 website at: http://gc40.united-church.ca/en/news


Also, feel free to add your own views in this thread. It doesn't have to just be me!



Aaron (Admin2)

myst's picture



Hey Aaron, Thanks for passing along these links to keep us informed. You're keeping busy keeping up!

Alex's picture



I really like how the UCC is making the General Council Accessible to members by using the internet, including web page, a live feed, a Youtube channel hosted by Royal Orr, and the stuff being posted here on wondercafe. Kudos to all those involved. As someone who has never been to a GC and understands little about the workings of the higher levels of the UCC I am finding it very interesting. 


I have posted the links to the various sites om www.accessiblechurch.ca, The  General Council Links are on the United Church Page of AccessibleChurch.ca


Walrus's picture



Thanks for sharing a summary of Adelle's comments. Perhaps it might be more accurate to say that interculturalism is a vision rather than requires a vision. The beauty of being a vision is that it is something that is hoped for but also something that brings many exciting results just in pursuit of the vision. Most visions take years, decades, perhaps generations, to be fulfilled. But pursing the vision alone brings about numerous expected and unexpected changes. We may not have arrived at Martin Luther King's vision or dream just yet, but just working towards it has changed lives of people of all races around the world. We can start that transformation now with a commitment to interculturalism.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Truth and Reconciliation Requires Listening

A presentation on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and stories from Residential Schools survivors reminds the church of the need to listen in new ways.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



40th General Council Photo Set on Flickr:


AaronMcGallegos's picture



Video: Keeping the French Ministry Unit

Rev. Darla Sloan, a Commissioner from Montreal and Ottawa Conference stresses the importance of maintaining French Ministries as a unique program unit.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Council Repudiates Background Language of Middle East Proposals

General Council repudiates the written background material attached to three proposals on Israel and Palestine.

RevMatt's picture



(something that, procedurally, they can't really do....)

RichardBott's picture



Actually, RevMatt, I could argue that. *grin*


The General Council - in the form of the Commission - took an action in making the statement that the body does not agree with the background documentation with the background documentation, but is continuing to work on its response to the Proposals.


The General Council can make a statement about anything it wants to. In this case, an 'interim report' on its inner workings. *smile*


Can I ask why you don't beleive that this is procedurally correct?


Christ's peace - r

DKS's picture



RichardBott wrote:

Actually, RevMatt, I could argue that. *grin*


The General Council - in the form of the Commission - took an action in making the statement that the body does not agree with the background documentation with the background documentation, but is continuing to work on its response to the Proposals.


The General Council can make a statement about anything it wants to. In this case, an 'interim report' on its inner workings. *smile*


Can I ask why you don't beleive that this is procedurally correct?


Christ's peace - r

I concur (not that it matters). The commission can do or say what it pleases. And given the multi-year history of this issue and the group within TC that brought it, I think that what they said was a good thing. 

RichardBott's picture



Did I miss the Emerging Spirit report? I caught the French Ministries and the Recognition of Injustice to Japanese Canadians and Japanese UC members.


Christ's peace - r

Birthstone's picture



I'm listening to the Japanese report too, and had hoped to hear at least some of ES.  Same question as Richard.

Birthstone's picture



Aaron on facebook says there has been a schedule change and we haven't missed it, but no word on when it is.

RichardBott's picture



Could someone record the stream when it happens?


I've got two funerals this afternoon... and I don't think they'd be happy with GC40 playing in the background ;)


Christ's peace - r

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Yes, it looks like a schedule change. I can't imagine they will try to fit in Emerging Spirit before lunch, though who knows. We're watching the stream to see what they say.

Birthstone's picture



Richard - hard to keep a train of thought with earphones in too.


thanks Aaron for watching this...

Eileenrl's picture



Do you know if there is anyway we can order GC T-Shirts?  The ones Pinga referred to on the other thread.

DKS's picture



Eileenrl wrote:

Do you know if there is anyway we can order GC T-Shirts?  The ones Pinga referred to on the other thread.


Normally the GC T-Shirts are only available at GC and only to commissioners. 

revjen's picture



I think we get into trouble when we confuse Judaism with the State of Israel.  They are not the same entity.  We need to name the violence for what it is.  Critiquing the State of Israel is not being anti-sematic. I agree that there are also Palestinians who perpetrate violence so it is not one sided but it needs to end.  I spent time in Israel and Palestine last winter with Christian Peacemaking Teams.  I saw first had the violence that was being done by Israeli's against Palestinians.  Palestinians are forcibly removed from their homes by Jewish settlers (settlers are small group of Israeli's and do not refer to all Israeli's) on a regular basis.  Children are attacked by settlers on the way to school.  Farmers are attacked while planting crops to feed their families.  The government does nothing about this.  The State of Israel is building a wall 20 m high, rimmed with barbed wire in an attempt to protect itself.  This wall, in many places, is well within what is recognized by international law as the Westbank or Palestinian Territory.  On a wall in a refugee camp called Dheisheh reads "Walls and armies will not bring security.  Justice will bring security and peace."  I'm currently writing a sermon for Sunday on Ephesians 4:15-5:2.  "Speak truth in love....Be angry but do not sin".  As Christians we are called to speak truth, even when it's hard.  We are allowed to be angry at the injustice.  Then we need to choose to use our anger in ways that will change the world for the better.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Hi Folks, we got word from RevMatt (with confirmation by Keith Howard) that the Emerging Spirit evaluation and presentation is now rescheduled for 9:50 a.m. Pacific (12:50 Eastern) tomorrow (Thursday). They were able to catch Lesley Harrison at the airport, so she will be part of the presentation as well.


