kaythecurler's picture



another oil rig explodes

I just read on FB that another oil rig has exploded and gone up in flames in the Gulf of Mexico.  I was unable to link to any further info about it, but it comes up on Google.


When will we we ever learn?

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InannaWhimsey's picture



happened all the time in Dr Who...


in fact, there are enough films with oil rigs in 'em that one could have an oil rig film festival



Kimmio's picture



It was just yesterday that BP was ordered by the court to pay billions of dollars for the last oil spill in the gulf, plus two of the employees/ managers on that rig face manslaughter charges. I was thinking how stunningly ironic it is that this happened today. I wonder what impact yesterdays ruling will have with respect to this new incident and future off shore drilling expeditions.

crazyheart's picture



This rig was not BP though

Kimmio's picture



No, I don't think it was BP. My point was just that the oil rigs themselves, no matter who owns them-- in a big way,offshore drilling was taken to task yesterday because the last BP spill, and today this happens--which puts offshore drilling on the spot. They're under a new degree of scrutiny.

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Owned by Black Elk Energy, about 25 miles off teh Louisiana coast; 4 injured, 2 missing

Kimmio's picture



It's so dangerous for a number of reasons, obviously. I heard on the news today that helicopter medics  already close by were able to get to the site within minutes and evacuate the injured, so that is good. It may have saved more lives than had they not responded so quickly. Sad for the families of the workers--and the events of the past two days really highlight, again, why off shore drilling isn't a good idea, imo.

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