Beloved's picture



Compromised Gastro-Intestinal Tracts

For the last few months I have been struggling with health issues related to a compromised, damaged gastro-intestinal tract - most specifically the lower tract, but it have affected the whole tract in a variety of ways.  Also dealing with the pancreas not excreting the enzymes needed to further digest food in the small bowel - not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, or the pancreas issue or the tract issue - but both need healing.


I am currently taking Black Walnut Capsules (which contain Black Walnut, Quassia, Yarrow, Sweet Wormwood, Gentian, Pumpkin, and Clove), Licorice Solid Extract, and a Probiotic, as well as large amounts of Vitamin D (as I am extremely low).


Anyone else have issues such as these - and found something that helped a great deal?  (Where is Witch when you need him LOL?)


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Alex's picture



I have all sorts of problems, likely related to having an ASD, and HIV, so what works for you may be different for me. However what I use has been know to help others with different types of conditions affecting the digestive tract


I like to use Kefir instead of probiotics. (probiotics in a pill provide little in numbers and variety of healthy probiotics relative to Kefir)


I also use Glutamine.  You can buy it in a pill, but it is expensive. Go to a bodybuilder type store which has large containers of it at much cheaper prices. I use a table spoon a day.


If the glutamine helps you should notice immediately, while the kefir may take a week or two to show  results.



Beloved's picture



I've read a lot about kefir, Alex, but I don't know if I can buy it here . . . I am going to check it out.

I will also check out the glutamine.  One of the enzymes I was taking, but had to stop, had glutamine in it . . . I've read a bit about this . . . will continue to pursue it.


I am being treated by a naturopath doctor . . . and right now I am following his plan of attack . . . and probably own't initiate anything new on my own, but am seeing him in 3 weeks.


Alex's picture



Not all naturopaths are equal. Hopefully his plan will including add/removing one thing at a time.  


I would be suspicious if your naturopath is also a retailer of the pills he proscibe. (IMHO it is a conflict of interest) Ask her or him if it would be OK for you to shop around for better prices on any supplements she or he recommends.


carolla's picture



I think you can buy kefir starter on-line & make your own at home with either water or milk (but the cultures used are different I think)  ... if so inclined!  haven't tried it myself ... 

Alex's picture



I can sometimes find it at my local Metro Grocery store. If not it can be found in health food stores.   Howver it is likely much cheaper to buy starter kits on line and make your own.

Beloved's picture



Oh, so I can't buy a finished product in the store . . . probably not here anyway.  I did see a boxed item in the local bulk bin that had "kefir" on it . . . that means you need a yogurt machine or something?  I will have to google this.


chemgal's picture



My sister made it once.  I think she just put it a bowl with milk and left it at room temp.

gecko46's picture



A few years ago my bowels were inflamed...before we realized I was gluten intolerant.

I was in constant pain and there were very few foods I could tolerate.  Lost 15 pounds.

My homeopathic doctor suggested Aloe Vera gel - gel because it is more readily absorbed by the tissues.

Started out with a teaspoon before meals and gradually increased to a tablespoon.

Within a couple of weeks the pain in the abdomen was gone, and I was feeling much better.  I stayed with the Aloe remedy for a couple of years until things got sorted out.


This may not be a remedy that works for you, Beloved, but might be worth trying.  You certainly don't want to create more problems.  Good to discuss with your naturopath.



Alex's picture



chemgal wrote:

My sister made it once.  I think she just put it a bowl with milk and left it at room temp.

I think you also have to cover the bowl in a cheesecloth.


Northwind's picture



You've gotten some good advice here. This is an interesting thread. Have you considered taking a prebiotic or similar product. Vogel has Molkosan and Vitality which are two good products that help support the gut. I also like using Floressence tea now and again to help set everything straight as well. The Vogel website has some good information: So does Flora: We just had the opportunity to visit Vogel in Switzerland and I was really impressed with the research and quality of their products. I've also visited Flora in Burnaby and it is excellent as well.

Beloved's picture



yes gecko, I will discuss with my doctor. I don't want to add or try anything new now while I am taking two things right now.

Kimmio's picture



I find holy basil/ tulsi tea ( made with a type of basil found in India. Whole Foods sells it), the lemon ginger variety (there are a few 'flavours') settles things down too. Not as a substitute for what you're doing already, but it might help. It's a nice hot drink that's soothing on the tummy, I find.

Legitimate medical studies are now being done to determine tulsi's usefulness in the treatment of cancer- but it has other benefits for common, less serious ailments- if nothing else, the tea is pleasant.

Beloved's picture



My naturopath doctor has now prescribed l-glutamine amino acid powder (that I mix with water) along with the Licorice Solid Extract and Black Walnut capsules . . . hopefully things will improve greatly now :)


crazyheart's picture



My goodness. What a lot of suggestions from all the gurus on WonderCafe. I knew none of these things.



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