Motheroffive's picture



On Norway

I don't know how to process the horrible events that transpired yesterday in Norway. What thoughts or actions does your theology call you into?

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somegalfromcan's picture



Wow - I hadn't listened to the news yet today, but when I saw your post I googled Norway. Just brutal - there are no words.


It sounds like there were some problems with the police not having access to necessary equipment like helicopters and boats in a timely manner. If they had, the tragedy might have been lessened somewhat - I hope this will change for them now.

Kimmio's picture



It's hard to know what to say. It is horrible. I read on another site where people automatically made assumptions as to who was behind the attacks. Christians are called to love our enemies as well as our neighbours...because sometimes it is difficult to make that distinction. Human is human and no nation or religion is free from extremism and people who commit violence. I agree that this man is very dangerous and should be kept from doing more harm, but he is obviously sick. We will never get to the root of these types horrible acts, no matter who is behind them, by trying to solve them with more violence. My prayers go to the victims and their families, but also to individuals who feel so hopeless that they feel the need to resort to violence. It happens with gangs, it happens with extremist groups...and sometimes to lone individuals--hurting people who hurt people--maybe with a bit of love and compassion...a good purpose to direct their energy into...they may not have done what they did. Prevention is key.

gecko46's picture



Reading the newspaper, watching the news, viewing the is difficult to grasp the enormity of the tragedy with so many innocent lives lost. What provoked the bomber/shooter will probably never be known for certainty. My heart goes out to the gentle and peace-loving people of Norway as they cope with the loss and devastation.

Kimmio's picture



It is really tragic. Hard to believe it happened in Norway...somewhere I thought would was one of the safest most peaceful places on earth. My heart goes out to all the victims. I hope and pray that we can prevent violent events like this without more violence. The violence needs to stop.

Tao's picture



MotherofFive... Thank you for this topic.


Because I do not believe in Violence as an answer to anything. To answer what thought or action does my Theology call me into would be:


To Pray for those who have survived. Be they victims, families, friends of victims. To pray for the Person that committed this act. To find it within my Heart to Forgive them and to continue loving them despite what has happened.


It is natural for people's first reaction to be to lash out at this individual and seek extreme revenge upon them. Without knowing the full story as to what motivated this path the person walked that brought them to this place and time. What shaped the mental (thought) process that caused this to happen at all. We must first and foremost no matter what religious/non-religious Belief we all may hold. Be concerned for not only the victims, but, the Doer of the Deed.


Perhaps there were warning signs before this happened and people who may be close to this individual didn't see them. Or saw them and thought it would never ever come to this. Those people need prayers and peace as well for they are asking themselves what if..... what if only.... But no matter how much what ifs. It was not in their power to stop this before it began.


I will Keep The people of Norway (the victims. innocents, and all others in my Thoughts and Prayers) they ALL need them right now.





Witch's picture



Tragic yes, but not the least bit surprising.


We've had more than enough anti-muslim prejudice from a few people on this very site to see where this was all headed. It was only a matter of time before someone took in all the anti-muslim hatred that's been washing over our society, and decided to "do" something about it.


This is not a new thing. time and again we've seen that terrorism begins when people decide to promote prejudice against one group of another, wrapped in patriotic and religious self-righteousness, claiming only to have our safety at heart.


Hopefully this will cause some people to wake up and actively oppose the anti-muslim posts we've been seeing so much of here.

Tao's picture





(Not Derailing this Thread) - Just wanted to say WONDERFUL to see you again Witch I have Missed you cool



Alex's picture



Where in the world do Christians get the idea it is OK to hate and to kill people. Could it be from Churches? It is sad but this killer claimed he was a Christians. His theology is just an extreme version of what is believed by so called conservatives in the church. They say the believe all are sinners, yet they act only against the other. How very sad that Christianity has come to this.

Kimmio's picture



Alex, I don't think his "Christianity" had anything to do with it and I would be careful not to lump everyone of his faith persuasion in the same category. He's a sick person. I imagine that if he belongs to a congregation, they too are in shock There have been many  atrocities endorsed and committed by the Church over the centuries...and then there have been extremist individuals who've gone mad, i.e. Jonestown, David Koresh (sp?). I think this has more to do with some deep issues he has, than with his religion.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


What happened in Norway is a tragedy - not only for the families and friends of those injured or killed - but for all of mankind.


(I include here the young man that perpetrated the violence and his family.)



My theology reminds me of what Jesus's message to us was  - to live out our lives as part of God's Kingdom, loving God and loving our neighbour (everyone).


A Kingdom where there is no division, no  hate - but rather connection with all mankind through love.


It is a tragic reminder of the perils of seeing the world through the lens of "us" and "them" - all that is "good" residing with "us" and all that is evil residing with "them".


Alex's picture



Kimmio wrote:

Alex, I don't think his "Christianity" had anything to do with it and I would be careful not to lump everyone of his faith persuasion in the same category. He's a sick person. I imagine that if he belongs to a congregation, they too are in shock There have been many  atrocities endorsed and committed by the Church over the centuries...and then there have been extremist individuals who've gone mad, i.e. Jonestown, David Koresh (sp?). I think this has more to do with some deep issues he has, than with his religion.

Well if his Chrisitianity had nothing to do with why would he say it did. I agree that these types of attacks are nonsensical, but certainly his targets, and those of other mad men, are chosen for a reason.

Kimmio's picture



I didn't read or hear of him saying what he did had anything to do with his being a Chrisitan (if he clamed his religion as a reason, I missed that), just that he claims to be a Christian. What he did wasn't Christian that's for sure. I think 99.999% of Chrisitans would agree. I hope.

Kimmio's picture



Pilgrims Progress: You said what I originally wanted to express better than I could. Thank you.

Maybe the question is how to best love individuals such as the perpetrator before they perpetrate such horrible acts. It is one thing to say we need to love our neighbours, which I agree with, but how do we actively and effectively love our neighbours so this can be prevented. I do think understanding the cause is important to prevention (because even though he identifies as Christian I don't think we can blame Christians for this). Just like we can't blame Muslims for the extremists that claim to be Muslim.


Kimmio's picture



I was just reading on huffington post that it appears that the perpetrator was motivated by more of a neo-nazi "pure race" ideology than a religious one. One poster said the way to combat this is to inoculate  our children against racism and bigotry.

seeler's picture



Thank you Pilgrim for a voice of reason filled with compassion.  People like you give me hope.  You put into words what I am feeling. 


I just hope that this incident does not turn Norway into a fearful, or violent, place (like 9/11 seems to have done to America - where it seems to me more damage has been done by their reaction to the event than by the event itself).


Pinga's picture



My sense is there have, and always will be, mad men.


There are some places where people seem to grow.....places where fundamentalist thought or extremist positins are welcome.....places where life is full of black/whites, and little grey.


I am  wondering about the kids who survived, and how they are coping....either through hiding or running...or just crap luck.


i am wondering about the police officers and others who tried to get there, and wonder...a minute earlier, could we have?  two minutes earlier?  


the organizers who never thought of the requirement for this kind of protection of youth.


so many whose lives will be forever marked by July 22, 2011.

seeler's picture



Pinga - every time we leave our houses, and even if we don't leave, there is the possibility of a mad man (or woman) gunning us down, ramming us with a car, burning the building down around us.  etc.


Every year there are thousands of young people (and lots not so young) attending seminars, retreats, camping weekends or longer, in the open air - on islands, in the mountains, in the wilderness - some connected with religion, some perhaps political, some survival training.   And out of these thousands one might be hit with a sudden storm while canoeing across a lake, or accidentally poisoned by the water or food, or become victims of a deranged individual.  


Yes, we need to constantly be alert.  We need to revise our security, our planning, our organizing.   But in doing so, we need to be careful not to infringe on the freedom to organize and take part in this type of activity.   Too much concern for 'protection' might mean that events are cancelled, or become so restrictive as to interfere with their purposes.  If you see danger or terrorism behind every bush, you aren't apt of learn self-reliance or to trust and rely on each other, or to value those who have different abilities or ideas to contribute. 


Since 9/11 we have seen freedoms taken away, restrictions put in place, distrust and discrimination, and we don't feel any safer.  In fact we feel less safe.  


I know I'm not saying this well.  And I know that you value the freedom you and your sons have enjoyed in outdoor activities and camping.   I just don't want to see Norway or any other country become paranoid about protection.  



Witch's picture



Kimmio wrote:

I didn't read or hear of him saying what he did had anything to do with his being a Chrisitan (if he clamed his religion as a reason, I missed that), just that he claims to be a Christian. What he did wasn't Christian that's for sure. I think 99.999% of Chrisitans would agree. I hope.


Yes that's what's known as the "no true scotsman" fallacy.


Before he went on his rampage, he left a 1500 page manifesto. In that document he is very clear on his Christianity, his anger at the mainstream churches for their apostasy, his "concern" over how the media and the church are refusing to deal with the Muslim threat.... sound familiar?


Even if, and I specify a very pointed if, he wasn't an "actual" Christian. He certainly believed he was one, and one of the few "true" Christians left (again, sound familiar?). He posted on the same boards and sorts of boards that the anti-muslim "true" Christians here have quoted from. He used all the same rhetoric as the anti-muslim "true" Christians here have used.


Sure he was mad, but what fed his madness? If I was to take a schizophrenic and cloister him away and pound him day and night with messages that all his problems, all the voices, all the terror and anxiety would all go away if he would just "get rid of" my neighbour, am I guiltless when he slaughters the people next door? At what point does the right wing arm of Christianity notice the beam in their own eye and say.... hey, maybe we do bear some responsibility?

Witch's picture



Kimmio wrote:

I was just reading on huffington post that it appears that the perpetrator was motivated by more of a neo-nazi "pure race" ideology than a religious one. One poster said the way to combat this is to inoculate  our children against racism and bigotry.


Have you ever tried to convince an anti-muslim "Christian" that what they're saying is prejudice? We've tried here... it doesn't work.


Every racist and bigot believes they are entirely justified in what they choose to believe about whatever group they choose to hate. What it takes is strong action from the leadership of the religion/party/organization that the anti-muslims or other bigots need to be a part of. The leaders need to take the racist/prejudiced rhetoric by the neck and demand an end to it.


Instead of action, what we get is complacency while the bigotry is just in chat rooms and back halls, and internet blogs, and then after the slaughter we get "Oh that's not our responsibility, you see he wasn't a true Christian"

cjms's picture



I tend to agree, Witch.  How much time do we spend preaching but not acting?  How much time do we spend talking/reflecting on our beliefs and actually doing something?  Do we assuage our conscience by sending $50 to the Red Cross for disaster sites, praying in our churches or do we make personal and political statements by changing how we live and confronting those that are promoting hate.


Responsibility and accountability does not sit at one door alone...cms

Alex's picture



It is strange. I have read progressive Muslim say that moderate Muslims theology contributes to the violence of Muslims terrorists. However I have never heard any Christian in recent years talk about those ideas in mainstream Chrisitianity that contribute to extremism and violence. My favorite theologian Dorthy Solle, was a German who grew up during WW2. She was one of the first feminist theologians. she had to move away from Germany because she connected the aspects of mainstream German Christianity that lead to extremism and the death camps. No one is doing that today. Most Christians take the view that neither terrorists ( like this one or Bush) have anything to do with Chrisitian belief as expressed today.

cjms's picture



Here is an interesting blog on the subject:

seeler's picture



Witch, cjms, Alex - I don't know where you get the idea that Christians don't speak out about this kind of teaching by some other Christian churches.  I hear it more thought my UCC than I hear it in secular society.  cjms you indicate that we should not spend time talking but 'doing something about it'.   What should we be doing, as a church and as individual Christians?   I mean we support  groups, and protest government budget cuts for groups that promote peace and understanding between peoples.  We try to maintain communication with the local Moslem community - it was with a church group that I visited the mosque in this city.  On a personal level, my new doctor is a Moslem.   I wished her a good winter holiday and she wished me a 'merry Christmas'.   We send our children to visit other countries and have foreign exchange students in our homes.   We try to point out to others that hatred of others is wrong, violence is wrong. etc.   And I permitted my son to attend a youth group in a church that is much more on the conservative side then we are - and years later he discovered that he had more influence on some of the members of that group then they had on him. 


When you say "Do something", I wonder  what more can I do?



cjms's picture



Hi seeler.  It sounds as though you are making attempts and that is commendable.  Would you say that it is universal within the christian church or any other religious institution? 


In a city with many different religious traditions, I regularly hear anti-"name the religion" slurs.  I try and combat what I hear but I don't always.  My particular church is pretty active politically but I know many, many churches that are not.  They are too busy trying to figure out how pay the bills with a diminished congregation. 


There is also the old cliché "charity begins at home" that is regularly trotted out in churches.  We'll help those as long as they are "like us". 


I do not condemn efforts, just pointing out that clearly we are not doing enough...cms

Alex's picture



seeler wrote:

Witch, cjms, Alex - I don't know where you get the idea that Christians don't speak out about this kind of teaching by some other Christian churches.  I hear it more thought my UCC than I hear it in secular society.  cjms you indicate that we should not spend time talking but 'doing something about it'.   What should we be doing, as a church and as individual Christians?   I mean we support  groups, and protest government budget cuts for groups that promote peace and understanding between peoples.  We try to maintain communication with the local Moslem community - it was with a church group that I visited the mosque in this city.  On a personal level, my new doctor is a Moslem.   I wished her a good winter holiday and she wished me a 'merry Christmas'.   We send our children to visit other countries and have foreign exchange students in our homes.   We try to point out to others that hatred of others is wrong, violence is wrong. etc.   And I permitted my son to attend a youth group in a church that is much more on the conservative side then we are - and years later he discovered that he had more influence on some of the members of that group then they had on him. 


When you say "Do something", I wonder  what more can I do?



I remember a famous eulogy given during the height of the Aids crisis. We were not doing enough was the message. However those who were doing everything they could took it as a attack on them. While those who did not care or do anything, never heard it. How does one say we are not doing enough?

Alex's picture



cjms wrote:

Here is an interesting blog on the subject:

A well done blog. I have replayed it on twitter and Facebook.

