nestingtree's picture



Can you say a prayer for James?

Tonight our dear friend and neighbour had a serious accident. His wife found him on the garage floor, unconscious, when she called him for dinner. He had been working in there all day, and it appears he probably fell off his ladder. No one knows for sure what happened, nor how long he was there like that.

He was rushed to the hospital, and put on a ventilator. A CTscan revealed that he sustained two skull fractures and had several blood clots in his brain (one small, one large). As I write this, he's undergoing neurosurgery.

James is a delightful atheist, through and through, and he would tease me for asking you for your prayers. Too bad James, I'm doing it anyway!

Can you please say a prayer for him, his wife, and his children (who are staying at our home tonight).

Thank you.

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Lissimore's picture



Done. And will be done again and again.

Peace to you.

Beyond's picture



I am sure he would not mind me praying for him as I
am an agnostic, which means I will do so just in case.
Now how could he argue with that?

sighsnootles's picture



done and done...

i'm sorry to hear this, nestingtree...

AHyde's picture



Roger dodger. I'll keep James and his family in my prayers. And you too, as you minister to his family. What a crappy situation.

curlingmom's picture



I will also keep James and his family in my thoughts and prayers today. You are obviously a very loving and caring person to take his family into you home. My thoughts are with you as well.

BelieverOrNot's picture



Please be well.

revjohn's picture



I'll pray for James also.

Grace and oeace to you.


StephenGordon's picture



I will be praying for and thinking of the families and people touched by this, we forget how far reaching each person is.

Witch's picture



I will pray as well, if you would be so kind as to ask his Wife's permission. Let her know that a Pagan wishes to pray for them and would she permit it.

If not, then I will offer my best wishes for his rapid recovery, and comfort for the family.

eileenlavigne's picture



Done - and also a small boy badly burned in hospital - accidents happen everyday - they don't take a holiday

busymom's picture



I will keep James in my prayers, and you and his family as well. Be strong, have faith, keep praying and hug those little ones. That's the best thing you can do for James.


nestingtree's picture



Thank you thank you thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and words of support. James' wife asked me to say thank you to you all too. She was really touched to learn all these strangers saying a prayer for them (and was very enthuasiastic to receive a Pagan prayer, Witch).

James is responding incredibly well. He will be moved tomorrow out of the recovery room and into the neuro-ICU. He has responded well to physical tests, and if I understand correctly they believe he will have his mobility. And about an hour ago, we learned that he was conscious and actually spoke! Not just a mumble either. He said, referring to his wife, "When is Ann coming back? I need to give her a big squeeeze."

Needless to say, Jame's wife and kids are beside themselves with joy right now. It's a long road ahead but so far, this is the best possible news.

Beyond's picture



Wonderful news.

mammas's picture



nestingtree - bless you for being there for your neighbors, and thanx for sharing

Witch's picture



Good news indeed. My prayers go with them, and I continue to pray for comfort and healing.

eileenlavigne's picture



That is good news - you have demonstrated your faith to this family and that is wonderful.

Lissimore's picture



Wonderful News!

I too will keep James, his family, and friends and neighbours (including yourself, nestingtree) in my prayers.

Peace and healing to all.

busymom's picture



I have goosebumps Nestingtree. I am thrilled that James is recovering so well. Wow! Thanks for the update and for being a shining example to your friends and others what a little faith can do.

Blessings to you,

klaatu's picture



Yes - prayers and best wishes to James and his family, and wonderful news on the recovery.

mammas's picture



Just checking in to see if James is ok and to encourage/support you, nestingtree. Know that you are not alone and you have all of our prayers to help them get through this difficult time, especially during the holiday season.

nestingtree's picture



Hi everyone. Merry Christmas.

The good news continues. James continues to get better every day. He is aware of his surroundings, his family, and knows that it is Christmas. He is sitting up, and can eat solid food. He can converse for short times when he's awake. It has been amazing progress and the physicians tell them this is the best of signs.

While you might imagine this is a terrible time for such a tragedy, his family is viewing it so differently. As his wife says, sometimes it takes a tragedy for everyone to stop taking things for granted and appreciate what really matters and put life in perspective, and to reach out to and really connect to others. James' wife and kids have been *overwhlemed* by so much love and compassion shown to them by so many people. She goes on and on describing with awe the things people have done. It's been a wonderful gift.

They have gone to the worst place of fear and back again. The word I would use to describe them right now is not sadness or worry, but joy. Joy that he is simply just alive. And on top of that, joy that he can move, talk, eat. Everyday seems to rule out a potential worry they had. Right now, they are just so thankful to have this much- their cup is not half full but overflowing.

nestingtree's picture



Just got back from a visit with James. Probably our last. He's been moved to the regular ward now. No more tubes, or wires, or monitoring of any kind. With the exception of looking tired and bruised and bald with a giant incision on his head, he seems perfectly normal. He is only taking tylenol 3s for a dull headache! He is his old self now, talking up a storm, same sense of humour, and just so *normal*. I can't get over it.

He thinks he will be released today or tomorrow if only a doctor would come see him. I'm not sure if he will or not but he really wants to go home and sure seems like he should be. I'm not a doctor but it seems like a miracle to me.

Severe brain trauma, skull fracture, and brain surgery, and a few days later he's ready to go home? He said he can't wait to see the garage to figure out what work he got done that day that he can't recall doing, and maybe figure out what happened. He has no memory of that entire day.

Thank you all for your loving support and prayers.

Lissimore's picture




Thank you for keeping us posted. God be praised! Merry Christmas.

eileenlavigne's picture



Hi - did James get to go home? Hopefully in time he will be back to his old self completely


Witch's picture



Great news for Christmas, and a great way to start the new year.

bygraceiam's picture



Dear Lord we claim James as a child of the KIngdom of God, Lord, give him the Great Gift of Salvation, Heal him Lord in all ways, and quicken his healing, Let Your glory be upon him, In Jesus name I pray , Praise Jesus, in Jesus Love bygraceiam.

nestingtree's picture



James has come home which is fantastic. Home for the New Year! He's come such a long ways in such a short time.

He was and is doing well, but he's now also having bouts of such intense pain that he almost loses consciousness and can not cope. They are trying hard to not have him go back into the hospital, but at the same time these periods are horrific and scary. I hope they are able to get his pain under control.

busymom's picture



How is James today? I've been thinking about him. If the pain isn't manageable, it's probably best he get that checked soon. I've had times when I've been sick and would do anything to get home from the hospital, but once home realized I wasn't ready. It's disappointing, but we don't heal as well at home especially when we've got kids around. We push it a little further when we're parents. Hard to be a patient with patience.

I hope James is feeling better.

nestingtree's picture



He is doing very well today! He has a script for pain medication and it seems to be working well provided he take it every four hours. As you suggested he really didn't want to go back into the hospital and so far so good. His vision is quite off (he can't track things) and so he still can't read or watch TV nor leave the house, but he's very thankful to only have these problems so far.

mammas's picture



Please let James know we are all still checking up on him and asking God to provide healing for him and support for his family. thanx for keeping us in the loop - bless you nestingtree,

nestingtree's picture



I have. Thank you all.

I wanted to give one more (perhaps final) update on James. He is off pain medications now. The specialists say his eye sight problems are temporary and should heal as his brain heals. He is starting to read again, in small amounts. And get this: He actually WALKED to our house yesterday BY HIMSELF last night! UNBELIEVABLE! We were so excited to see him come to the door!

It is just SUCH a blessing and miracle he is so well after all the trauma and expecting the worst.

THANK YOU all for your continued support. This love from strangers has meant a huge amount.

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