waterfall's picture




Definition of Chemtrails:

This is a conspiracy theory that suggests that some of the contrails of jets are actually biological agents or chemicals deliberately sprayed at hight altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public.


Chemtrails are not to be confused with the normal contrails that jets emit behind them and dissappear shortly afterwards. Chemtrails on the other hand linger in the sky for hours. A haze is eventually created and the once blue sky is changed to white colour from the chemtrails expanding.


It's been suggested that this is happening to counteract global warming.


What do you think of this "theory"?

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waterfall's picture



Part of the reason I'm posting this, is because this morning while I was outside, I noticed a very high volume of aircraft in the overhead skies. The pattern from the jets emmissions was so unbelievable that I took a picture. It literally looked like over 50 planes had just flown overhead and just as the "theory" suggested, these lines remained and expanded for hours. The crystal blue sky in the morning was eventually overtaken, by the expansion of the white trails left by the jets and the sky turned white (still is as I write this).


I do not live near a high traffic flight area. I started to read about this and searched the pros and cons.  Visited the critics sites. But still, it's hard to deny what I witnessed.


I also learned that the US government controlled the weather during the Vietnam War. Operation Popeye was a cloud seeding project to extend the rainy season in Laos.


What's your opinion? Have you noticed this?



MistsOfSpring's picture



I remember noticing the same thing when I was a kid 30 years ago.  Sometimes it dissipated and sometimes it lingered.  I think it is because of the atmosphere and the altitude of the plane.  On the ground, the sky appears to be a uniform place, but there are actually multiple layers to it.  Several planes can be seen in the sky at the same time, but they can be experiencing very different conditions in terms of temperature or wind velocity.  I would hazard a guess that the faster dissipation takes place in higher winds and higher temperatures, while the lingering takes place where the winds are slower and the temperature is colder. 

Witch's picture



Chemtrails, moon landing hoax, birthers, flat earthers, holocaust deniers, illuiminati panicers.....

Take your pick

Alex's picture



If it is meant to counteract global warming it is not working.


In general I believe people can not keep secrets very well, and so any conspiracy theory is unlikely. 


We do not need to believe in conspiracy theories to see the systems that are destroying us.


Jet planes are a major souce of pollution and CO2 emissions. Usually we can not see these pollutants. So perhaps due to the weather conditions, you got a more truthful view of the actual ammount of polution these planes emit.  That we usually so not see. 


It is not a secret that we are destroying the world ability to sustain life.



sighsnootles's picture



i have to say i don't believe any kind of conspiracy theory at work here...


i have always noticed that the trail after a jet passes lasts for hours.  growing up on the prairies, it is not unusual to see a blue sky slashed with 4 or 5 exhaust trails from high flying jets.  you can see forever here.

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