Witch's picture



seeler wrote:

Witch, cjms, Alex - I don't know where you get the idea that Christians don't speak out about this kind of teaching by some other Christian churches.


I apologize for not being more clear, Seeler.


I wasn't referring to the UCC, or the other more progressive denominations; i.e. the ones the fundies refer to as apostate. I have great respect for the role the UCC et al have taken in actively fighting prejudice.


I was referring specifically to those right wing fundamentalist/evangelical/exclusivist ultra-conservative denominations and churches that promote bigotry and prejudice, or even just allow it to foment in their basements and chat rooms. When their active hatemongering ends up resulting in death, as it inevitably does, they are the first ones to loudly deny any responsibility at all.


We've seen it here in this very forum, even today. The hatemongers deny that the gunman was a Christian; deny that their anti-muslim rhetoric could possibly be a factor;  and the people who are calling them to task are called "troll"

Witch's picture



cjms wrote:

Here is an interesting blog on the subject:


Thank you for posting that link. The author has hit the nail on the head. Too bad the people who should be listening probably won't. This statement from that link sums it up quite well.


"The media neatly side-stepped the fact that Breivik was strongly influenced by fundamentalist Christian extremists and a politics of the far right.  The “deranged lone gunman” label allows right-wing ideologues to brush aside the embarrassing fact that Breivik’s target – a left-wing youth camp – suggests an affiliation with a politicized Christian right."

Kimmio's picture



I didn't read his 1500 page I should admit I'm not well enough informed to comment on his motives.  Upon further thought, I think you're right, Witch and Alex, if he identifies as Christian and stated that as a motive, Christians have to take that seriously and not pass it off as a lone gunman situation. How do we overcome this? Finger pointing and blame certainly won't help.

I also believe the secular media has a huge role to play in feuling bigotry and xenophobia because fear sells. Some people don't hear enough about the daily lives of people from other religions and cultures to understand that we have more in common than not as human beings...we get distorted imagery and tag lines. It's really upsetting.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


  More thoughts on the Norway tragedy.........


I don't think it - or the 9/11 attack in the USA - had anything to do, apart from lip service, with faith.


Whenever we get to the point, on any subject, that the only valid point of view is our own, we are on a slippery slope.


It is the beginning of losing our balance and can lead to the next step of attempting to silence or insult all those that think differently.


Taken to it's extreme, we can murder other human beings with impunity - believing we are doing it to rid the world from evil.



Social media sites - including Wondercafe - show an increasing trend for polarity of thought within the individual.


It's all too easy with the resources of the internet a fingertip away, to give a link to a newspaper or article that supports your one sided view.


This reinforces polarity in the reader. If you happen to disagree you check out an opposing link that is equally one-sided.


The problem as I see it is that balanced reporting is becoming increasingly difficult to come by. The media owners can see profit in polarity - because sadly polarity is what their audience and readers often want also.



Thus, we are in danger of losing our balance and objectivity as individuals.




We have to find a way to get beyond tribalism with it's conflicts produced by an "us" and "them" way of seeing the world.


We are mankind and we are one.



Perhaps we can make a start by taking this poem to heart.


Children Learn What They Live



If a child lives with criticism
he learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility
he learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule
he learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame
he learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance
he learns to be patient.

if a child lives with encouragement
he learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise
he learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness
he learns justice.

If a child lives with security
he learns to have faith.

If a child lives with approval
he learns to like himself.

If a child lives with acceptance
and friendship he learns to
find love in the world.

by Dorothy Law Nolte (1954),


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var score = -1;
var img_id = '';
if (verdict != null)
score = verdict.score;
img_id = verdict.rawId;

// show popup alert (upper left)
if ((score >= searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION) && (score <= searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING))
// prevent this click from going any further
var search_hash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetHash', document.location.href);
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert(document, link, img_id, search_hash);

// if possible, stop the event from going any further
return false;

return true;

// called by native to update phishing links
searchshield.updatePhishingLinks = function (results)

if (!results)

if (!xplSearch)

var engine = xplSearch.engine;
var resultParse = results.split("::");
var resultsLength = resultParse[0];

for (var i=0; i < resultsLength; i++)
var idx = i*7;
var hash = resultParse[idx+1];
var score = resultParse[idx+2];
var new_image = resultParse[idx+3];
var alt_image = resultParse[idx+4];
var flyover = resultParse[idx+5];
var click_thru= resultParse[idx+6];
var altClick_thru = resultParse[idx+7];

engine.updateImage(hash, xplSearch.searchHash, score, new_image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru);
searchshield.getAvgImage = function (element)
var obj = {};
obj.img = xplSearch.engine.getImgElement(element);
obj.score = -1;

//parse the score from the id
if (obj.img != null &&
var pos = !! ?'U') + 1 : -1;
obj.score = (pos < 1) ? -1 :;
obj.rawId =,pos-1);

return obj;
searchshield.GetScannedLink = function (link)
if (!xplSearch || !(xplSearch.links instanceof Array))
return link;

// look for the link we scanned based on original element
for (var i = 0; i < xplSearch.links.length; i++)
if (xplSearch.links[i].element.href == link)
return xplSearch.links[i].href;
// else return the incoming link
return link;
searchshield.previouslyScanned = function (links, hash)
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
if ((links[i] != null) && (links[i].hash != null) &&
(links[i].hash == hash) && (links[i].checked == true))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.initPopupAlert = function (doc)
// check if it exists first
if (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert"))

// create a div to use for the popup itself, hide for now
var popup_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
popup_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_PopupAlert"); = "absolute"; = "10000";
searchshield.initFlyover = function (doc, engine)
// create in top doc only
if (doc !==
doc =;

// check if it exists first
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover")))

// create a div to use for the flyover itself, hide for now
var flyover_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
flyover_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Flyover"); = "absolute"; = "10000";

// create a layer for the image
var trans_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
trans_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Trans"); = "absolute"; = "9999";
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert = function (doc, link, hash, search)
// build the content
var popup_content = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'BuildPopupAlert', hash, search);
if (popup_content == null || popup_content == "")

// get the div
var div = doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert");
div.innerHTML = searchshield.CleanupHTML(popup_content);

// set position, account for scrolling
var zoom = searchshield.zoomLevel();
var pageOffsetX = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft/zoom);
var pageOffsetY = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollTop/zoom); = 10 + pageOffsetX + "px"; = 10 + pageOffsetY + "px";

// TODO: the event handler function doesn't exist so, is this even necessary?
//div.attachEvent("onmouseout", HidePopupAlert);

// set the link
//var data = doc.getElementById("avgalertpopurl");
//if (data)
// data.innerHTML = escape(link);

// set visibility = "visible";

//navigate to the link after timed delay
// TODO: Bug 31707 - make this open a new tab/window
setTimeout(function(){doc.location.assign(link)}, 3000);
searchshield.avgCallFunc = function (doc, name /*, param1..., paramN*/)
// get the data element
var avg_ls_data = (typeof gAvgDataElement !== 'undefined') ? gAvgDataElement : doc.getElementById("avglsdata");

if ((avg_ls_data == null) || (name == null))

// save the data element
gAvgDataElement = avg_ls_data;

// for some reason you can't fire and event on an element with no parent node
if (avg_ls_data.parentNode == null)

// set the attributes
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("function", name);

// set variable length of optional parameter attributes
var pcnt = 0;
for (var i=2; i < arguments.length; i++)
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("param"+(++pcnt), String(arguments[i]));


// get the result
return avg_ls_data.getAttribute("result");

// general use functions - begin
// DOM Functions
searchshield.getAnchorNode = function (node, filterFunc)
// filterFunc should return a boolean
if (!filterFunc || !filterFunc instanceof Function)
return null;

// go up the dom tree starting at node and look for anchor
// before hitting a header, div or table element
while ((node != null) &&
(node.tagName != null) &&
(node.tagName != "A"))
if (filterFunc(node))
node = null;
node = node.parentNode;

return node;
searchshield.getDocuments = function (frame, frameArray)
{ // recursively get all embedded frames/docs
var frames = frame.frames;
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++)
// recurse on each frame
searchshield.getDocuments(frames[i], frameArray);
return frameArray;
searchshield.NextSiblingNode = function (element)
var TEXTNODE = 3;
var ParentNode = element.parentNode;

if (!ParentNode)

var NextSibling = ParentNode.nextSibling;
while (NextSibling)
if (NextSibling.nodeType != TEXTNODE)
return NextSibling;

NextSibling = NextSibling.nextSibling;

searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute = function (attrName, attrValue, node, maxDepth)
if (!node)
return null;

var maxLoop = maxDepth ? maxDepth : 1;
var pNode = node.parentNode;

if (!pNode)
return null;

for(; 0 < maxLoop; maxLoop--)
if ((pNode[attrName]) &&
(pNode[attrName].toLowerCase() === attrValue.toLowerCase()))
return pNode;

pNode = pNode.parentNode;
if (!pNode)
return null;

return null;
searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName = function (className, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("className", className, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeById = function (id, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("id", id, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName = function (tagName, node, attrName)
{ // find parent node by tag name and optional attribute name
if (!tagName || !node || !node.parentNode)
return null;

tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
while ((node != null) && (node.nodeType != 9))
// if attrName is not provided just return TRUE

if (node.nodeName == tagName)
var nodeHasAttribute = !!attrName ? node[attrName] : true;
if (nodeHasAttribute)
return node;

node = node.parentNode;

// no div
return null;
searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement = function (tag)
var rtnHtml;

var tp = tag.parentNode;
var tgpn = tp ? tp.parentNode : null;
if (!tgpn)

lastChildElem = tgpn.lastChild;
while ((lastChildElem != null) && (lastChildElem.nodeName != 'SPAN') && (lastChildElem.nodeName != 'DIV'))
lastChildElem = lastChildElem.previousSibling;

if (lastChildElem)
rtnHtml = lastChildElem.getElementsByTagName('cite')[0];

if (rtnHtml)
rtnHtml = rtnHtml.innerHTML;

return rtnHtml;
searchshield.getHrefFromSpanElement = function (tag)
var rtnHtml;

var tp = tag.parentNode;
var tgpn = tp ? tp.parentNode : null;
if (!tgpn)

siblingElem = tgpn.nextSibling;
while ((siblingElem != null) && (siblingElem.nodeName != 'SPAN') && (siblingElem.className != 'site'))
siblingElem = siblingElem.nextSibling;
if (siblingElem && siblingElem.className && (siblingElem.className.match(/res[13]/)))

if (siblingElem)
rtnHtml = siblingElem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];

if (rtnHtml)
rtnHtml = rtnHtml.innerHTML;

return rtnHtml;
searchshield.getTopLevelDocument = function (doc)
{ // return the top level document for the given doc, could be itself

// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary

// don't check about:blank
if (doc && ((doc.location.href == "about:blank") || (doc.location.href == "about:Tabs")))
return doc;

// Check if already a top level document
for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i++)
if (doc == gBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument)
return doc;

// Not a top level, check all frames
var documents;
for (var j = 0; j < gBrowser.browsers.length; j++)
// get all docs for each browser
documents = searchshield.getDocuments(gBrowser.browsers[j].contentWindow, new Array());
for (var k = 0; k < documents.length; k++)
// check if doc is from current browser
if (doc == documents[k])
// it is, return the top level doc for this browser
return gBrowser.browsers[j].contentDocument;

return doc;
searchshield.getTopLevelWindow = function ()
// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary
return mediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");

//Event functions
searchshield.addListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;

if (object.addEventListener)
object.addEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.attachEvent)
object.attachEvent("on"+evtType, listener);
return true;

return false;
searchshield.cancelEvent = function (event)
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
searchshield.doEvent = function (evtObj, evtTarget, evtName, evtType, bubbles, cancelable)
bubbles = !!bubbles;
cancelable = !!cancelable;

if (document.createEvent)
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(evtName, bubbles, cancelable);
return true;
else if (document.createEventObject)
var evt = document.createEventObject(evtObj);
evtTarget.fireEvent("on" + evtType, evt);
return true;

return false;
searchshield.removeListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;

if (object.removeEventListener)
object.removeEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.detachEvent)
object.detachEvent(evtType, listener);
return true;

return false;

// HTML functions
searchshield.CleanupHTML = function (data)
if (data == null)
return data;

// cleanup html data, replace any new lines
data = data.replace(/\r/g, "");
data = data.replace(/\n/g, "");
// escape any single quotes
data = data.replace(/'/g, "\\'");

return data;
searchshield.removeHtmlTags = function (str)
var re = new RegExp('(<[^>]+>)','g');
var strStr = new String(str);
if (!!strStr)
return strStr.replace(re, '');
return str;


// Browser functions
searchshield.elementSize = function (element)
//returns an array [sizeX, sizeY]

var elemX;
var elemY;

elemX = parseInt(element.offsetWidth);
elemY = parseInt(element.offsetHeight)

return [elemX, elemY];
searchshield.GetFullBoundingRect = function (element)
if (!element) return;

// get bounding rect for incoming element
var elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var nextImg = null;
var nextImgRect = null;

// first check for another non-TextNode element after this one
var siblingElement = searchshield.NextSiblingNode(element);
if ( siblingElement &&
siblingElement.firstChild && &&"XPLSS_") != -1)
nextImg = siblingElement.firstChild;
nextImgRect = nextImg.getBoundingClientRect();
return elementRect;

if (( >= elementRect.bottom) &&
(nextImgRect.left <= elementRect.left))
{ // images appear to be on seperate lines
return elementRect;

// else merge the rects together into a new one
var newRect = new function() {; this.left=0; this.right=0; this.bottom=0; this.mid=0;}; = Math.min(,;
newRect.left= Math.min(elementRect.left, nextImgRect.left);
newRect.right=Math.max(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.right);
newRect.bottom=Math.max(elementRect.bottom, nextImgRect.bottom);
newRect.mid = Math.min(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.left);

return newRect;
searchshield.offsetLeft = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset += element.offsetLeft;
element = element.offsetParent;

return offset;
searchshield.offsetTop = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset += element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;

return offset;
searchshield.scrollSize = function (imageElem)
// returns an array [scrollX, scrollY, hasParentFrame]

var scrollX;
var scrollY;
var hasParentFrame;