You can access the live video stream at: http://gc40.united-church.ca/. Please check it out!



Aaron (Admin2)

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Council Recognizes Apology to Japanese United

Council recognizes an apology made by British Columbia Conference to a Japanese United Church in Vancouver in June 2009—decades after its property was confiscated without consultation or compensation.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Moderator Nominees Address the Council

The eight nominees for Moderator of The United Church of Canada had their opportunity to speak to commissioners to the 40th General Council.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Motion on Voting by Adherents Defeated

The General Council has defeated a proposal to extend voting privileges at congregational meetings to all adherents.

AaronMcGallegos's picture





Global Letters Respond to Israel/Palestine Issue

The United Church has received letters from Canada and around the world in response to proposals related to Israel and Palestine.

DKS's picture



Electronic Voting Conditionally Approved



In other matters, Council voted to

  • permit electronic voting at meetings, provided that a conference call or electronic meeting forum (e.g. e-mail chatroom, webcam simulcast) are held simultaneously

This is not a measure I expected to see approved. There are huge issues involved (please don't try to explain why there aren't issues; there are). However the idea of allowing voting during a web conference, conference call or electronic meeting makes a lot of sense. As we are moving intentionally in this direction in Toronto Conference, I look forward to being a part of the implimentation.

Greg B.'s picture

Greg B.


Well spoken Maya Landell.  There are great opportunities for a new vision for the church.

Alex's picture



DKS wrote:

Electronic Voting Conditionally Approved



In other matters, Council voted to

  • permit electronic voting at meetings, provided that a conference call or electronic meeting forum (e.g. e-mail chatroom, webcam simulcast) are held simultaneously

This is not a measure I expected to see approved. There are huge issues involved (please don't try to explain why there aren't issues; there are). However the idea of allowing voting during a web conference, conference call or electronic meeting makes a lot of sense. As we are moving intentionally in this direction in Toronto Conference, I look forward to being a part of the implimentation.


This also great news in helping making meetings for those with disabilities, particularly for those with facing physical barriers as well as those with sensory disabilities.

Punkins's picture



Admin 2 wrote:

Hi Folks, we got word from RevMatt (with confirmation by Keith Howard) that the Emerging Spirit evaluation and presentation is now rescheduled for 9:50 a.m. Pacific (12:50 Eastern) tomorrow (Thursday).


What are the odds that this could be recorded and posted for people to watch?  I have this pesky thing called a job, which means that I won't be able to watch it live and I would really like to hear it.

DKS's picture



Alex wrote:

This also great news in helping making meetings for those with disabilities, particularly for those with facing physical barriers as well as those with sensory disabilities.


There is however, a serious problem with equality of access. Broadband is required. That excludes 40% of the United Church. I serve on a national task group exploring the conferencing issue. I'm going to be raising the question there. It's too bad we can't do advocacy work on broadband access.

Elizabeth's picture



anyone have comments, thoughts, insights about the nominees for Moderator?

Eileenrl's picture



When does the voting start for our new Moderator?  I know it is sometime today.

I have a feeling they will have to have more than one ballot

spirit wind 7's picture

spirit wind 7


I watched the Japanese Report on video and was saddened by the UCC only 'recognized' what others did.  I think one of the speakers did wonder if this was only BC Conference's action. She wanted to know if the whole church had ownership of  the Aplology, as well.

 People who have been abused need to hear the actual words that mean more than recognizing an action by one part of the whole church.  It needed to spoken clearly as....the United C hurch of Canada. The whole Church.

 The United Church of Canada stands in full agreement, with the people of British Colombia Conference, and thus their Apology is now the Apology of The United Church of Canada. 

Then the blessing would have been taken to its fullest meaning for the Japanese and for the us as the United Church of Canada.

I hope this will be rectified quickly.  These people came from Vancouver hoping for full consent of this Apology, not simply recognition.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



The latest rumour is that Emerging Spirit report will take place at 9:30 a.m. Pacific (12:30 p.m. Eastern). A Statement on Ministry presentation is also scheduled for this morning as well, though I'm not sure when. The GC agenda is fluctuating a lot, so if anyone has more recent information, please let us know!


