graeme's picture



All us Russell Williams

There's a site I often use to get leads on international news stories. It's one-sided - though only in the sense it relays news, usually from reputable papers, and passes it on to us who think our news media tell us the truth.

So see it, google   Information Clearing House

Today's, Oct. 26, is particularly chilling. I contain secret American army records from Wikkieleaks. You thought Williams was gruesome? Take a look at the sort of company we keep.

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mrs.anteater's picture



Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan


I was wondering, what do you call this number? (I know it's beyond billion...) is it a gazillion? Is it a crazy-ilion?

graeme's picture



Wow! It looks a little bit like the usual number from Information Cleariing House - but badly scrambled and multiplied. The real nuymber is about 1,400,000, and going up.

What they have been doing is running a lot of the Wikkielleaks that most of our news media have ignored.


Judd's picture



When Bush exempted the U.S. from the Geneva Accord and the World Court I was pretty sure what would happen.

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