// firefox
if (window.pageXOffset && window.pageYOffset)
scrollX = window.pageXOffset;
scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;

if (imageElem)
var frames = document.frames;
if (frames)
for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i++)
var img;
try {
img = frames[i].document.getElementById(;

if (img != null)
scrollX = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
scrollY = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollTop;
hasParentFrame = true;
scrollX = 0;
scrollY = 0;

return [parseInt(scrollX,10), parseInt(scrollY,10), hasParentFrame];
searchshield.viewPortSize = function ()
// returns an array [width, height, scrollYWidth], where scrollYWidth is always 0 for IE

var scrollXWidth = 19;
var scrollYWidth = 0; // 0 for Microsoft IE
var scrollBarX = false;
var windowX;
var windowY;

// firefox
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight)
//TODO: validate this block if implemented for firefox

windowX = window.innerWidth - scrollXWidth;
windowY = window.innerHeight;

scrollYWidth = Math.floor(Math.abs(window.innerHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight)) + 1;
scrollBarX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth < document.documentElement.scrollWidth);

if (scrollBarX && !scrollYWidth)
scrollYWidth = 18; //normally 17 (+1 top border)

else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
windowX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) - scrollXWidth;
windowY = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
windowX = 0;
windowY = 0;

return [windowX, windowY, scrollYWidth];
searchshield.zoomLevel = function ()
var level = 1;
if (document.body.getBoundingClientRect) {
// rect is only in physical pixel size before IE8
var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
level = Math.round (((rect.right - rect.left) / (document.body.offsetWidth)) * 100) / 100;

return level;

// Href functions
searchshield.checkUrl = function (url)
{ // cleanup a url, make sure there is a protocol on the front for scanning
try {
// trim
url = url.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");

// if no protocol, add http:// to it
if (url.indexOf("://") == -1)
url = "http://" + url;

return url;
searchshield.DoesURLContain = function (url, contain)
if ((url == null) || (url.length < 1))
return false;

// breakup the url to check
var parts = url.split('/');
if (parts.length < 3)
return false;

var domain= parts[2].toLowerCase();
if (domain.indexOf(contain) > -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.FilterUrl = function (url, filter)
if (!url || (url.length < 1))
return false;

if (!filter || !(filter instanceof Array))
return false;

var parts = url.split('/');
if ((parts == null) || (parts.length < 3))
return false;

var domain = parts[2];
for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++)
if (domain.indexOf(filter[i]) != -1)
return true;
return false;
searchshield.GetDomain = function (url)
if (url != null)
// get url domain
var parts = url.split('/');
if ((parts != null) && (parts.length >= 3))
return parts[2].toLowerCase();

return url;
searchshield.getUrlContents = function (url)
if (url == null)
return null;

// don't query if local url
if (url.indexOf("linkscanner://") != -1)
return null;

req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
if (req.status == 200)
return req.responseText;
return null;
catch (err)
// nothing to do
return null;
searchshield.parseLink = function (href, simpleMode)
var uri = {};
var parameter = {
complex: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+):(?:([a-z]*):)?\/\/)?(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?@)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})(?::(\d+))?(?:([^:\?\#]+))?(?:\?([^\#]+))?(?:\#([^\s]+))?$/i,
element: ['source','scheme','subscheme','user','pass','host','port','path','query','fragment']
simple: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+):\/\/)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})(?:\/)([^:\?]+)?(?:([\?|\#])([^\?]+))?$/i,
element: ['source','scheme','host','path','delimiter','query']
var mode = simpleMode !== false ? 'simple' : 'complex';
var pattern = parameter[mode].pattern;
var element = parameter[mode].element;

if (!href)
return uri;

var matches = href.match(pattern);

if (matches)
// --------------------
// iterate over the matches array and populate uri properties
// using the respective element parameter as the name.
// NOTE: set raw property type as String to make inArray()
// work properly with instanceof.
// --------------------
for (var i=0; i < matches.length; i++)
uri[element[i]] = new String(matches[i] || "");

// --------------------
// create an array, hostArray, from host, for example,
// host="" and hostArray=["www","google","com"]
// --------------------
uri.hostArray =".");

// --------------------
// create an array, qsArray, from query, for example,
// query='hl=en&q=javascript&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai='
// qsArray=[{hl:'en'},{q:javascript}, ... ,(qs_rfai:''}]
// $0=entire match, $1=capture 1, $2=capture 2
// must include $0 even though it is unused so
// the replace works properly
// --------------------
uri.qsArray = searchshield.parseQuery(uri.query);

//non-standard urls require a fail-safe that relies on simply splitting the href
function splitLink(href)
// split the href on '/'
var linkParts = href.split("/");

// need domain and path
if ((linkParts == null) || (linkParts.length < 2))
return false;

var uri = {
delimiter: (linkParts[3]).substring(0,1),
host: linkParts[2],
hostArray: (linkParts[2]).split('.'),
path: (linkParts[3]).substring(1),
qsArray: [],
query: '',
scheme: (linkParts[0]).substring(0, linkParts[0].length-1),
source: href

return uri;

if (!
uri = splitLink(href);

return uri;
searchshield.parseQuery = function (qs)
var qsArray = [];
function ($0, $1, $2) {
if ($1) qsArray[$1] = $2;

return qsArray;

// general functions
searchshield.arrayKeys = function (array)
var keys = new Array();
for(k in array)

return keys;
searchshield.inArray = function (key, array, caseSensitive, exactMatch)
if (! array instanceof Array)
return false;

if (caseSensitive !== true)
caseSensitive = false;

if (exactMatch !== false)
exactMatch = true;

if (key instanceof String)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
var k = caseSensitive ? key.valueOf() : key.valueOf().toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if(exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;
else if (key instanceof Array)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
for (var j=0; j < key.length; j++)
var k = caseSensitive ? key[j] : key[j].toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if (exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.getClickHandlerParams = function(clickHandler)
var re = /((?:'[^']*')|[\w]*)(?:,|\))/ig;
var chParams = [];
function($0, $1, $2){
if ($1)

return chParams;
// general use functions - end

// Search constructor
searchshield.Search = function()
this.doc = null;
this.engine = null;
this.engines = null;
this.links = null;
this.uri = null;
this.searchHash = null;
this.checkUrl = null;
this.useLocalImgs = null;
this.clockUrl = null;
// create engine list (actually key/value object will be used)
this.engineList = {};

searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames = function()
{ // order is important
var names = [
'MSN', // MSN redirects to BING
///temp 'Digg',
return names;

searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine = function(href)
if (!href)

var aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++)
if (searchshield[aEng[i] + 'SearchEngine'].prototype.validSearch(href))
return aEng[i];


searchshield.Search.prototype.addEngine = function(engine)
if (!this.engines)
this.engines = new Array();


searchshield.Search.prototype.addLink = function(inElement, inHref)
if (!this.links)
this.links = new Array();

var hrefHash;
hrefHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', inHref);
catch (e){}

var newNode = {
element: inElement,
href: inHref,
hash: hrefHash,
search: this.searchHash


return newNode;

// process the search result page after all search engines have been added
searchshield.Search.prototype.process = function(doc)
// only process when searchshield is enabled
if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))

this.doc = doc;
this.href = this.doc.location.href;
this.uri = searchshield.parseLink(this.href);

this.searchHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', this.href);

// get any previously active engine
this.engine = this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()];
catch (e) {}


Process Steps:
1. Add all supported search engines
2. Identify the active search engine
3. Get all document links and add AVG images

// STEP 1 - Add all supported search engines
if (!this.engines)
var aEng = xplSearch.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++)
xplSearch.addEngine(new searchshield[aEng[i]+'SearchEngine'](this));

// search the engines if we didn't find one
if (!this.engine)
// STEP 2 - Identify the active search engine
var engLen = this.engines.length;
for (var i = 0; i < engLen; i++)
if (this.engines[i].validSearch())
this.engine = this.engines[i];

// create a new engine instance to store
this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()] = this.engine;

// init this search, if < 1 either an error or disabled
//var sdkInit = 0;
//try {
// sdkInit = xpl_sdk.SXPL_InitSearch(this.href);
//if (sdkInit < 1)
// return false;

// return immediately if there is not an active search engine
if (!this.engine)
return false;

try {
// base url to check for icons
this.checkUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '1');

// check if using linked or local icons
this.useLocalImgs = !searchshield.getUrlContents(this.checkUrl);

// get the clock url
this.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '0');

// STEP 3 - Get all document links and add AVG images
var alltags = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("*"); // this method works for IE, FF and Chrome
for (var i=0; i < alltags.length; i++)
// ignore verdicts
if (alltags[i].id && (alltags[i].id.indexOf("LXPLSS_") != -1))

//should the link be included? Make sure includeLink always returns an href else FALSE,
var href = this.engine.includeLink(alltags[i]);
if (!href)

var newNode = this.addLink(alltags[i], href);
this.engine.addImage(newNode, this.clockUrl, false);

return (this.links ? this.links.length : false);
//////////////// SEARCH ////////////////

//////////////// SEARCH ENGINE ////////////////

// Interface for a SearchEngine object
searchshield.SearchEngine = function(search)
{ = search;
this.type = 'standard';
this.processFrames = false;
this.new_links = true;
this.onlyPrimaries = true;
this.inline = {
clockImage: "linkscanner://clock12.png",
image: [ "linkscanner://safe12.png",
color: {
classname: ["green","yellow","orange","red"],
border: ["#00A120", "#EAA500", "#F57301", "#D20003"],
background: ["#C3E5CA", "#FEEFAE", "#FFD3B0", "#F5D4C1"]
this.filter_urls = [
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
this.shortened_urls = [
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
this.showCleanVerdicts = true;
this.showLowRiskVerdicts = true;
this.showMedRiskVerdicts = true;
this.VeriSignSplit = searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.flyoverExists = function (doc)
return !!doc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.inlineExists = function (doc)
return !!doc.getElementById("XPLSS_InlineFlyover");
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { return false; };
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(link) { return false; };
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.insertNodes = function(node, doc)
var element = node.element;
var parentNode = node.element.parentNode;
if (parentNode == null)
// try and find element again based on the hash
element = doc.getElementById("xplid_" + node.hash);
parentNode = !!element ? element.parentNode : null;

var insertNode = !!element ? element.nextSibling : null;
while ((insertNode != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName == "SPAN"))
insertNode = insertNode.nextSibling;

return [insertNode, parentNode];
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var element = node.element;
var hash = node.hash;
var score = node.score;

// set verdict display configuration
var doc = element.ownerDocument;
if (this.type != 'inline' && !doc.getElementById('XPLSS_Flyover'))
searchshield.initFlyover(doc, this);

// get the proper insertion point for the image
var insertNodes = this.insertNodes(node, doc);
var insertNode = insertNodes[0];
var parentNode = insertNodes[1];

if (!parentNode)

// see if we already have an image
if ((insertNode != null) &&
( != null) &&
("XPLSS_") > -1))

// mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly
if (score == undefined)
element.setAttribute("avglschecked", hash + "S" + this.VeriSignSplit);

// create a new image
var img = doc.createElement('img');
img.src = image; = "XPLSS_" + hash; = "none"; = "0 3px";

// for IE, specify these style attributes to prevent inadvertent inheritance from parent
if (img.width && img.height)
{ = img.width + 'px'; = img.height + 'px';

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(img, this.addImageStyle);

// create the link element
var anchor = doc.createElement("A");
anchor.setAttribute("id", "LXPLSS_" + hash);

if ((hidden != null) && (hidden == true))
{ // hiding the parent will also hide its child nodes = "none";

// Default anchor styles
//Over-ride possible border style with inline declaration = "none";

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(anchor, this.addAnchorStyle);

if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
{ = "none"; = "none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent";

// append the image to the link

// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
parentNode.insertBefore(anchor, insertNode);

return anchor;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateImage = function (hash, search, score, image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru)
var updated = false;

var frameDoc =;
var docFrames = frameDoc.frames;
var frameElem;
if (docFrames && this.processFrames)
for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i++)
try {
if (docFrames[i].document.getElementById(hash))
frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement;
frameDoc = docFrames[i].document;

while ((element = frameDoc.getElementById(hash)) != null)
// check configuration to determine if verdict display property
var showVerdict = true;
var nSeverity = Number(score - 1);
switch (nSeverity)
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW:
showVerdict = this.showLowRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED:
showVerdict = this.showMedRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE:
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;
if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;

// remove image if no url specified
if ((!showVerdict) || (image == null) || (image.length < 1))
// hide the parent anchor node = "none";

// mark the id as being hidden (element is the image) = + "H";
updated = true;

// if not a verisign score
if (score != searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)

// cleanup flyover, replace any new lines or single quotes
flyover = searchshield.CleanupHTML(flyover);

// mark the id as having been updated = + "U" + score;
element.src = image;
element.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(e){avglsflyover.popup(e, hash, search, flyover)});
element.attachEvent("onmouseout", function(e){avglsflyover.hide(e)});

// check for attribute updates (elementAttribute is an associative array (i.e., object)
if (this.elementAttribute)
for (a in this.elementAttribute)
element.setAttribute(a, this.elementAttribute[a]);

// To dynamically reduce verdict image size if it causes its container to scroll
// when not showing alt images determine if the element containing
// the verdict image is scrolling and decrease the image size by
// the scroll amount (min size is 80% or original)
var reduceBy = 0.8;
var scrl = 0;
if (!alt_image || this.omitAltImage || this.VeriSignSplit == searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB)
var maxLoop = 5;
var cN = element.parentNode.parentNode; //image->anchor->containerNodes...
while (cN && maxLoop--)
if (cN.tagName == "DIV" || cN.tagName == "SPAN")
// get object height depending on ie document mode
var clientHeight = (cN.clientHeight == 0 ||
( && < 8)) ?
cN.offsetHeight :
scrl = cN.scrollHeight - clientHeight;

cN = cN.parentNode;

if (0 < scrl)
var eH = (element.height - scrl)/element.height;
if (reduceBy > eH)
eH = reduceBy;

var newDim = Math.ceil(eH*element.height);

element.height = newDim;
element.width = newDim; = newDim + "px"; = newDim + "px";

