LBmuskoka's picture



So where do we go from here...

What did the attendees of the GC leave with: personally or professionally? 

Things to look forward to or, possibly, look out for?

Any monumental changes or shifts on the horizon?

Did you find it a valuable experience?


Inquiring minds want to know ....

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crazyheart's picture



I am wondering about the 5 points of reference for leading the church through the next 3 years. Are they not very vague without much direction at all. Maybe someone can post them as I am off to church.

Panentheist's picture



Called to be Church!

Really Final

Some time ago the United Church of Canada solicited input from its membership on the subject “Called to be Church” in preparation for its next General Council in Aug 2009. I liked the call and its challenge and although time is running out I take this opportunity to respond.


What appealed to me was the language as that speaks to me of growth, evolution and potential. I was particularly struck by the use of the word “be” as it, standing by itself, contains a promise of dynamic current, but hidden, activities.


What does it mean to “be” Church? Speaking for myself, I have a bone to pick with the document “Called to be Church” as it doesn’t put enough emphasis on the concepts Integrity and Ecology.

Although not directly mentioned in the document, the concepts are there, they need to be talked about and deserve more attention than they have been accorded.



Synonyms: honesty, veracity, reliability, honour, truthfulness, etc.


The issue before us is the proclamation and spread of the “Good News”. Shortly after Jesus walked the earth, was martyred and resurrected, an effort got underway to get members of the general public to choose him as their role model. The reason may not have been clear from the outset, but it didn’t take long for the message to morph into the idea that following Jesus and accepting him as one’s Lord and saviour was the one and only sure way to acquire a permanent resting place in heaven. In Biblical language that is expressed as follows: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life”.  


Again, sharing with you the history of my life long pre-occupation with the Bible and its message, I have changed from being a rabid fundamentalist to being a celebrating Panentheist. I have come to understand that, wherever I look and whatever I observe, I see God in action and perceive all individual items and components to be manifestations of God. It has become even more abundantly clear to me that all consciously aware human beings, including myself, are among those manifestations. My changed understanding is that everyone and everything is/are manifestations of God, and that is what I call the “Good News” as that makes me "kin". That is the news I want to proclaim from the rooftops, but can’t as tradition insists that the “Good News” is found nowhere else but in John 3:16 (see above).


This goes to show that there are apparently several different ways of understanding and explaining the “Good News”. In some quarters that may be a difficulty, in others it isn’t. My point however is that these apparently opposing views are insufficiently exposed and explained, thereby causing tension in the “home” of Christianity. With regards to the issue of Integrity, there is a clear progressive effort under way which insists that the issues be exposed and aired fearlessly. One of the clearest examples I am familiar with is the book “With or Without God” by Gretta Vosper. Whether one agrees with her or not, she, among many others, insists that the truth be told and that folks be given the opportunity to consider the pros and cons of opposing views. Is that not happening? Judging from my experience of over 45 years as an active member of the United Church of Canada my response would be negative. More often than not one is cautioned to tread softly in order not to disturb the beliefs and comforts of some members of the congregations.


Can that situation be changed? Yes, it can!  I would expect this information to be dispensed by General Council, but it takes their political will to share with the membership the news that we live in changing times and that from here on in a great deal of work is to be engaged in to receive, discuss and assimilate the ever growing body of new (scientific) information.


Finally, on the subject of Integrity, I request that we listen to the words of our previous moderator Bill Phipps who reminds us that society, any society, lives by the stories it tells. With regards to the stories we tell in our churches, we are very familiar with them. The time now has arrived that we become aware of the new stories which are emerging, stories we need to transmit and circulate if we are to continue growing in the Spirit. Just one example, what does it mean that we are said to be made of stardust? -------- Well?




I have been informed that the study of Ecology is the study of relationships. More precisely, the study of ecology is said to be the study of how everything is related to everything else.


In the area of Ecology, I refer you to “The Song of Faith” which informs us that everything, whether animate or inanimate, is related.


As with the issue of Integrity and credibility, we are being swamped with ideas which are new to us. Again, I hope we heed Mod Phipps’ suggestion that we learn the new stories in this area, make them our own and broadcast them. The main thing we have to become aware of is the fact that we, human beings, are not more valuable or more important than anything else. We are integral parts of the universe and we play our role in the scenario of rising and evolving. The attributes that set humanity apart however are our mental capabilities, our consciousness, our awareness of self and our spirituality.


In closing, I urgently request from our leadership that time and opportunity be made available for us to learn to identify the new stories – and how to share them.





This is the letter I wrote to the folks who requested our input. Having produced it here I have the feeling that more people get to read it now than at any other time. And that is one of the issues I would like to see dealt with. How many other folks submitted something for discernment? If that is to be at all productive we ALL should get the opportunity to read those submissions, to give them deep thought and to respond if we feel so inclined. That way we all get involved in the discernment process --- to the benefit of the church at large.


Where do we go from here? My article may have given an indication of the direction we can, and may, elect to travel.




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