kaythecurler's picture



hurricane sandyy

I have put this in Global because hurricanes land in many places across the globe.  I think most of us know they are dangerous and somewhat unpredictable, depending on what defenses hold and what ones collapse.


I have spent a bit of time following the various news outlets, blogs and FB trying to keep up with what is happening in the east.  Quite a few of my FB friends have evacuated, or settled down to ride it out.


One of the things that I am noticing is a lot of photos of people walking their dogs and children as waves crash over the sea wall.  What is that all about?  Aren't they suppsed to have taken themselves somewhere safe?   I suppose in some cases it isn't as life threatening as it looks online if the local problem is mostly just big waves that aren't likely to inundate the town.  In some cases though the photo is tagged with a location that is supposed to be totally evacuated.


Hoping everyone stays as safe as is possible and that loss of life is minimal during this particular hurricane.



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carolla's picture



thanks Kay - here in the Toronto area, we're just getting lots of wind now, and some rain started around dinner time.  Wind is supposed to be increasing through the night ... rainfall estimates have been downgraded, fortunately.  Could be power outages tho - so I will soon turn off my computer!


Re the folks by the water - just dummb ... natural selection at work I suppose.  I hope all  your friends are okay.

somegalfromcan's picture



Be safe everyone!

Mendalla's picture



carolla wrote:

thanks Kay - here in the Toronto area, we're just getting lots of wind now, and some rain started around dinner time.  Wind is supposed to be increasing through the night ...


She's a howling outside my window right now here in London. Rains not that hard but it sounds heavy because of being blown around.




Rev. Steven Davis's picture

Rev. Steven Davis


Niagara is getting heavy winds right now and the rain is getting harder.

kaythecurler's picture



I hope all the WC patrons and their loved ones stay safe through this storm.

Pinga's picture



Agreed Kay.


I was supposed to be flying to Orlando through Newark today.  Needless to say my flight was cancelled.  Will see if I can make it tomorrow.


I am reading facebook updates of folks who are without power in areas of Toronto & Waterloo

trishcuit's picture





I am seeing on facebook a lot of so-called "Hurricaine Sandy" photos.  Some are genuine and others are mislabeled and some are photoshopped or from movies. 


A classic movie shot is that of a giant wave overtaking the Statue of Liberty, taken from "The Day After Tomorrow", the Arnold S.  flick. It too is being credited to Sandy.

trishcuit's picture



something that made me sad this morning was this piece of news. A beautiful vessel and her crew.   



somegalfromcan's picture



That is very sad Trishcuit. I remember going onboard that ship when it came to the Victoria Tall Ships festival back in 2008.

gecko46's picture



Too bad about the sinking of the Bounty replica, and unfortunately the loss of 2 lives.

So glad most of the crew were rescued.   Ships can be replaced...lives can't...sad


Waiting to hear from friends who live in coastal Maine and Nova Scotia, and hoping they are OK.

kaythecurler's picture



I'm checking regularly, hoping to hear familiar voices speaking, hoping everyone is warm, dry and safe.  Possibly some areas are without power?

DKS's picture



Not a lot of damage to be sen. I was in Toronto Sunday through today and aside from strong winds, not a lot of problems. Just power outages, which are mostly all resolved. I saw two hydro trucks out fixing lines on the way home, but much, much less damage than I expected to see.

chemgal's picture



I heard someone died, I believe in Toronto.  Stay safe and out of the way of blowing debris everyone!

Beloved's picture



Pinga wrote:

Agreed Kay.


I was supposed to be flying to Orlando through Newark today.  Needless to say my flight was cancelled.  Will see if I can make it tomorrow.


I was wondering if you might be travelling pinga. When you go, be safe!

Compassionate thoughts are with those who have lost in this storm.

carolla's picture



We are okay here. Suprisingly didn't even have a power outage!  As I drove around today on some errands, I saw shingles blown off, minor tree debris, and generally less damage than I expected having listened to the relentless howling wind last night.  Not even all the leaves blew off the trees!  However, in a park near here, many majestic old willow trees were badly damaged - so sad to see them today - they have stood for so long in their place. 

Pinga's picture



I think all is fine in my circles, as well.  I saw one person mention a branch had fallen on their fence from a large tree...but, all in all the people that i know in s. ontario are fine...and i haven't heard of any issues in other circles, other than what is in the news.

InannaWhimsey's picture



some cool stuff aboot the Frankenstorm (i love media narratives...)


"A homeless woman made a spooky Halloween’s eve discovery on the Upper Green: bones from a centuries-old human body unearthed by a giant oak tree toppled by Superstorm Sandy.


The woman, Katie Carbo, made the discovery around 3:15 p.m. near the corner of College and Chapel streets. Visible among the roots of the tree is the back of skull, upside down, with its mouth open (pictured). It is still connected to a spine and rib cage.


Carbo called police, who confirmed the discovery. Detectives headed to the scene to investigate."


--from here


this gay is exhausted from causing the Frankenstorm


"omg, its...feeding..."


(i think i see jj abrams in the boat...and that one bright light could be that one lone faithful Xtian who is being raptured into the feeding orfice of their Deity...)

kaythecurler's picture



One gay suggested that he felt like he should apologise.  He and his pals were actually trying to cure the drought in the mid-west but must have got something wrong! 

Northwind's picture



Thanks for those great articles Inanna!


Fern's picture



Wasn't it ironic that the woman that died was a descendant of the original Christian that sailed the Bounty. And the replica Bounty carried his distant relative. A really sad event.

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