// set default style attributes = "";

// if verisign icon showing move our icon up for better centering of the 2
// except for IE7 browser - it does not like this style
try {
var ieVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]);
if (alt_image && (alt_image.length > 0) && ieVersion != 7) = "10%";

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(element, this.updateImageStyle)

// update the click thru
var link ="L" + hash);
if (link)
link.href = click_thru; = + "U" + score;

updated = true;

// add the alternate image if supplied BUT not on avg yahoo
if ((alt_image) &&
(alt_image.length > 0) &&
(!this.omitAltImage) &&
(this.VeriSignSplit != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB))

var vhash = hash.substring(hash.indexOf("_")+1);

// create a temporary link node
var tmp_node = {
element: element.parentNode,
href: altClick_thru,
hash: vhash + "VU" + score,
search: this.searchHash,
score: score

var altAnchor = this.addImage(tmp_node, alt_image, false);
if (altAnchor && altAnchor.firstChild)
altAnchor.firstChild.setAttribute("onmouseover", "");
altAnchor.href = altClick_thru;

if (updated != false)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateElementStyle = function (element, elementStyle)
if (elementStyle)
{ // a NULL attribte value will unset it
for(attr in elementStyle)
try {
if (, elementStyle[attr]);
else[attr] = elementStyle[attr];
} catch(err){}

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.resizeFrame = function (frameElem)
{ // resize frame to prevent unwanted scrolling after inserting verdicts

// ignore inline and non-frame engines
if ((this.type == 'inline') || (!this.processFrames))

// ensure all required elements are available
if ((frameElem == null) || ( == null) || (frameElem.contentWindow == null))

// if frame is scrolling vertically then resize
var frameHeight = parseInt(, 10);
if (!isNaN(frameHeight) && (frameHeight < frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)) = frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';


searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element)
{ // return an xpl img element associated with a given element
if (element == null)
return null;

// go up the parent tree looking for a header or div
while ( (element.parentNode != null) &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "H") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "D") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "T") )
element = element.parentNode;

// if all the way to the top, nothing
if ((element.tagName == "HTML") || (element == null))
return null;

// get image tags, if none we are done
var imgTags = element.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
if ((imgTags == null) || (imgTags.Length < 1))
return null;

for (var i = 0; i < imgTags.length; i++)
if ((imgTags[i].id == null) || (imgTags[i].id.indexOf("XPLSS_") == -1))

return imgTags[i];

// else didn't find anything
return null;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.setRatingsConfig = function (doc)
// get verdict configuration, need at least severity
var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetRatingsConfig');
var parts = !!results ? results.split('::') : null;

if (parts != null && parts.length >= 5)
{ //if set to default then get config value
if (this.showCleanVerdicts === true)
this.showCleanVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[0]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showLowRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showLowRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[1]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showMedRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showMedRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[2]) == 1) ? true : false;

this.VeriSignSplit = (parseInt(parts[4]));

return true;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.init_inline_ratings = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_InlineFlyover")))

if (!searchshield.quirksMode)
// create style for inline flyovers
var styleTag = doc.createElement("style");

var headTag = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

var inline_style = styleTag.styleSheet;
// stub in the base image name as the url
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO", "background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tl.png) no-repeat top left;");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO", "width:0px; font-size:0px; z-index:9999; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:-5000px;");

inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_content", "background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_r.png) top right repeat-y;");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_content","font-size:10px; color:black; padding:0px 10px; text-align:left; word-wrap:break-word; line-height:130%");

inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_head", "background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tr.png) no-repeat top right;");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_head", "width:0px; height:5px;");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_head div","height:5px;");

inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_foot", "background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_bl.png) no-repeat bottom left");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_foot", "height:5px;");

inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_foot div", "background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_br.png) no-repeat bottom right");
inline_style.addRule(".avgILFO_foot div", "height:5px; width:0px;");

try {
// create the popup box
var box = doc.createElement("DIV");
if (searchshield.quirksMode)
{ = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "-5000px";

box.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_InlineFlyover");
box.setAttribute("class", "avgILFO");

box = null;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.show_inline_ratings = function (doc, node, image)
var href = node.href;
var anchor = node.element;

if ((href == null) || (href.length < 1))

if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(anchor))

// mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly
anchor.setAttribute("avglschecked", "1");

// get verdict
this.display_inline(doc, anchor, href, node, false);

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.display_inline = function (doc, anchor, href, node, update, min_severity)
// min_severity is the lowest severity to display, so setting it to
// 1 would not display safe icons

var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', href);
if (results == null)

var parts = results.split('::');

// need at least severity
if (parts == null)

var nSeverity = parseInt(parts[0]);

if (!update && nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
{ // shortened url verdicts display later
var engine = this;
anchor.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(event){avglsinlineflyover.mouseOverHandler(event, doc, engine)});

// severity -1 signifies sb.dat load failure
if ( nSeverity == -1 )
nSeverity = searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE;

//blacklist url
var blShortUrl = false;
if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_BLOCK)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
blShortUrl = true;

// need xlated cat tag and category
if (parts.length < 3)

// check the minimum to display
if ((min_severity != null) && (nSeverity < min_severity))

if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW && !this.showLowRiskVerdicts)
if (update)

if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED && !this.showMedRiskVerdicts)
if (update)

if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE && !this.showCleanVerdicts)
if (update)


if (update)
this.update_inline_image(anchor, nSeverity, parts);
this.add_inline_image(doc, anchor, nSeverity, parts, blShortUrl);

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict = function (anchor)
var image = avglsinlineflyover.getImage(anchor);
if (image)
{ = "none";
if (image.parentNode && == "avg_ls_anch") = "none";

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.update_inline_image = function (anchor, nSeverity, aRisk)
// update the image already in the page
if (anchor && anchor.firstChild)
var html = '';
var image = '';
if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null)
var riskCategory = aRisk[1];
var riskName = aRisk[2];
var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity];
var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity];

image = this.inline.image[nSeverity];
html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor);

var imageElem = anchor.firstChild;
imageElem.src = image;

if ( html && html.length > 0 )
imageElem.setAttribute("title", "");
imageElem.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, nSeverity)});
imageElem.attachEvent("onmouseout", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});

// add the image to the page
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.add_inline_image = function (doc, anchor, nSeverity, aRisk, blShortUrl)
if (anchor == null || anchor.parentNode == null)
return null;

// get the proper insertion point for the image
var insertNode = anchor.nextSibling;
while ((insertNode != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName == "SPAN"))
insertNode= insertNode.nextSibling;

// see if we already have an image anchor
if ((insertNode != null) &&
( != null) &&
( == "avg_ls_anch"))
return null;

var html = '';
var image = this.inline.clockImage;
if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null)
var riskCategory = aRisk[1];
var riskName = aRisk[2];
var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity];
var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity];
image = this.inline.image[nSeverity];

var blUrl;
if (blShortUrl)
var aRiskName = riskName.split(':');
var sUrl = searchshield.checkUrl(aRiskName[1]);

blUrl = {};
blUrl.riskNameLabel = aRiskName[0] + ': ';
blUrl.riskCategory = riskCategory;
blUrl.bgColor = bgColor;
blUrl.borderColor = borderColor;
blUrl.sUrl = sUrl;
html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor);

doc = anchor.ownerDocument;

var img = doc.createElement("img");
img.src = image;
img.setAttribute("id","avg_ls_image"); = "12px"; = "12px"; = "none"; = "0 3px"; = "0";

if ((html && html.length > 0) || (blUrl != undefined))
img.setAttribute("title", "");
img.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, nSeverity, blUrl)});
img.attachEvent("onmouseout", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});

// create the link element
var newAnchor = doc.createElement("A");
newAnchor.setAttribute("id", "avg_ls_anch"); = "inline-block"; = "none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent";

img = null;

// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(newAnchor, insertNode);

return newAnchor;

//////////////// SEARCH ENGINE ////////////////

/////////////// GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine; = "google"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {

var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For Google the host must match:
// OR
// OR
// OR
// .google.XX where XX is a country code
// one special case is (Anguilla)
// Where any subdomain can come before the top level domain
if ( /(\.(?:google|mozilla)\.(?:com|(?:co|off)\.[a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2}))/i.test(domain) )
//check the path
if ((path.indexOf("search?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("sponsoredlinks?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("webhp?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("webhp#") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("#q=") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("#hl=") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("#sclient=") == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var href = "";
var outHref = false;
var findStr = "";

// check for interstitials
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
findStr = + "/interstitial?";
if (tag.className == "l" && tag.href)
if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
findStr = "?url=";
var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (pos !== -1)
pos += 5;
outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

if (tag.className == "sla")
findStr = "/url?q=";
urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7;
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);
return outHref;

// if an ad id
if (("pa") == 0) || ("an") == 0) ||
(tag.className == "resultLink"))
var urlPos = -1;

// ads now need unescaping
href = unescape(tag.href);

findStr= "/url?sa=";
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // first kind, locate real url
findStr= "&q=http";
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
findStr = "/pagead/iclk?sa=";
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // second kind, locate real url
findStr = "&adurl=http";
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf("/aclk?sa=") != -1)
{ // third kind
urlPos = href.indexOf("&q=http");
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
urlPos = href.indexOf("&lp=http");
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 4;
findStr = "&adurl=http";
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http

if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf("/url?cad=") != -1)
{ // fourth kind
urlPos = href.indexOf("&q=http");
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos != -1)
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);

// the destination url is in the href string of this redirector
if (outHref.indexOf('') > -1)
urlPos = (unescape(outHref)).indexOf('url[]=') + 6;
var destUrl = (unescape(outHref)).substring(urlPos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(destUrl, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));

return false;

return destUrl;

// filtered url but can get destination from href string
if (outHref.indexOf('') > -1)
var tmpoh = unescape(outHref);
var destUrl = tmpoh.substring(tmpoh.indexOf('DURL=')+5);
if (destUrl != null)
var destUrl = unescape(destUrl);
return destUrl;

// extract any fragment text, shouldn't be unescaped
var pound = outHref.indexOf("#");
if (pound != -1)
var fragment = outHref.substring(pound);
outHref = outHref.substring(0, pound);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
outHref += fragment;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf("?") == -1)
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf("&");
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));

return false;

return outHref;

// recommended link - use following to see one
// elem parent class = r
// href must contain - url? and q=http
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "r"))
href = tag.href;
if (href && (href.indexOf("/url?") != -1))
// locate the real url
var urlPos = href.indexOf("q=http");
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 2;
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);

// include entire param up to '&'
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf("&");
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

return outHref;
// no link to self
else if (tag.className && (tag.className.charAt(0) == "l" || tag.className == "sla"))
// check for any images on the link
if (0 === tag.getElementsByTagName("IMG").length)
return tag.href;

// else nothing
return false;
/////////////// GOOGLE ///////////////

/////////////// AVG GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine; = "avggoogle"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {

var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if (domain.indexOf("") > -1)
{ // ads link back to google
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = false;
var findStr = "";

// check for interstitials
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
// link back to self - DIV elem GrandParent class of res1 or res3 is Sponsored Link
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode)
var grandParentNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode;
if (grandParentNode)
if ((grandParentNode.tagName == "DIV") &&
((grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "res1") ||
(grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "res3")))
var urlPos = -1;

// ads now need unescaping
href = unescape(tag.href);

if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf("/aclk?sa=") != -1)
findStr = "&adurl=http";
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http

if (urlPos != -1)
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);

// the destination url is in the href string of this redirector
if (outHref.indexOf('') > -1)
urlPos = (unescape(outHref)).indexOf('url[]=') + 6;
var destUrl = (unescape(outHref)).substring(urlPos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(destUrl, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));

return false;

return destUrl;

// filtered url but can get destination from href string
if (outHref.indexOf('') > -1)
var tmpoh = unescape(outHref);
var destUrl = tmpoh.substring(tmpoh.indexOf('DURL=')+5);
if (destUrl != null)
var destUrl = unescape(destUrl);
return destUrl;

// extract any fragment text, shouldn't be unescaped
var pound = outHref.indexOf("#");
if (pound != -1)
var fragment = outHref.substring(pound);
outHref = outHref.substring(0, pound);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
outHref += fragment;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf("?") == -1)
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf("&");
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));

return false;

return outHref;

// no link to self
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode)
var grandParentNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode;
if (grandParentNode)
if ((grandParentNode.tagName == "DIV") &&
(grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "res2"))
// check for any images on the link
if (0 === tag.getElementsByTagName("IMG").length)
return tag.href;

// else nothing
return false;
/////////////// AVG GOOGLE ///////////////

/////////////// YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.YahooSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
searchshield.YahooSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.YahooSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.YahooSearchEngine; = "yahoo";
searchshield.YahooSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For Yahoo the host must match:
// OR
// where xx is the country code OR
// OR
// for Yahoo China:, or
if ((domain.match(/search\.yahoo\.co(?:m|\.jp)/i) ||
domain.match(/(?:search|one)\.cn\.yahoo\.com/i) ||
domain.match(/www\.yahoo\.cn/i)) &&
return true;

return false;
searchshield.YahooSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var href = "";
var outHref = "";
var findStr = "";

// yahoo likes to encode the url
href = unescape(tag.href);

if ((tag.className.indexOf("yschttl") != -1) ||
(tag.className.indexOf("spt") != -1))
var da = href.indexOf("**");
var ad = href.indexOf("*-");
if (da != -1)
outHref = href.substring(da+2);
else if (ad != -1)
outHref = href.substring(ad+2);
outHref = href ;

if (outHref.toLowerCase().indexOf("overture.") !== -1)
return false;
else if ((tag.tagName) &&
(tag.tagName === "A") &&
var tagParent = tag.parentNode;