You can watch the live video stream here:





CindyBee's picture



Is there any place that we can find proposals that have already been voted on? Specifically, does anyone know the status of the changes to Settlement Proposal

lyh's picture



e7911 wrote:

I watched the Japanese Report on video and was saddened by the UCC only 'recognized' what others did.  I think one of the speakers did wonder if this was only BC Conference's action. She wanted to know if the whole church had ownership of  the Aplology, as well.

 People who have been abused need to hear the actual words that mean more than recognizing an action by one part of the whole church.  It needed to spoken clearly as....the United C hurch of Canada. The whole Church.

 The United Church of Canada stands in full agreement, with the people of British Colombia Conference, and thus their Apology is now the Apology of The United Church of Canada. 

Then the blessing would have been taken to its fullest meaning for the Japanese and for the us as the United Church of Canada.

I hope this will be rectified quickly.  These people came from Vancouver hoping for full consent of this Apology, not simply recognition.

In 1988 the Canadian government issued a formal apology to the Japanese -Canadians who experienced the wartime injustice, as well as a $21,000 "redress" cheque to each and every surviving  internee, even those born after the war, as late as March, 1949, when Japanese-Canadians won the right to vote and to live anywhere in Canada. Japanese Canadians have thrived as an ethnic group ever since.  No further apology was or is necessary.


During the same period when we were interned --and if you were a teenager like me, living in the awesomely beautiful Kootenay
Valley camp of Slocan having a wonderfully carefree time--over 40,000 Canadians--most of them  white folk-- died to ensure our rights and freedom--the freedom that we take so much for granted.  I have yet to hear any  Japanese-Canadian rights activist mention the debt and thanks we owe them.


Let's stop this eternal caterwauling over past injustices that have long ago been addressed.

Let's stop this "ethnic/multicutural/intercultural"divisions and just be an UNITED Church.



RichardBott's picture



I haven't been able to find it anywhere, CindyBee.


Part of the difficulty is that often the GC takes action by voting "no action" on a Proposal (or a series of Proposals) and then taking pieces from a number to create their action. While we might hear reports, we don't tend to get the specifics until all the dust settles. 


Christ's peace - r

DKS's picture



RichardBott wrote:

I haven't been able to find it anywhere, CindyBee.


Part of the difficulty is that often the GC takes action by voting "no action" on a Proposal (or a series of Proposals) and then taking pieces from a number to create their action. While we might hear reports, we don't tend to get the specifics until all the dust settles. 


Christ's peace - r


After the GC (usually about a week) the commissioners will receive a list of proposals and what the disposition was of each one.

DKS's picture



Admin 2 wrote:

The latest rumour is that Emerging Spirit report will take place at 9:30 a.m. Pacific (12:30 p.m. Eastern). A Statement on Ministry presentation is also scheduled for this morning as well, though I'm not sure when. The GC agenda is fluctuating a lot, so if anyone has more recent information, please let us know!



That's what the agenda says.

GordW's picture



DKS wrote:

Electronic Voting Conditionally Approved



In other matters, Council voted to

  • permit electronic voting at meetings, provided that a conference call or electronic meeting forum (e.g. e-mail chatroom, webcam simulcast) are held simultaneously

This is not a measure I expected to see approved. There are huge issues involved (please don't try to explain why there aren't issues; there are). However the idea of allowing voting during a web conference, conference call or electronic meeting makes a lot of sense. As we are moving intentionally in this direction in Toronto Conference, I look forward to being a part of the implimentation.

But it doesn't solve the issue.  THe proposal (I keep wanting to say petition) we sent forward was to allow telephone or e-mail polling on a question.  If we can get people together for a conference call we do that already.  But since pending motions are illegal and people are not always prompt at getting forms in before a meeting do we make congregations and personnel wait till the next time a meeting can be gathered before confirming a decision?


This decision does not satisfy me.  In fact, such things were already allowed and being done.

DKS's picture



GordW wrote:

But it doesn't solve the issue.  THe proposal (I keep wanting to say petition) we sent forward was to allow telephone or e-mail polling on a question.  If we can get people together for a conference call we do that already.  But since pending motions are illegal and people are not always prompt at getting forms in before a meeting do we make congregations and personnel wait till the next time a meeting can be gathered before confirming a decision?


In short, yes. One of the things I have discovered in pastoral relations work is the absolute slovenliness that members of the Order of Ministry practice in relation to appropriate response to paperwork. Having been able to turn around PR forms in a timely manner yet see others blithly ignore what is necessary to do, any attempt to use electronic voting is simply inappropriate.

GordW's picture




It is a reality of time and distance for some of these forms (although to be honest often it is people assumming the deadlines don't apply, or not checking when they are) when a presbyter has to drive 2+ hours to get to a meeting of the congregation scheduling is more complicated.


When we have needed to do e-mail polls (or telephone polls) in the past the motion has been discussed at a previous exec meeting but could not officially be made because the form was missing a signature.  Since pending motions are, for very good  reason, not allowed it seemed odd to make things wait for a month or two until the next scheduled meeting.  Mind you now that we do conference calls differently, using a different service provider, it is easier to call one on short notice.

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