Faerenach's picture



Reuniting a broken family

This story warmed the cockles of my heart - it renews my faith in the United Church of Canada's ability to bring people together.


A reunion to remember

With local help, Somali refugee joins family in Canada 18 years after separation


There, the first sight of a thin, pale and exhausted Somali refugee drew tears and hugs from the mother and siblings who have waited 18 years to be reunited with him — since their country's never-ending civil war ripped their family apart.

Then he was a boy. Today he is a man. He spent more than a decade believing they had been killed. His younger sisters and brothers grew up thinking he was dead.

Noor Hussein Rage appeared overwhelmed as his mother stroked his face with trembling fingers, saying, “happy, happy, happy,” while one sister and two brothers wrapped their arms around them just before midnight, local time.

“I'm elated. I can't express with words this happiness,” Noor said. “I thank everybody who participated in this process to give me the chance to come all the way to Canada to be with my family members.”


Read the rest here:


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somegalfromcan's picture



Wow - what a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it. Our church has sponsored at least two refuge families. One of them was a family of boat people from Vietnam. One of the members of that family ended up working for the congregation for almost 40 years - retiring just last year. Currently we have a family from Zimbabwe who are co-sponsored by our congregation and a couple who are members of the congregation. I remember the joy when the parents were reunited with their adult daughters after a separation of just a couple of years - at that time they also got to meet their young grand-daughter for the first time. The joy for this Somali family must be immeasurable!

Faerenach's picture



The United Church of Canada actually has a Refugee Program Advisor, who works to streamline bids, sponsors, etc. for helping refugees find a new life here in Canada.


Here is another great story:


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