// if anchor without className then search parentNodes
if ((tagParent) &&
(tagParent.tagName !== "EM") &&
(searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("yst-web", tag, 4)))
// China Yahoo support
outHref = href;

else if ((tagParent) &&
(tagParent.tagName === "H3") &&
(!!searchshield.getParentNodeById("WS2m",tag, 5)))
// Japan Yahoo support
var da = href.indexOf("**");
if (da == -1)
outHref = href;
outHref = href.substring(da+2);

else if ((tagParent) &&
(tagParent.className !== "c") &&
( !== "fpn") &&
(!!searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("ymc", tag, 7)))
// Korea Yahoo support - when not caught by yschttl
var da = href.indexOf("**");
if (da !== -1)
outHref = href.substring(da+2);
else if (!this.onlyPrimaries)
findStr = "&yargs=";
var yargs = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (yargs != -1)
outHref = href.substring(yargs+findStr.length);
// check for prefix
if (outHref.indexOf("://") == -1)
outHref = "http://" + outHref;

// if inside an , probably a paypal link, don't include
if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.tagName == "I"))
return false;

// filter domains
// split the url based on '/'
var parts = !!outHref ? outHref.split('/') : null;

// Filter out domains that match any of the search engine's names
if (!parts || !parts[2])
return false;

var domain = parts[2];
if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) )
return false;

// set for yahoo to get parent node for image insertion
var hash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', outHref);
tag.setAttribute("id", "xplid_" + hash);
return outHref;
/////////////// YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// AVG YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.omitAltImage = true;

this.updateImageStyle = {
verticalAlign: null
searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine; = "avgyahoo";
searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
//path may be 'avg/search' or 'search'
var pathArray = uri.path.split("/");
var avg = pathArray[0];
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = (undefined == pathArray[1]) ? pathArray[0] : pathArray[1];
path += uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For AVG Yahoo classic the host must match:
// OR
if (domain.indexOf("") != -1)
if ((avg == "avg") &&
((path.indexOf("search?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("search;") == 0)))
return true;

// also support new metro version which DOESN'T
// contain /avg so avg split part is path
// valid domains are:
// and
if (domain.indexOf("") != -1)
// path (split avg) must start with search and
// contain the avg toolbar parameter
if (((path.indexOf("search?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("search;") == 0)) &&
(path.indexOf("fr=yhs-avg") != -1))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AVGYahooSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var href = "";
var outHref = "";
var findStr = "";

if ( != "standard")
{ // handle as std Yahoo results page
return searchshield.YahooSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink(tag);

// yahoo likes to encode the url
href = unescape(tag.href);

if ( == "_top")
var da = href.indexOf("**");
if (da != -1)
outHref = href.substring(da+2);
outHref = href ;

if (outHref.toLowerCase().indexOf("overture.") !== -1)
return false;
else if (!this.onlyPrimaries)
findStr = "&yargs=";
var yargs = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (yargs != -1)
outHref = href.substring(yargs+findStr.length);
// check for prefix
if (outHref.indexOf("://") == -1)
outHref = "http://" + outHref;

// if inside an , probably a paypal link, don't include
if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.tagName == "I"))
return false;

// filter domains
// split the url based on '/'
var parts = outHref.split('/');

// Filter out domains that match any of the search engine's names
if (!parts[2])
return false;

var domain = parts[2];
if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) )
return false;

return outHref;
/////////////// AVG YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// MSN SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.MSNSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.MSNSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.MSNSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.MSNSearchEngine; = "msn";
searchshield.MSNSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For MSN the host must match:
// OR
if (domain.indexOf("") > -1)
if (domain.charAt(13) == 'm')
hostMatch = true;
else if ((domain.charAt(13) == '.') && (domain.length == 16))
hostMatch = true;
else if (domain.indexOf("") > -1)
if (domain.charAt(14) == 'm')
hostMatch = true;
else if ((domain.charAt(14) == '.') && (domain.length == 17))
hostMatch = true;

if (hostMatch)
if (path.indexOf("results.aspx") == 0)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.MSNSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = false;

// these don't seem common from Firefox, but they are in IE
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
var qPos = tag.href.indexOf("?");
if (qPos != -1)
var postPart = tag.href.substring(qPos+1);
var dblAmp = postPart.indexOf("&&");
if (dblAmp != -1)
outHref = postPart.substring(0, dblAmp);
return outHref;
else if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
var element = tag;
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;

// top links - check for a CITE
var spanElements = element.getElementsByTagName("CITE");
if ((spanElements != null) &&
(spanElements.length > 0))
outHref = spanElements[0].innerHTML;
// replace any nbsp's
outHref = outHref.replace(" ", " ");

// url is after the last space in the html, after the '-'
var space_pos = outHref.lastIndexOf(" ");
if (space_pos != -1)
outHref = outHref.slice(space_pos + 1);

outHref = searchshield.checkUrl(outHref);
return outHref;

// side links
if (element.lastChild != null)
outHref = element.lastChild.innerHTML;
if ( outHref != null)
outHref = searchshield.checkUrl(outHref);
return outHref;
else if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "msn.") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "javascript:") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
// not a link
return false;
else if ( == "trademarks")
// don't link the trademark at the bottom of the page
return false;
// include it
return tag.href;
/////////////// MSN SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// BING SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.BingSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.BingSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.BingSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.BingSearchEngine; = "bing";
searchshield.BingSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For bing the host must match:
// or
// or where xx is a country code
// where xx is a country code
// where xxxx may be something like daum
if ((domain.indexOf("") !== -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") !== -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") !== -1))
hostMatch = true;
else if ((domain.indexOf("") !== -1) &&
(domain.indexOf(".net") === (domain.length-4)))
{ //
hostMatch = true;
{ // or
var domainLen = domain.length;
var tldPos = domain.indexOf("");
if (tldPos > -1)
if ((domainLen - tldPos) == 9)
hostMatch = true;

if (hostMatch)
var displayStyle = (domain == '') ? 'inline-block' : 'inline';
this.addAnchorStyle = {
display: displayStyle

if (path.indexOf("search?") == 0)
return true;

return false;

searchshield.BingSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = false;

if (tag.tagName == 'IMG')
{ //no images
return false;

if (tag.href.charAt(0) == '/')
{ //no relative links
return false;

if (/trademarks/i.test(
// don't link the trademark at the bottom of the page
return false;

if ((tag.parentNode) && (/sc_stc/i.test(
{ // don't verdict the social sites - our verdict doesn't fit
return false;
else if (!!searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("sw_t",tag,3))
{ // no links in page header
return false;
else if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
{ // france has and italy has sponsored links
// with the link in CITE element

var spanElements = null;

// top links - check for a CITE
spanElements = tag.getElementsByTagName("CITE");
if ((spanElements == null) || (spanElements.length <= 0))
if (tag.parentNode && tag.parentNode.parentNode)
spanElements = tag.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("CITE");

if ((spanElements != null) && (spanElements.length > 0))
outHref = spanElements[0].innerHTML;
if (outHref != null)
// replace any nbsp's
outHref = outHref.replace(" ", " ");

// url is after the last space in the html, after the '-'
var space_pos = outHref.lastIndexOf(" ");
if (space_pos != -1)
outHref = outHref.slice(space_pos + 1);

outHref = searchshield.checkUrl(outHref);

// save the link
return outHref;

// side links
if (tag.lastChild != null)
outHref = tag.lastChild.innerHTML;
if (outHref != null)
outHref = searchshield.checkUrl(outHref);
// save the link
return outHref;
// no sponsored links for now
else if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "msn.") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "ms.ciao.") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "ms.ciao-") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "javascript:") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ".myoverture"))
// not a link
return false;
return tag.href;
searchshield.BingSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var element = node.element;
var parentNode = node.element.parentNode;
var grandParentNode = !!parentNode ? parentNode.parentNode : null;

// if there are redundant links in the same grandparent then skip them
if (!!grandParentNode)
gpChildren = grandParentNode.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < gpChildren.length; i++)
if (!!element.href && gpChildren[i].tagName == "A" && gpChildren[i].href == element.href)

var parent = searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.addImage;
return, node, image, hidden);
/////////////// BING SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// BAIDU SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);

this.updateImageStyle = {
verticalAlign: null
searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine; = "baidu";
searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if (domain == "" || path.indexOf("testBaidu") !== -1)
hostMatch = true;

if (hostMatch)
if (path.indexOf("s?") == 0)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.BaiduSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (tag.className && tag.className == "m")
return false;

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;
// no link to self
var traverseElement = tag.parentNode;
while ( traverseElement && traverseElement.className != "tbody")
if (traverseElement.className == "f")
return tag.href;

traverseElement = traverseElement.parentNode;

return false;

/////////////// BAIDU SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// EARTHLINK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;

this.addAnchorStyle = {
position: "static"
searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine; = "earthlink";
searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// For EarthLink the host must match:
if (("" == domain) &&
(path.indexOf("search?") == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.EarthlinkSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = "";
var findStr = "";

// check for an anchor
if (tag.tagName == "A")
// check for sponsored
if ("a") == 0)
var q = tag.href.indexOf("&q=");
var qlen = 3;
if (q == -1)
q = tag.href.indexOf("&adurl=");
qlen = 7;
if (q == -1)
return false;

// find end of url
var end = tag.href.indexOf("&", q+qlen);
if (end < 0)
end = tag.href.length;

// add the link
outHref = tag.href.substring(q+qlen, end);

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

// don't search url's to self
if ((tag.href.indexOf("://") == -1) || searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

// if a normal web result add it
if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.tagName == "H3") &&
tag.parentNode.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "LI") &&
tag.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "UL"))
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(tag.href, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return tag.href;

return false;
/////////////// EARTHLINK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// AOL SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);

this.addImageStyle = {
display: "inline"
this.addAnchorStyle = {
display: null
this.updateImageStyle = {
verticalAlign: null,
display: "inline"
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AOLSearchEngine; = "aol";
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain =;
//path may be 'aol/search' or 'search'
var pathArray = uri.path.split("/");
var aol = pathArray[0];
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = (undefined == pathArray[1]) ? pathArray[0] : pathArray[1];
path += uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if (/search\.aol\.com/.test(domain))
if ((aol == "aol") &&
(path.indexOf("search?") == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

// sponsored links - google
if ((tag.className) && (tag.className.indexOf("slLink topAnchor") != -1))
{ //parse for embedded href

if (tag.href.indexOf("/aclk?sa=") == -1)
return false;

var adurl = tag.href.indexOf("&adurl=http");
// if an adurl the destination href can be acquired from the onclick handler
if (adurl != -1)
var destUrl;
var clickHandler = tag.getAttribute('onclick');
if (clickHandler != null)
// the destination href is the 2nd parameter (zero-based array)
destUrl = searchshield.getClickHandlerParams(clickHandler)[1];
if (destUrl != null)
destUrl = searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl.replace(/'/g,''));
return searchshield.checkUrl(destUrl);

return false;

if (tag.className == "find")
return tag.href;

return false;
searchshield.AOLSearchEngine.prototype.insertNodes = function(node, doc)
var element = node.element;
var score = node.score;

if (element && element.className && element.className.indexOf("slLink") != -1)
{ //sponsored links only

// for alt image
if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
return [element.nextSibling, element.parentNode];

// for verdict image
var cN = element.childNodes;
var cnLen = cN.length;
for (var i=0; i < cnLen; i++)
if ((cN[i].nodeType == 1) &&
(cN[i].nodeName == 'SPAN') &&
((cN[i].className == 'title') || (cN[i].className == 'durl')))
return [cN[i].nextSibling, cN[i].parentNode];

var parent = searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.insertNodes;
return, node, doc);
/////////////// AOL SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// ASK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AskSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.AskSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AskSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AskSearchEngine; = "ask";
searchshield.AskSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ("" == domain)
if (path.indexOf("web?") == 0)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AskSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = "";
var findStr = "";

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

if ((tag.className) && (tag.className.indexOf("nu") != -1) && (tag.className.indexOf("info") == -1))
// exclude green links
if ((tag.firstChild) &&
(tag.firstChild.className) &&
(tag.firstChild.className.indexOf('attrib') == 0))
return false;

// ads link to google with class nu
findStr = "";
if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr) != 0)
if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr + "/aclk?sa=") != -1)
findStr = "&adurl=http";
var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (pos != -1)
pos += 7;
outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;
{ // ad not to google just use href
outHref = tag.href;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;
// primary results have class containing title or L2 ( Wikipedia links )
else if ((tag.className) && ((tag.className.indexOf("title") != -1) || (tag.className.toLowerCase() == "l2")))
outHref = tag.href;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;

return false;
/////////////// ASK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// ALTAVISTA SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine; = "altavista";
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// ---> now
// where xx is a country code
var hostMatch = false;
if ("" == domain)
hostMatch = true;
var pDest = domain.indexOf("");
if ((pDest != -1 ) && ((domain.length - pDest) == 14))
hostMatch = true;
// a reference to altavista must be present in yahoo search url
var pRef = ( && == 'altavista');
pDest = domain.indexOf("");
if (pDest != -1 && pRef)
hostMatch = true;

if (hostMatch)
//path must start with web/results?
if ((path.indexOf("yhs/search?") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("search;") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("yhs/search;") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("web/results?") == 0)||
(path.indexOf("fr=altavista") != -1))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = "";
var findStr = "";

// initial checks
if ((!tag.href) ||
(tag.href.charAt(0) == '#') ||
(tag.href.indexOf("javascript:") == 0))
return false;

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

var spnsdLinks = searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName("DIV", tag, "className");
if ((spnsdLinks) &&
(spnsdLinks.className.indexOf('ads') > -1)) // sponsored links
if (!tag.parentNode)
return false;

// parse ads for em tag
var baseNode;
if (spnsdLinks.className.indexOf('ads horiz') > -1) // horizontal ads sections
baseNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode;
baseNode = tag.parentNode;

if (!baseNode || !baseNode.lastChild || baseNode.lastChild.tagName != 'EM')
return false;

var outHref = searchshield.removeHtmlTags(baseNode.lastChild.innerHTML);
return outHref;

if ((tag.className == "spt") ||
(tag.className == "res") ||
(tag.className == "yschttl spt"))
findStr = "/**";
var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (pos != -1)
pos += 3;
outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);
outHref = unescape(outHref);

