chemgal's picture



Not blaming the victim

We often hear about crimes and police making statements that places the blame on the victim.


How about recognizing the times this isn't done?


“It’s like a heinous crime. None of these women are doing anything wrong. They should be able to walk home alone, but unfortunately there are people out there that do these things and we’d like to catch them.”


It's horrible that this is happening, but it's nice to hear an appropriate response.

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trishcuit's picture



yes we had an incidence of that in the small town I grew up in just last Halloween. An eighteen year old girl was dressed in costume (Zombie) walking the tracks to a party. She was attacked and later died of her injuries.  These things just don't HAPPEN in places like Armstrong but it did.

My mom in law somehow manages to say "If she didn't accept  Halloween is the devil's holiday and gone walking out in that costume to a halloween party she would have been safe at home". That woman infuriates me sometimes.


Text book case of blaming the victim. 


PS they caught the guy a few months ago and upped his charge from Murder 2  to Murder 1. He has done this twice before and it was apparent he was lying in wait for someone or stalking her, clearly with ill intent. Therefore premeditated.

somegalfromcan's picture



Chemgal - thanks for sharing your affirmation of that police officer with us!


Trishcuit - I knew you lived in the Okanagan, but I didn't realize you were from Armstrong. I have friends from your town (as well as from the surrounding area) and they were absolutely shocked when that girl was murdered. 

trishcuit's picture



I grew up in Armstrong, went to school there from grades 2-12.  Graduated there. Walked those same train tracks. Rode my horse down main street.  Walked home from my friend's in the dark. It was a great, safe place to grow up in. What are your friends's names? A lot of names I don't know anymore since I have lived in Vernon longer than Armstrong but I go there alot. My parents live there still and it's only 14 miles up the road. (You can PM me your friends' names. Curious if i will recognize them)

somegalfromcan's picture



Trishcuit - check your inbox as I'll be wondermailing you momentarily.

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