Serena's picture



Woman Missing For Twelve Years Found in Woods

I was not sure where to put this as it seems to fit into a lot of categories.


There was a woman missing for 12 years she is 52 now so she went to live in the woods when she was 40.


The full story is here:


One wonders what could cause a sane woman to go live in the woods.   We can speculate:


1.  Maybe she is not sane?

2.  A way to get out of an abusive relationship

3.  Maybe she lost her job or her husband/boyfriend left her and then she had no place to live

4.  Maybe she never had a husband or children and just decided to leave society for awhile and is happier.


Officials are making her go to a woman's shelter.  Do we have that right?  Maybe she likes it in the woods. 


I have some Christian fundamental friends who want to go live on a mountain in a cabin without power, heat, and running water.  They want to sell all their belongings and leave the "world" and all its' evil behind them.  They want to grow a garden and live like Adam and Eve because "that is how God intended things"    What is stopping them is that they have five children whom Children's Services would likely take away if they became hermits like that.


Don't you admit that sometimes it is tempting just to decide you are not going to play along with all the stupid politics of the government and society?  Part of me admires people who have the guts to leave it all when I think of how many hours I work just to pay for overpriced food, power, gas, and water.  It is like we are modern day slaves in a way.


Do we have the right to decide what is normal for other people?


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trishcuit's picture



 I agree Serena.

Serena's picture



.....and just because my friends would like to go live on a mountain, homeschool, and live from the land why should they be afraid that Children's Services will take their children?


I mean sure it is an alternative lifestyle but children are allowed to remain in homes where spouses beat on the mother of the child, children are allowed to remain in gay marriage homes (not knocking the choice just pointing out that it is an alternate lifestyle that differs from what society thinks is "normal") children are allowed to live in group marriages,  (or group common law arrangements)  so seriously what is so wrong about living on a mountain?  It would not be my choice because I would want my kids in dance, music lessons, swimming etc.

kaythecurler's picture



I'm not sure why the Swiss authorities think it is worse to be homeless in the woods than homeless under a bridge.  If she is well and safe why not leave her alone?

In Canada I'm pretty sure that parents can take their kids to live with them anywhere that is basically safe provided they arrange for adequate schooling.

Pilgrim's picture



I think it was the people that owned the land she was on that wanted her out of there. If they let her live there after this publicity then they would be swamped with other people wanted to set up tents. A free camp site sounds good.  I think that the authorities should just leave her alone. If the owners of this property wants her to move on, she can likely find someplace else that she finds suitable, like she has for the past 12 years.

naman's picture



Thanks for the link Serena. Something to ponder.

I am keeping my eye out for WonderCafe's Redhead and start to get worried when she does not post for a while. Just yesterday, I started to pray that cabin fever does not set in.

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