// no results for & no yahoo domains
chkHref = outHref.toLowerCase();
if (chkHref.indexOf("overture.") != -1)
return false;

// split the url based on '/'
var parts = outHref.split('/');

// only need a domain
if ((parts != null) && (parts[2] != null))
var domain = parts[2];
if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("") != -1) )
return false

return outHref;
return tag.href;

return false;
searchshield.AltaVistaSearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element)
while (element != null)
element = element.nextSibling;
if (element != null)
if (( == null) || ("LXPLSS_") == -1))
{ // not our id but hit another anchor no verdict
if (element.tagName == "A")
element = null;
else if (element.tagName == "A")

var rtnElem = !!element ? element.firstChild : element;
return rtnElem;
/////////////// ALTAVISTA SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// YANDEX SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.YandexSearchEngine; = "yandex";
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.match(/yandex\.com|by|kz|ru|ua/i)) &&
(path.indexOf("yandsearch?") == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (tag.href.indexOf("/search") != -1)
return false;

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, "") ||
searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, ""))
return false;

parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if ((tag.parentNode) &&
(tag.parentNode.parentNode) &&
(tag.parentNode.parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "moreinfo"))
return false;

return tag.href;
searchshield.YandexSearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element)
while (element != null)
element = element.nextSibling;
if (element != null)
if (( == null) || ("LXPLSS_") == -1))
{ // not our id but hit another anchor no verdict
if (element.tagName == "A")
element = null;
else if (element.tagName == "A")

var rtnElem = !!element ? element.firstChild : element;
return rtnElem;
/////////////// YANDEX SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// SEZNAM SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);

this.elementAttribute = {
width: "18",
height: "18"

this.updateImageStyle = {
width: "18px",
height: "18px"
searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine; = "seznam";
searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.indexOf("") > -1) &&
((path.indexOf("?") == 0) || (path.indexOf("svet") == 0)))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.SeznamSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode)
var grandParentNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode;
if ((parentNode.tagName == "SPAN") &&
((parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "sklik-url") ||
(parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "sklik-title")))
{ // locate the real url and unencode it
var urlPos = tag.href.indexOf("&url=http");

if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 5;
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);
outHref = unescape(outHref);

return outHref;
else if (grandParentNode)
var greatGrandParentNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
if ((grandParentNode.tagName == "DIV") &&
((grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "text") || (grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "hlasky otz")))
{ // standard link
return tag.href;
else if (greatGrandParentNode && greatGrandParentNode.tagName == "DIV" &&
(greatGrandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "hotlinks"))
{ // hint link
return tag.href;


return false;
/////////////// SEZNAM SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// WEBHLEDANI SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine; = "webhledani";
searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.indexOf("") > -1) &&
(path.indexOf("results.aspx?") == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.WebhledaniSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (tag.href.indexOf("/redir.aspx?") != -1)
var ancestorNode;

// sponsored link
if ((ancestorNode = searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("results sponsored", tag, 3)) != null)
if ((ancestorNode = searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("res1", tag, 2)) != null)

var spanSibling = ancestorNode.nextSibling;
while (spanSibling.nodeName != 'SPAN')
spanSibling = spanSibling.nextSibling;
if (spanSibling.nodeName == 'DIV' || spanSibling.className == 'res1')
spanSibling = null;

if (spanSibling)
outHref = spanSibling.innerHTML;

if (outHref)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(outHref));

if ((ancestorNode = searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("right-sponsored", tag, 3)) != null)
var outHref;

if ((ancestorNode = searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("res3", tag, 2)) != null)

var spanSibling = ancestorNode.nextSibling;
while (spanSibling.nodeName != 'SPAN')
spanSibling = spanSibling.nextSibling;
if (spanSibling.nodeName == 'DIV' || spanSibling.className == 'res3')
spanSibling = null;

if (spanSibling)
outHref = spanSibling.innerHTML;

if (outHref)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(outHref));

// result link
if (searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("results", tag, 3) != null)
if ((ancestorNode = searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName("res2", tag, 2)) != null)
if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.nodeName != 'P'))
return getLinkHref(ancestorNode);

return false;

function getLinkHref(aNode)
var spanElems = aNode.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i=0; i < spanElems.length; i++)
if (spanElems[i].className != 'site')

var outAnchor = spanElems[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
if (outAnchor == null)
outAnchor = spanElems[i];

return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(outAnchor.innerHTML));

return false;
/////////////// WEBHLEDANI SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// EBAY SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.eBaySearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
searchshield.eBaySearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.eBaySearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.eBaySearchEngine; = "ebay";
searchshield.eBaySearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// shop.ebay.xx
// shop.xxxx.ebay.xx like
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.indexOf("shop.ebay") > -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("shop.benl.ebay") > -1))
if ((path.indexOf("?_from=") == 0) ||
(path.indexOf("i.html") > -1))
return true;

if ((domain.indexOf("search.eim.ebay") > -1) &&
((path.indexOf("?kw=") > -1) || (path.indexOf("?ev=") > -1)))
return true;

if ((domain.indexOf("") > -1 ) &&
((path.indexOf("?keyword=") > -1)))
// would normally set these properties in the constructor or in an
// overriding function but they're only required for this domain

// links are in iframes
this.processFrames = true;

// must downsize verdicts for proper display
this.elementAttribute = {
width: "16",
height: "16"
this.updateImageStyle = {
width: "16px",
height: "16px"

return true;

// latin america ebay
// or
// or listado.mercadolibre.xx or
// or listado.mercadolibre.xx/category
// or
if ((domain.indexOf("www.") == -1) &&
((domain.indexOf(".mercadolibre.") > -1 ) ||
(domain.indexOf(".mercadolivre.") > -1 )))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.eBaySearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var parentNode = null;
var outHref = false;

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

if ( tag.href.indexOf("") > -1 )
if ( tag.title == null || tag.title.length < 0 )
return false;

outHref = searchshield.removeHtmlTags(tag.title);
if (outHref.indexOf(" ") == -1)
{ // no spaces
if (outHref.indexOf(".") > -1)
{ // at least one dot
if (outHref.indexOf( == -1)
{ // no host
if (outHref.toLowerCase().indexOf("") == -1)
return outHref;
// - Google ads
parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "google-ad-link"))
if (tag.href.indexOf("/aclk?sa=") != -1)
findStr = "&adurl=http";
var urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);

// extract any fragment text, shouldn't be unescaped
var pound = outHref.indexOf("#");
if (pound != -1)
var fragment = outHref.substring(pound);
outHref = outHref.substring(0, pound);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
outHref += fragment;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf("?") == -1)
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf("&");
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;

parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "link"))
if (tag.href.indexOf("") > -1)
outHref = tag.innerText;
if ((outHref == null) || (outHref.length < 0))
return false;

return outHref;

// latin america ebay
if ( tag.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("clickcounter?") > -1 )
var spanElements = tag.getElementsByTagName("span");
if ((spanElements != null) &&
(spanElements.length > 0))
if ( spanElements[0].className.toLowerCase() == "mclics-url" )
outHref = spanElements[0].innerHTML;
if ( outHref == null || outHref.length < 0 )
return false;
outHref = searchshield.removeHtmlTags(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf(" ") == -1)
{ // no spaces
if (outHref.indexOf(".") > -1)
{ // at least one dot
if ((outHref.toLowerCase().indexOf("mercadolibre") == -1) &&
(outHref.toLowerCase().indexOf("mercadolivre") == -1))
return outHref;

return false;
/////////////// EBAY SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// DIGG SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.new_links = false;
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.DiggSearchEngine; = "digg";
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.indexOf("") > -1) &&
(path.indexOf("/ad") == -1))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = false;
var findStr = "";

if ((tag.parentNode) &&
(tag.parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == "digg-count"))
return false;

if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
if (tag.className && tag.className.indexOf('source') != -1)
findStr = "/search?q=site:";
var urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 15;
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);
return outHref;

return false;
searchshield.DiggSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
// remove style that is set when alt image is applied
this.addAnchorStyle = {
background: "none"

var parent = searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.addImage;
return, node, image, hidden);
/////////////// DIGG SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// SLASHDOT SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.new_links = false;
this.type = 'inline';
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine; = "slashdot";
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements
// to use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if (domain.indexOf("") != -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

if ( tag.href.indexOf("mailto:") != -1 )
return false;

if ( tag.href.indexOf("") != -1 )
return false;

if (tag.parentNode && (tag.parentNode.tagName == "DIV"))
if ("text-") != -1)
return tag.href;
else if ( tag.parentNode && tag.parentNode.parentNode && tag.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "DIV" )
if ("text-") != -1 )
return tag.href;

return false;
searchshield.SlashdotSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var doc =;

this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image);
/////////////// SLASHDOT SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// TWITTER SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.new_links = false;
this.type = 'inline';
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine; = "twitter";
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.twitter_filter_urls = ["", "", ""];
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain=;

if (domain.indexOf("") != -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

if (tag.className.length < 1)
return false;

// no verdicts on source of twit for example "from TweetDeck"
if ((tag.className.indexOf("tweet-url web") == 0) &&
(tag.className.indexOf("url") == 0 ))
return false;

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(tag.href, this.twitter_filter_urls))
return false;

return tag.href;
searchshield.TwitterSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var doc =;

this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image);
/////////////// TWITTER SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// GMAIL SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.processFrames = true;
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.type = 'inline';
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.GMailSearchEngine; = "gmail"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if ((domain.indexOf("") != -1) ||
(domain.indexOf("gmail.") != -1))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
return false;

// don't mark anything but http://
if (tag.href.indexOf("mailto") == 0)
return false;

var parentDiv = searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName("DIV", tag, "className");
if ((parentDiv) &&
((parentDiv.className == "ii gt") || // mail message body
(parentDiv.className == "mv") || // top sponsored links
(parentDiv.className == "vb") || // right sponsored links
(parentDiv.className == "im") || // inside quotes
(parentDiv.className == "gmail_quote") || // quote
(parentDiv.className == "msg") // basic html mode
)) // right ads
// parse for any ads
var newHref = this.parseAdUrl(tag.href);
return newHref;

return false;
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var doc =;

this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image);
searchshield.GMailSearchEngine.prototype.parseAdUrl = function(href)
if (!href)
return href;

// check for google ad
var regex = "^http(s)?\:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.googlesyndication\.com.+\&adurl\=(.+)";
var re = new RegExp(regex);
var matches = href.match(re);
if (matches && (matches.length >= 4))
// else we want the fourth value
var match = matches[3];
if (match && (match.length > 0))
return match

return href;
/////////////// GMAIL SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// FACEBOOK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.type = 'inline';
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine; = "facebook"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

if ("") != -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (!tag.href || (tag.href.indexOf('') > -1) || (tag.href.indexOf('') > -1))
return false;

return tag.href
searchshield.FacebookSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var doc =;

this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image);
/////////////// FACEBOOK SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// MYSPACE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.showCleanVerdicts = false;
this.type = 'inline';
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine; = "myspace"; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href)
var uri;
if (typeof( === 'undefined' || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

if ("") != -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, )
return false;

return tag.href
searchshield.MySpaceSearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden)
var doc =;

this.show_inline_ratings(doc, node, image);
/////////////// MYSPACE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////

/////////////// AVG TOOLBAR REPORTING ///////////////
var avgreport = {
scanResult: function (doc, url, foundUrl, ip) {
// report scan end only if surf enabled
if ('1' != searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetSurfEnabled'))

// for now native is handling the interstitial
var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', url);
if ( results == null )

var parts = results.split('::');

// need at least severity
if (parts == null)

if (!ip)
ip = "";

// use a block severity if foundUrl is given
var severity = !!foundUrl ? avgreport.BLOCK_SEVERITY : parseInt(parts[0], 10);
var category = "";
var threat = "";

// fill in the category and threat if something was found
if (severity > 0)
category = parts[2];
threat = parts[4];
// else
// return;

var scan_result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'ReportScanResult', url, url, threat, category, ip, severity);
var scan_end = avgreport.scanEnd(doc, url);

return (scan_result && scan_end);
scanEnd: function (doc, url) {
return searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'ReportScanEnd', url);
GetInterstitialIP: function (interstitial) {
// simple regex to pull the IP address
var regex = /(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)\.(([1-9][0-9]{0,2})|0)/;
var match = regex.exec(interstitial);
if (!match)
return '';

return match[0];
/////////////// AVG TOOLBAR REPORTING ///////////////

/////////////// FLYOVERS ///////////////
var avglsflyover = {
count: 0,
poppedUp: false,
poppedElement: null,
reset: function () {
avglsflyover.count = 0;
avglsflyover.poppedUp = false;
avglsflyover.poppedElement = null;
popup: function (event, hash, search, flyover) {
if (!event)
event = window.event;

var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
if (div == null)

// establish target element and get its containing document object
// in case verdict is inside a frame
var eventTarget = event.srcElement;
var frameDoc = eventTarget.ownerDocument;

// if the element is the clock, don't pop over it
if ((eventTarget.src != null) && (eventTarget.src.indexOf("clock.gif") != -1))

// save the element we popped over
avglsflyover.poppedElement = eventTarget;

// if no flyover get it
if ((flyover == null) || (flyover == ""))
flyover = searchshield.avgCallFunc(frameDoc, 'BuildFlyover', hash);

if (!flyover)

// cleanup flyover, replace any new lines
flyover = flyover.replace(/\r/g, "");
flyover = flyover.replace(/\n/g, "");
// escape any single quotes
flyover = flyover.replace(/'/g, "'");

// set the html in the layer
div.innerHTML = flyover;

// there is an unwanted text node that causes vertical misalignment of flyover
if (div.firstChild.nodeType == 3)

avglsflyover.poppedUp = true;

// reset display count
avglsflyover.count = 0;

hide: function (event) {
var frameDoc = document || top.document;
var div = frameDoc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
if ((div == null) || ( == null) || ( == "hidden"))

var trans_div = frameDoc.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans");
if ((trans_div == null) || ( == null) || ( == "hidden"))

