MikePaterson's picture




THIS is a fascinating read:

Louis Theroux meets Joe Exotic and his dangerous pets — BBC News Magazine

There are more tigers in captivity in the US than in the wild in the whole of Asia, according to some estimates. But the trade in exotic pets has dangerous consequences for man and beast alike, writes Louis Theroux.

I was in the back garden of an elegant home in rural Missouri with a ticklish question hanging in the air. Should we let the big chimpanzee out of his cage?

For several weeks I'd been on a kind of suburban safari, on the trail of America's large and growing population of exotic wild animals that are kept as pets.

In Indiana, I'd had a close encounter with a baboon called Tatiana. I'd also spent several days getting to know a few of the more than 150 tigers at an "Exotic Animal Sanctuary" in Oklahoma, though mostly through the bars.

But this chimpanzee, called Cooper, was a step up on the exotic animal danger-scale. He belonged to a couple called Jill and Brad James.

The owners of a funeral home, they'd raised two daughters when they decided to take on Cooper. Later, to give Cooper some company, they added a second, younger chimp called Tucancary into the mix.

Even in the world of exotic animals, chimps are considered somewhat controversial. Travis, a 14-year-old, 200lb (91kg) chimpanzee, had once been the star of several TV commercials. He lived in suburban Connecticut with his owner Sandra Herold, sipping wine from a stemmed glass and occasionally popping a Xanax. One day in 2009, he viciously attacked a human neighbour, ripping off her face and chewing off several of her fingers.

Chimp owners have been fighting an uphill publicity battle ever since...


READ MORE AT: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15475636




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EasternOrthodox's picture



Noticed this comment on the BBC article


Considering that animals in the wild are under enormous pressures owing to habitat destruction and hunting, captive stock is important. However I strongly believe that keeping animals with such specialist requirements should be left to professional organisations who can ensure it is done properly with the animals welfare and long term conservation goals at the top of the priority list.


PS, link does not work, but you can cut and paste it into your browser


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ninjafaery's picture



Not to mention that if there was some kind of global apocalyse, they'd all get loose and add another fresh hell to the mix.


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