weeze's picture



Charter for Compassion

It's less than two weeks now until the launch or unveiling of the Charter for Compassion, and I'm very interested in that, and wonder if anyone knows a particular way or place it will be covered in the media so I can watch or listen?  I've just read the transcript of the Bill Moyers interview with Karen Armstrong from last March and think she's doing a very good thing. Obviously a lot of people in the world think so, too!  Anyone here interested in what's happening?


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weeze's picture



Here is the website for the transcript (or video) of that interview:



Witch's picture



I was unaware of this before, weeze. Thank you for bring it to our attention. I can't think of a more important cause.

Witch's picture



Any particular reason for that outburst Beshpin?  Did you just think it was time to insult me at random?



It appears that post has now been removed

carolla's picture



Wow - weeze!  This is really interesting to me.  It's the first I've heard anything about it.  I want to explore the website more & read some of the original submissions.  I also found the website had a lot of links to intriguing looking organizations ... could be lots of learning here!


Is your church or community doing anything to bring attention to the Nov. 12 release?

BetteTheRed's picture



I love TED, love Karen Armstrong. So, of course, I think this is a wonderful exercise.


She's not re-packaging any old ideas into new ones. She's asked for the help of the international  community, religious and non-religious, to re-focus our religious understanding and imagination back on the Golden Rule. Idealistic, perhaps. The six TED talks that accompany the Charter's release were released this week and are very worth seeing.


I may plan something at the church sorta last minute, or incorporate some information into my Nov 10 Eco Christianity session.

Witch's picture



BetteTheRed wrote:
Idealistic, perhaps.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I believe idealism is one of the greatest forces in humanity. Unfortunately, like forces of the universe, it has as much potential to drive harm as it does to drive healing.


The responsibility for which horse we harness it to lays squarely upon our own shoulders.

carolla's picture



Today's the day!  The charter has been released -  I took a quick peek - http://charterforcompassion.org/  I will have to come back to it after having some time to reflect on its words.

Chip's picture



This looks pretty good.  Basically, it seems like the embodiment of secular humanism.  If everyone subscribed to these tenets, we'd all be better off.

carolla's picture



Agreed  Chip!

weeze's picture



Hey, everybody, check out you tube--there are lots of videos of Karen and it's all good to watch. I was disappointed this didn't make the news (at least when and where I was watching) and I had an appointment when they were doing livestream q & a with her on the 12th so I didn't get in on it!  But I'm so excited about this thing--but we have to get out there and advertise it and get it known by the masses!  I wrote an article for our local paper about it, and I've mentioned it in sermons, and will do so again, maybe for the Sunday of Advent when we're talking about HOPE.  That would be just about right!!  Oh that we could get this wider press, and the internet is a good way--counteract some of the crap that's flying around out there, deal out some peace and love instead!

Hopefully, weeze

jlin's picture



Good stuff Weeze,  I love Bill Moyers' work.  Where would we be without his personal twist in the media.  Right On Karen Anderson!


I do remember that as part of the dissing of socialists and feminists during the reactionary onslaught of the Reagan years, dissing empathy became a byline of the age . . . I guess that media and the right wing so well eradicated empathy  from the social dialectic ( it was EVERYTHING during the 60's and 70's) that it has had to be reinvented in the last few years - eg.  moms and babies visiting elementary schools to teach empathy.  



weeze's picture



I'm preaching on the Charter this week; it fits in well in the theme of hope! I put it on bulletin-insert size paper so every member of the congregation would have it in hand; copied it large onto 11x17 to display; and I'm going to urge everyone to check the website and affirm the charter, and take the whole thing into their hearts as individuals, as members of the congregation and the community.  If I knew how to post my sermon, I'd do that!  Anyway, I guess the Charter with its thousands of names of affirming members is going to be presented to world leaders on New Year's Eve; and Karen is getting some air time now as her new book is gaining attention; so there is HOPE!!!

Blessings, weeze

mammas's picture



Charter for Compassion has a Facebook fan group (to date 26752 fans)

for those interested...


On Tuesday they posted...

"As many of you prepare to join family and friends to celebrate the holiday and new year, we encourage you to reflect on how we can all make this next year and next decade a more compassionate one. Share the Charter and ask others to add their name. Begin a discussion on how focusing on compassion can change your daily life. Explore the many small and large acts we each can take to change the world."



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