// scroll and keydown events will pass a null event by design
// toElement will be null when mousing out of frameelement containing a verdict
if (event == null || event.toElement == null)

if (trans_div.contains(event.toElement) || div.contains(event.toElement))

// if the toElement is a cooresponding alt image then don't hide
// use try/catch because toElement will be null when mousing out of frame
try {
if (!! && !!
if (, == 0)

if ( == 'XPLSS_Trans' && /XPLSS_\d+VU\d/.test(

// hide and move somewhere off screen (negative offsets) = "hidden"; = "-2100px"; = "-2100px"; = "hidden"; = "-2100px"; = "-2100px";

return true;
position: function () {
if (!avglsflyover.poppedUp || (avglsflyover.poppedElement == null))

var flyover = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
if (flyover == null)

// relative position of flyover in relation to icon
var locateX = 0; // 0=left, 1=right
var locateY = 0; // 0=above, 1=below, 2=beside icon

// get window sizes
var winSize = searchshield.viewPortSize();
var windowX = winSize[0];
var windowY = winSize[1];

// get the exact size of the flyover
var flyoverSize = searchshield.elementSize(flyover);
var flyoverX = flyoverSize[0];
var flyoverY = flyoverSize[1];

var verdictWidth = 0;
if (avglsflyover.poppedElement && avglsflyover.poppedElement.width)
verdictWidth = avglsflyover.poppedElement.width;

// get the bounding rect for image(s)
var imgRect = searchshield.GetFullBoundingRect(avglsflyover.poppedElement);

// half width/height of element bounding rect
var halfX = (imgRect.right - imgRect.left) / 2;
var halfY = (imgRect.bottom- / 2;

// element the mouse is over, get the center position
var posX = searchshield.offsetLeft(avglsflyover.poppedElement) + halfX;
var posY = searchshield.offsetTop(avglsflyover.poppedElement) + halfY;

// if a verdict is inside a frame must get offsets for the frame element
var docFrames = document.frames;
if (docFrames)
for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i++)
try {
var frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement;
if (frameElem.contentWindow.document.getElementById(
posX += searchshield.offsetLeft(frameElem);
posY += searchshield.offsetTop(frameElem);

var transXOffset = 0;
if (imgRect.mid == undefined)
transXOffset = -1 * halfX;
transXOffset = ((imgRect.right + imgRect.left) / 2) - imgRect.mid;

// normalize pos to 0 -- get amount of scrolling in browser window
var scroll = searchshield.scrollSize();
var pageOffsetX = scroll[0];
var pageOffsetY = scroll[1];

posX -= pageOffsetX;
posY -= pageOffsetY;

// setup the offsets
var offsetX = posX;
var offsetY = posY;

// calc where to display on page
if ((windowX - posX) > posX)
// right
offsetX += halfX;
locateX = 1;
offsetX -= (flyoverX + halfX);
if ((windowY - posY) > posY)
// below
if (posY < (windowY/4))
offsetY -= halfY;
locateY = 1;
offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2);
locateY = 2;
// above
if ((windowY - posY) < (windowY/4))
offsetY -= (flyoverY - halfY);
offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2);
locateY = 2;
// make sure we aren't off the screen
if (offsetY < 0)
offsetY = 0;

if ((offsetY + flyoverY) > windowY)
offsetY = windowY - flyoverY;

// add page offsets back
offsetX += pageOffsetX;
offsetY += pageOffsetY;
posX += pageOffsetX;
posY += pageOffsetY;

var paddedOffsetX = 0; //provide space between icon and flyover
var padX = 3;
if (locateX == 0)
paddedOffsetX = offsetX - padX;
paddedOffsetX = offsetX + padX;

// set where to put the flyover = offsetY + "px"; = paddedOffsetX + "px";

// set where to put the transparent layer
var trans = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans");
if (trans != null)
var trans_left = 0;
var trans_top = 0;
var trans_width= 0;
var trans_height = 0;

// transparent layer should overlap verdict image
if (locateX == 0)
trans_left = posX - flyoverX - halfX; // left
trans_left = posX - transXOffset - verdictWidth; // right = trans_left + "px"; = offsetY + "px"; = flyoverX + verdictWidth + "px"; = flyoverY + "px";

display: function () {
if (avglsflyover.count == 1)
var flyover = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
if (flyover == null)

// show the flyover, must use a little count to tell, crazy stuff = "visible";
flyover.onmouseout = function(){

// show the transparent layer
var trans_div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans");
if (trans_div == null)
return; = "visible";
trans_div.onmouseout = function(){

avglsflyover.poppedUp = false;
show: function () {
var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover");
if (div == null)
return; = "visible";

var trans_div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_Trans");
if (trans_div == null)
return; = "visible";

var avglsinlineflyover = {
build: function (riskCategory, riskName, bgColor, borderColor) {
var html = '';
html += '

html += '
html += riskCategory + '
html += riskName + '
html += '


return html;
popup: function (event, flyover, nSeverity, blUrl) {
//set verdict info
var div = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover');
if (div == null)

// blUrl is an object for a blacklisted short url
// when it is passed get the final url
if (blUrl != undefined)
var finalUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetFinalUrl', blUrl.sUrl);

var riskUrl = blUrl.sUrl;
if ((finalUrl) && (searchshield.FilterUrl(finalUrl, xplSearch.engine.shortened_urls)))
finalUrl = avglsinlineflyover.getUrlFromQueryString(finalUrl);

var riskName = blUrl.riskNameLabel + finalUrl;
flyover =, riskName, blUrl.bgColor, blUrl.borderColor);

div.innerHTML = flyover; = "auto"; //reset width = "absolute";

if (searchshield.quirksMode || searchshield.docMode <= 7)
var className = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.classname[nSeverity];
var imgBase = "linkscanner://" + className + "_inline_border_";
var divWidth = searchshield.elementSize(div)[0];
//round up to nearest 10 to avoid intentional wrapping in div
var flyoverWidth = divWidth + (10 - Math.ceil(10*((divWidth/10) - Math.floor(divWidth/10))));

var ilfoDivs = div.getElementsByTagName("div");
if (ilfoDivs && ilfoDivs.length == 5)
// = "10px"; = "url(" + imgBase + "tl.png)"; = "0 0"; = "no-repeat"; = flyoverWidth + "px"; = "9999";

// avgILFO_head
ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "tr.png)";
ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundPosition = "top right";
ilfoDivs[0].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
ilfoDivs[0].style.width = flyoverWidth + "px";
ilfoDivs[0].style.height = "5px";

// avgILFO_head div
ilfoDivs[1].style.height = "5px";

// avgILFO_content
ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "r.png)";
ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundPosition = "top right";
ilfoDivs[2].style.backgroundRepeat = "repeat-y";
ilfoDivs[2].style.fontSize = "10px";
ilfoDivs[2].style.color = "black";
ilfoDivs[2].style.padding = "0px 10px";
ilfoDivs[2].style.textAlign = "left";
ilfoDivs[2].style.wordWrap = "break-word";
ilfoDivs[2].style.lineHeight = "130%";

// avgILFO_foot
ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "bl.png)";
ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundPosition = "bottom left";
ilfoDivs[3].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
ilfoDivs[3].style.height = "5px";

// avgILFO_foot div
ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgBase + "br.png)";
ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundPosition = "bottom right";
ilfoDivs[4].style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
ilfoDivs[4].style.width = flyoverWidth + "px";
ilfoDivs[4].style.height = "5px";
{ = "10px"; = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.background[nSeverity]; = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.border[nSeverity] + " solid 3px"; = "3px 8px";
// apply updated styles for new flyover content
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i=0; i < sheets.length; i++)
if (sheets[i].id && sheets[i].id == "avgILFOStyle")
var avgILFOStyle = sheets[i];
if (typeof(avgILFOStyle) !== "undefined")
var className = xplSearch.engine.inline.color.classname[nSeverity];
var divWidth = searchshield.elementSize(div)[0];
//round up to nearest 10 to avoid intentional wrapping in div
var flyoverWidth = divWidth + (10 - Math.ceil(10*((divWidth/10) - Math.floor(divWidth/10))));

var rules = avgILFOStyle.rules;
for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++)
var bgImg = rules[i].style.backgroundImage;
var selText = rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase();

if (bgImg)
var bgImgStyle = bgImg.replace(/default/, className);
rules[i].style.backgroundImage = bgImgStyle;

if (((selText == ".avgilfo") ||
(selText == ".avgilfo_head") ||
(selText == ".avgilfo_foot div")) &&
(rules[i].style.width) && (rules[i].style.width == "0px"))
rules[i].style.width = (flyoverWidth) + "px";

if (!event)
event = window.event;

var eventTarget = event.srcElement;
hide: function (event) {
if (!event)
event = window.event;

var div = document.getElementById("XPLSS_InlineFlyover");
if (div == null)
return; = "hidden"; //invisible = "-5000px";

if (!searchshield.quirksMode)
// reset flyover styles
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i=0; i < sheets.length; i++)
if (sheets[i].id && sheets[i].id == "avgILFOStyle")
var avgILFOStyle = sheets[i];
if (typeof(avgILFOStyle) !== "undefined")
var rules = avgILFOStyle.rules;
for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++)
var bgImg = rules[i].style.backgroundImage;
var selText = rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase();
if (bgImg)
var bgImgStyle = bgImg.replace(/:\/\/([a-z]+)_/i, '://default_');
rules[i].style.backgroundImage = bgImgStyle;

if (((selText == ".avgilfo") ||
(selText == ".avgilfo_head") ||
(selText == ".avgilfo_foot div")) &&
rules[i].style.width = "0px";
position: function (imageElem) {
var flyover = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover');
if (flyover == null)

// relative position of flyover in relation to icon
var locateX = 0; // 0=left, 1=right
var locateY = 0; // 0=above, 1=below, 2=beside icon

// get window sizes
var winSize = searchshield.viewPortSize();
var windowX = winSize[0];
var windowY = winSize[1];

// Must know if there is a horizontal scroll bar for Firefox
// for proper flyover positioning near bottom edge
var scrollYWidth = winSize[2];
var scrollBarX = winSize[2] > 0 ? true : false;

// get the exact size of the flyover
var flyoverSize = searchshield.elementSize(flyover);
var flyoverX = flyoverSize[0];
var flyoverY = flyoverSize[1]; = flyoverX + "px";

// get the bounding rect for image(s)
var imgRect = imageElem.getBoundingClientRect();

// half width/height (center) of element bounding rect
var halfX = (imgRect.right - imgRect.left) / 2;
var halfY = (imgRect.bottom- / 2;

// element the mouse is over, get the center position
var posX = searchshield.offsetLeft(imageElem) + halfX;
var posY = searchshield.offsetTop(imageElem) + halfY;

var pageOffsetX = 0;
var pageOffsetY = 0;
var hasParentFrame = false;

// normalize pos to 0 -- get amount of scrolling in browser window
var scroll = searchshield.scrollSize(imageElem);
pageOffsetX = scroll[0];
pageOffsetY = scroll[1];
hasParentFrame = scroll[2];

posX -= pageOffsetX;
posY -= pageOffsetY;

//compensate for Firefox 3
if (posX < imgRect.left)
posX = imgRect.left+halfX;

// setup the offsets
var offsetX = posX;
var offsetY = posY;

// calc where to display on page
if ((windowX - posX) > posX)
// right
//offsetX += halfX;
offsetX = imgRect.right + 3;
locateX = 1;
//offsetX -= (flyoverX + halfX);
offsetX = imgRect.left - flyoverX - 3;
if ((windowY - posY) > posY)
// below
if (posY < (windowY/4))
offsetY -= halfY;
locateY = 1;
offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2) - halfY;
locateY = 2;
// above
if ((windowY - posY) < (windowY/4))
offsetY -= (flyoverY - halfY);
offsetY -= (flyoverY / 2) + halfY;
locateY = 2;
// make sure we aren't off the screen
if (offsetY < 0)
offsetY = 0;

if ((offsetY + flyoverY) > windowY)
offsetY = windowY - flyoverY;
else if (scrollBarX && ((windowY - (posY + halfY)) < scrollYWidth))
{ //verdict overlaps the horizontal scrollbar
offsetY = windowY - (flyoverY + scrollYWidth);

// add page offsets back - if not in frame
if (!hasParentFrame)
offsetX += pageOffsetX;
offsetY += pageOffsetY;
//posX += pageOffsetX;
//posY += pageOffsetY;

//var paddedOffsetX = 0; //provide space between icon and flyover
//var padX = 3;
//if (locateX == 0)
// paddedOffsetX = offsetX - padX;
// paddedOffsetX = offsetX + padX;

// set where to put the flyover = offsetY + "px"; = offsetX + "px";

display: function () {
var div = document.getElementById('XPLSS_InlineFlyover');
if (div == null)

// show the flyover = "visible";
imageExists: function(element) {
if (element)
// check next siblings children
var sibling = element.nextSibling;

if ((sibling == null) || (sibling.getElementsByTagName == null))
return false;

var images = sibling.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
if (images == null)
return false;

for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
if (images[i].id == "avg_ls_image")
return true;

return false;
getImage: function (anchor) {
if (anchor)
var imageElem = null;
var images = anchor.getElementsByTagName("img");
if (images == null)
return imageElem;

for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
if (images[i].id == "avg_ls_image")
imageElem = images[i];
return imageElem;
getUrlFromQueryString: function (inUrl) {
var url = inUrl;
var uri = searchshield.parseLink(unescape(inUrl));

if (uri.source != null)
{ // regexp failed so used split to parse url
var qsUrl = uri.source.indexOf("?url=");
if (qsUrl != -1)
url = uri.source.substring(qsUrl + 5);
url = uri.source;
else if ((uri.qsArray.url != null) && (uri.qsArray.url.length > 0))
url = uri.qsArray.url;

return url;
mouseOverHandler: function (e, doc, engine) {
if (e && e.srcElement && e.srcElement.href)
// need to keep a reference to the function registered
// by the listener to be able to remove it.
var handlerFunc = arguments.callee;
var element = e.srcElement;
var href = e.srcElement.href;

// need an engine
if (!engine)

// check if it has an image already
if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(element))

// add the image, returns the anchor not the image
var new_element = engine.add_inline_image(doc, element, null, null);

// do the check and update in the background
setTimeout(function() {avglsinlineflyover.checkAndUpdate(doc, element, new_element, engine, handlerFunc)}, 1);
checkAndUpdate: function (doc, element, new_element, engine, handlerFunc) {
if (!engine)

try {
// remove the listener and get final url
element.detachEvent("onmouseover", handlerFunc, false);
var finalUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetFinalUrl', element.href);
catch(e) {}

if ((typeof(finalUrl) != 'undefined') && finalUrl)
// if still a tiny url check for final url embedded in querystring
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(finalUrl, engine.shortened_urls) &&
(finalUrl.indexOf("?url=") != -1))
finalUrl = avglsinlineflyover.getUrlFromQueryString(finalUrl);
// update the verdict
engine.display_inline(doc, new_element, finalUrl, null, true);
/////////////// FLYOVERS ///////////////

setTimeout( function() {
try {
if ((self == top) && top.document) {
searchshield.init(top.document, 1);
}, 1 );

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


What the.......?????

I'm sorry, folks - I've no idea how I managed all that puter stuff!

My apologies.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


I am praying for the good people of Norway.


Especially for the conservative Christians there.


And especially for the families who had loved ones who died.

The_Omnissiah's picture



I feel it is important to comment on this.  This was a horrible tragedy, there is nothing less that can be said about this. 


Now that out of the way, this is an important learning experience.  If one Muslim does something horrible in the name of Islam, it is Islam's fault.  If one Christian does something in the name of Christianity, the news stops covering it.  Or better yet, as Witch has stated, changes the definers in the equation; "Right-wing gunman".  Even when people of middle eastern origin do something (even if they aren't Muslims), the world fears the worst.


Every Muslim in the world has to apologize when a single Muslim does something 'wrong' in the eyes of the west.  And even if they do, it's not enough because the world doesn't really care about apologies or reassurances, they just want to have a common enemy, something they can condemn.  The Cold War is over, so the "big bad Communist Bloc" isn't there anymore to direct all hatred and angst towards.  Let's face it, America needs enemies.  Otherwise it would lose it's title as largest military in the world, and the ego that goes along with that.


When a single person of [insert any political ideology or religion other than Islam here] persuasion does something deemed 'bad', everyone else associated can make statements of condemnation if they wish, and they might actually make it to the mainstream news.  Even if they don't, it's as if people don't expect, nor care about them.


I don't like to be alarmist, and I'm not trying to be, but I am in agreement with what Witch has stated on this thread.  This is what all the anti-Muslim rhetoric can lead to. Remember, when you make a criticism, not everyone who is listening is entirely stable.  This goes for both Muslims (kill people who insult us!) and non-Muslims (Yeah, those damn sand-niggers!). 


Does this mean we should censor ourselves?  Give up our freedom of speech?  No, freedom of speech is absolutely essential.  But what we MUST do, is USE our freedom of speech to fight all the idiots​ who are using their freedom of speech to spread ​stupidity​ and presenting ideas that seem pseudo-intellection or non-emotionally driven, but actually are the opposite.


Many of you on WonderCafe have done that, and many of you are incredibly unbiased (as humans get), and for that I thank you. Keep fighting the good fight.


This has been a short glimpse into the political world of what a Muslim has to deal with on a daily basis. Learn from it.

As-salaamu alaikum


seeler's picture



Pilgrim, after that beautiful poem, I'm wondering why you spent the next ten minutes swearing at us?




Pinga's picture



PP, you  should be able to edit that stuff out?


Yes, it is why i find that catvomit site so scary and offensive...

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



I've tried - but it doesn't work.


When I go to edit - it ends where I meant it to - at the end of the poem.

There is no sign of that puter squiggle!


So how come it mysteriously showed up here????


Tao's picture



PP when you edit your post switch to plain text editor and see if the code shows for you then. It may be the editor did a end run around your post.

LBmuskoka's picture



The_Omnissiah wrote:

I feel it is important to comment on this.  This was a horrible tragedy, there is nothing less that can be said about this. 


Now that out of the way, this is an important learning experience.  If one Muslim does something horrible in the name of Islam, it is Islam's fault.  If one Christian does something in the name of Christianity, the news stops covering it.  Or better yet, as Witch has stated, changes the definers in the equation; "Right-wing gunman".  Even when people of middle eastern origin do something (even if they aren't Muslims), the world fears the worst.


Every Muslim in the world has to apologize when a single Muslim does something 'wrong' in the eyes of the west.  And even if they do, it's not enough because the world doesn't really care about apologies or reassurances, they just want to have a common enemy, something they can condemn.  The Cold War is over, so the "big bad Communist Bloc" isn't there anymore to direct all hatred and angst towards.  Let's face it, America needs enemies.  Otherwise it would lose it's title as largest military in the world, and the ego that goes along with that.


When a single person of [insert any political ideology or religion other than Islam here] persuasion does something deemed 'bad', everyone else associated can make statements of condemnation if they wish, and they might actually make it to the mainstream news.  Even if they don't, it's as if people don't expect, nor care about them.


I don't like to be alarmist, and I'm not trying to be, but I am in agreement with what Witch has stated on this thread.  This is what all the anti-Muslim rhetoric can lead to. Remember, when you make a criticism, not everyone who is listening is entirely stable.  This goes for both Muslims (kill people who insult us!) and non-Muslims (Yeah, those damn sand-niggers!). 


Does this mean we should censor ourselves?  Give up our freedom of speech?  No, freedom of speech is absolutely essential.  But what we MUST do, is USE our freedom of speech to fight all the idiots​ who are using their freedom of speech to spread ​stupidity​ and presenting ideas that seem pseudo-intellection or non-emotionally driven, but actually are the opposite.


Many of you on WonderCafe have done that, and many of you are incredibly unbiased (as humans get), and for that I thank you. Keep fighting the good fight.


This has been a short glimpse into the political world of what a Muslim has to deal with on a daily basis. Learn from it.

As-salaamu alaikum



Omni that was one of the best posts I have had the pleasure of reading on this site.  Thank you for making such a supreme and eloquent effort. 


I also agree with Witch, the rhetoric is coming home to roost and all those who participate in it, either by speaking or by being silent in the face of it, should feel accountable.


There was a time when the world was not like this; a world where political or church figure spout bigotry as if it is gospel or truth.  There once was a time where in democratic countries honourable leaders of political parties and churches spoke out against bigotry.  It was an affront to the price that had been paid to win democracy.  We need those leaders again.


I came across this quote the other day.  It was written in 1822, by a prominent American Baptist and a leader in the fight for religious freedom.  It is as relevant today as it was then...


“The liberty I contend for is more than toleration. The very idea of toleration is despicable; it supposes that some have a pre-eminence above the rest to grant indulgence; whereas all should be equally free, Jews, Turks [Muslims], Pagans and Christians. Test oaths and established creeds should be avoided as the worst of evils.”       John Leland


Elder Leland must be rolling in his grave with what is happening in his beloved country and the democratic world as a whole.


We need peace.  We deserve peace.  We must demand peace.


Because if we don't, the tragic, horrible sacrifices that have been made will have no purpose and that will be our legacy of shame for future generations and our insult to those who sacrificed themselves to give us the freedoms we now take for granted.

Kimmio's picture



Thank you Omni. That was beautifully said and so true.

Do you write professionally, btw? You're really good and could affect a lot of positive change.

The_Omnissiah's picture



Thank you both, you honour me with your compliments.  I have been trying to work up my writing skills of late.  I wrote a play recently which can be found on my tumblr account (which is also where I write, many things I've written here I also post there) along with other things I have written about various situations, the hockey riots in vancouver for example. 


I'm also looking at taking a Journalism course at SAIT, and would love to take further writing courses in the future, I love writing.


My tumblr account can be found here:


As-salaamu alaikum


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



seeler wrote:

Pilgrim, after that beautiful poem, I'm wondering why you spent the next ten minutes swearing at us?


Er, someone once said to me that I was a "strange mixture of the sacred and the profane".


(I'm about to try Tao's suggestion to get rid of gobbledegook - you may never here from me again.)

Tao's picture



Shush u... lmao.... I and I alone have the valued prestige of VANISHING!!!


cool Wolfie.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Bugger!  Bugger ! Bugger!

I'm having a tantrum here - like a three year old in the supermarket.

I've now got a message telling me to leave this page as it's causing everything to run slow......


Sorry for the stuff-up, folks.

Motheroffive's picture



Not to worry, Pilgrim's Progress. One option on the "stuff-up" that I can think of - you could send admin an email asking someone to edit your post. They probably can see bits of code, etc, that you can't or don't know how to look for.


Also, you said something about this attack and the one on 9/11 as not being about religion. I'll have to give that some thought. One point that does come to mind is that, regardless of the "reason" for those events, our response can be about religion.


I've been out most of today and haven't had a chance to see how this conversation has been progressing. I appreciate knowing that others are wishing to respond in ways that foster peace and still struggling with the pain of this event. Thank you, all, for the respectful tone and careful reflection.


Omni, I also appreciate what you've shared coming out of your experience as Muslim.



Here's another article, related to the one linked above, regarding the "madman" explanation.



The bombs in Afghanistan have landed on Norway



Witch, I'm glad to see you, too.


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


The_Omnissiah wrote:


Now that out of the way, this is an important learning experience.  If one Muslim does something horrible in the name of Islam, it is Islam's fault.  If one Christian does something in the name of Christianity, the news stops covering it.  Or better yet, as Witch has stated, changes the definers in the equation; "Right-wing gunman".   


I agree with you, Omni - it's been noted in the media here in Oz already.


But fortunately, there are those of us who know better.


Folks whom I suspect, were raised by parents to like, rather than fear, people. 


I can well understand how under attack a lot of young Muslims must feel in the west - and it concerns me that this could  make many upset enough to feel that an "us" and "them" situation is justified and the only response.

I can't help feeling if people of all faiths - and those with none - were as mature as you this world would be a better place. For years now I have seen you "fight the good fight" and I applaud you for it. yes


The reality is that we are all connected.............

waterfall's picture



"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when God hates all the same people that you do" Anne Lamott





gecko46's picture



Omni - agreeing that this is one of the most significant posts on WC.
Your words are words we can learn from.
Many thanks.

Brian from Toronto's picture

Brian from Toronto


Predictably, many people - especially those on the political fringes - are trying to use the attack in Norway to buttress their own politics. 

Motheroffive refers us the article “The bombs in Afghanistan have landed on Norway,” because it rightly dismisses the “madman explanation” for the terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the article introduces its own perverse twist.

It begins with the phrase:

"A decade of Islamophobia to justify the war in Afghanistan..."

How many lies are contained in this single phrase? Did the Liberal government, which brought Canada into the war in Afghanistan, or the more recent Conservative governments promote Islamophobia?

No, not at all. 

Have either the Liberals or the Conservatives used Islamophobia to justify the war?

Of course not. if they did, I'm sure we'd hear about it from the NDP.

The article even claims that the war in Afghanistan somehow caused the massacre in Norway.

This amounts to nothing but political vampirism – sucking at the blood of the dead to support the writer’s fantasy.

revjohn's picture



Hi Witch,


Witch wrote:

Yes that's what's known as the "no true scotsman" fallacy.



I'm on the fence on that.  I tend to use the term Christian literally, meaning similar to Christ.  In that regard the actions of the shooter are not Christian unless we come up with something that shows Christ engaging in similar acts of terrorism.  I submit that tossing a few tables and whipping a few money lenders falls short.


Still, others do not use the term literally and instead use it as a label for individuals holding certain beliefs.  Which means the shooter is a Christian if he upholds certain beliefs even if his actions are the antithesis of Jesus' ministry.


I'm not going to say the shooter is not a Christian.  I will say that I don't value how he has chosen to testify about his faith.  I would go even further and state that his act of terrorism is atypical in much the same way acts of terrorism by adherents of other religions is atypical of their faith.


Witch wrote:

Before he went on his rampage, he left a 1500 page manifesto. In that document he is very clear on his Christianity, his anger at the mainstream churches for their apostasy, his "concern" over how the media and the church are refusing to deal with the Muslim threat.... sound familiar?


Too familiar.


Witch wrote:

Sure he was mad, but what fed his madness?


I suspect that if any could answer that question perfectly madness would become a thing of the past.  One of the hallmarks of madness is that it takes stimuli which is normative and constructs something quite other with it.  I can give my son a sandwich and he receives it with trust and eats it.  Before we were able to get him proper treatment the same sandwich was suspected of being poisoned.  That isn't because he grew up in an environment where poisoning sandwiches was typical.


Environment can be a factor.  I'm just not certain it is that cut and dried.


Grace and peace to you.



Motheroffive's picture



Brian from Toronto wrote:

Predictably, many people - especially those on the political fringes - are trying to use the attack in Norway to buttress their own politics.


We all hold political views - one meaning of the word is: ( functioning as singular ) the complex or aggregate of relationships of people in society, esp those relationships involving authority or power (


Brian from Toronto wrote:

Motheroffive refers us the article “The bombs in Afghanistan have landed on Norway,” because it rightly dismisses the “madman explanation” for the terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the article introduces its own perverse twist.

It begins with the phrase:

"A decade of Islamophobia to justify the war in Afghanistan..."

How many lies are contained in this single phrase? Did the Liberal government, which brought Canada into the war in Afghanistan, or the more recent Conservative governments promote Islamophobia?


There, we disagree. I believe that Islamophobia has been a dominant factor in way that "western" countries have responded to many of the world's events and, even more so following 9/11.


Brian from Toronto wrote:

Have either the Liberals or the Conservatives used Islamophobia to justify the war?


Does those who see and respond to the world through the lens of fear and prejudice usually admit it? Much xenophobia seems to be couched in "reasonable" language, at least in our society.



Again, we are all political in terms of how we interact in our societies and through the power structures that are part of our world. It's up to all of us to learn what we can about that world. I believe that, as a Christian, I am called (or it is my duty) to find out how to take that knowledge and respond with care. Peace will only come when we are intentional in those efforts, it won't happen by accident or by reacting to violence in fear or hate.


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